
nián xī
  • annual interest;interest per annum
年息 [nián xī]
  • [annual interest] 年利

年息[nián xī]
  1. 这些贷款应付的年息数额很大。

    The annual interest payable on these loans was last .

  2. 年息(率)是多少?差不多十八年。

    What 's the annual interest rate ? ' Almost eighteen years . '

  3. 兹借查尔斯·格林先生叁仟美元(U.S。$3000),年息四厘,自即日算起,一年内归还。

    I.O.U.three thousand U.S.dollars ( U.S. $ 3000 ) only , within one year from this date with annual interest at four percent ( 4 % ) .

  4. 然而收购价格却更像美发店,而不是超市&几乎是截至6月份的上一财年息税折旧及摊销前收益(EBITDA)的15倍。

    The price is more salon than supermarket , at almost 15 times earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation for the past fiscal year to June .

  5. 即使曼联的债务净额达到4.25亿英镑&是其2011年息税折旧及摊销前利润(EBITDA)的3.9倍,它仍有投资价值。

    Even allowing for its £ 425m of net debt – 3.9 times 2011 earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation – there is value in Manchester United .

  6. 记录面值5美元,年息8%的债券的应计利息。

    Record the interest accrued on $ 5 at 8 %

  7. 发行年息2%,2年期的应付债券,价格为100%。

    Issued 2 % 2-year bonds payable at a price of 100 .

  8. 借入10美元,为期6个月,年息2%。

    Borrowed $ 10 for six months at 2 % interest per year .

  9. 嗯,对大多数贷款来讲年息是22%。

    Well , on most loans it would be 22 % per year .

  10. (年息)每个时期都不同,现在是六厘。

    It varies from time to time . At present it is 6 % .

  11. 记录到年末发生的利息费用,年息2%,期限6个月,11月1日为出票日。

    To record interest expense incurred through year-end on 2 % six-month note dated Nov. 1 .

  12. 记录在到期日支付年息2%期限6个月的票据,并确认上年末以来发生的利息费用。

    To record payment of2 % , six-month note on maturity date and to recognize interest expense incurred since year-end .

  13. 此后,购房者会到商业银行申请贷款,年息一般是12%左右。

    Thereafter , homebuyers go to high street banks for a mortgage , typically at about 12 per cent annual interest .

  14. 如果该公司发行10美元,年息10%应付债券,每年的利息费用为1美元。

    If this corporation issues $ 10 of10 % bonds payable , it will incur interest expense of $ 1 per year .

  15. 此前巴菲特从这些优先股赚取10%年息,让伯克希尔每年进账大约5亿美元。

    Mr Buffett earned a 10 per cent annual coupon on the preferred stock , netting Berkshire about $ 500m a year .

  16. 分析师们说,雅虎的核心业务价值约为2014年息税折旧摊销前收益的四到六倍――更类似于平面媒体的估值。

    Analysts say Yahoo 's core business should be valued at around four to six times 2014 Ebitda & more like a print media asset .

  17. 但要是那样的话,利率就跟活期储蓄账户一样,即年息0.72%。

    However , in that case , the rate of interest will be that of a saving account that is zero point seven two percent per annum .

  18. 多罗米埃是往日那种老资格的学生,他有钱,他有四千法郎的年息,四千法郎的年息,在圣热纳微埃夫山①上,可以为所欲为了。

    Tholomyes was the antique old student ; he was rich ; he had an income of four thousand francs ; four thousand francs ! a splendid scandal on Mount Sainte-Genevieve .

  19. 住公寓时,他让门房替他料理杂务,只说自己是郊区的一个有固定年息的人,在城里要有个歇脚点。

    He had himself served by the porters , and gave himself out as a gentleman from the suburbs , living on his funds , and having a little temporary resting-place in town .

  20. 浙江一位从事短期借贷中介业务的经纪人表示,为了给有钱客户管理资金,他不得不许下年息20%以上的承诺,这大致相当于基准存款利率的6倍。

    To manage funds for wealthy clients , a money broker in Zhejiang Province said he had to promise more than 20 per cent in annual interest , or around 6 times the benchmark deposit rate .

  21. 一切信用机构都要收取利息,按月结算年息可能高达百分之二十五,但是,只要你明智地使用信用卡购物,你就可以赊欠7个星期而不必付利息

    " All the credit organizations charge interest on a monthly basis which may work out as high AS25 percent a year , yet judicious purchasing using a card can mean that you obtain up to seven weeks interest-free credit "

  22. 但一些内部人士表示,这一点可能很难实现,因这些证券在花旗的资本结构中被列为债务,并支付年息,这使其持有者几乎没有动力将其转换为普通股。

    However , some insiders said that could be difficult to implement because those securities rank as debt in the company 's capital structure and pay an annual interest rate , giving holders little incentive to exchange them for common shares .

  23. 这两家公司承诺,贷款申请流程只需不到5分钟,贷款金额最高可达30万美元,月息为0.5%至2.4%(相当于年息6%至32%)。

    The companies promise that an application takes less than five minutes , and offer up to $ 300,000 in funding . Monthly lending rates range from 0.5 per cent to 2.4 per cent ( 6 per cent to 32 per cent annually ) .