
  1. 因此,本文重点分析了政策失效的原因,并提出政策重点须向往届毕业生倾斜的观点。

    So I emphasis on the reasons that policy lose its efficacy and make a point that policy should lean to the graduates from previous years .

  2. 第四部分为实证调查,通过有关英语需求方面的学生调查问卷和学生访谈,对在校学生以及往届毕业生进行英语学习需求分析。

    Part four presents the investigation on students ' learning needs . The author make the investigation through asking students to fill in questionnaires and interviewing students .

  3. 文章通过对河南省非师范类高等学校在校生及在职往届毕业生普通话使用情况的调查分析,研究探讨了该人群双言使用情况和心态;

    This is the report of an investigation of the use of Putonghua among students of and graduates from the non normal colleges and universities in Henan Province .

  4. 文章通过对长春某高校服装专业的往届毕业生进行了电话访谈调查,调查结果表明,单一的课程设置和静态的教育模式严重制约了学生毕业后的快速发展。

    The article passes spring some high school uniform toward lived good looked up , The investigation result indicated , The sole curriculum and the static education pattern seriously restricted the student to graduate the after fast development .

  5. 而且,虽然就业前景改善对2011届毕业生可能是个好消息,但对于目前仍未就业的往届毕业生以及仍在从事接线员等临时工作的人而言,可能是个坏消息。

    And while potentially better jobs picture might be good news for the class of 2011 , it could mean bad news for graduates of previous years still waiting tables or stuck at a temp job answering phones .

  6. 2010年大学毕业生达到630万人,而金融危机引起的周期性失业和结构性失业问题日益突出,再加上未实现就业的往届毕业生,解决大学生就业难的问题迫在眉睫。

    The number of University graduates reached 630 million in 2010.Because of cyclical unemployment and structural unemployment caused by the financial crisis , along with the previous graduates not in employment , have become increasingly prominent matter . Solving the difficult problem of graduate employment become the most urgent thing .

  7. 大学生村官是指具有大专以上学历的应届或往届大学毕业生,到农村的村党支部或村民委员会担任助理等农村基层组织中的职务。

    College-Graduate " Village Official " means the graduate students who have Junior college degree or above , to hold an office in the primary-level organizations in the countryside .

  8. 同时,本文通过对几项辽宁省大学生创业调查的结果分析,发现在制定政策时,忽略了一个重要的群体&往届大学毕业生。

    At the same time through the analysis on several college students ' survey , I find all of the policies ignored a important group : the graduates from previous years .