
línɡ yònɡ xiàn jīn
  • petty cash/fund
  1. 补足零用现金基金。

    To replenish the petty cash fund .

  2. 假定某公司决定设置5美元零用现金基金,公司签发一张支票并到银行兑换纸币和铸币。

    Assume that one company has decided to establish a petty cash fund of $ 5 . a check should be written and exchanged at the bank for currency and coin .

  3. 窃贼破门进入办公室偷走了零用现金。

    Thieves break into the office and steal the petty cash .

  4. 她多月来一直从零用现金中偷钱。

    She had been pilfering from the petty cash for months .

  5. 登记零用现金账目的主要目的是什么?

    What are the chief purposes of keeping a petty cash account ?

  6. 他偷零用现金时被人发现了。

    He was caught stealing from the petty cash .

  7. 杰夫:记住要带零用现金,简!

    Jeff : Just remember to bring the petty cash with you Joan !

  8. 我们把零用现金放在保险柜里。

    We keep the petty cash in the safe .

  9. 零用现金帐目是用来记录小额的业务费用开支的。

    A petty account is used for recording small items of business expenditure .

  10. 因此每一笔开销都应该有一张零用现金发票。

    So every item of expenditure must be proved by a pretty cash voucher .

  11. 我想你对处理这样的零用现金交易不烦吗?

    I wonder whether you are getting bored dealing with such petty cash transaction .

  12. 只有当初次设置备用金时,才借记零用现金账户。

    The petty cash account is debited only when the fund is first established .

  13. 零用现金:公司的小额现金,用以支付小额但是必需的物品。

    Petty cash : a small amount of cash kept by companies to pay for the small but necessary items .

  14. 装在零用现金箱中的现金和(或)付款凭单上的总额应总是正好等于备用金的数额。

    The petty cash box should always contain cash and / or vouchers totaling the exact amount of the fund .

  15. 会计说我们可以用零用现金去买纸,但是不能用它买一个新的打印机。

    Ex : The accountant said that we could use petty cash to buy paper but not to buy a new printer .

  16. 公司的会计应该从公司的零用现金中准备出水、茶和咖啡的费用。

    The company accountant will probably allow the cost of water , tea and coffee out of the company 's petty cash .

  17. 对零用现金要不时地进行突击性盘点,以防止对零用现金管理粗心,盗窃和滥用现象的发生。

    And occasional surprise counts of the fund should be made to prevent careless handling , theft , and misuse of petty cash fund .

  18. 这笔现金存放在办公室里的零用现金箱或抽屉中。签发支票时的分录为

    The money is kept on hand in a petty cash box or drawer in the office . The entry for the issuance of the check is

  19. 现金交易是由不同的分类账户来记录的,最常用的如:库存现金、零用现金和银行存款等。

    Various ledger accounts are used to record cash transactions ; some common examples are cash on hand , petty cash , and cash in banks .

  20. 在我们这样的小保险公司里,我的工作包括:完成关于政策的文书、发工资以及管理零用现金。

    In a small insurance firm like ours , my job involves everything from completing the paperwork for policies to paying people and managing petty cash .

  21. 备用金保管人到银行将这张补充支票兑成现金并存放到零用现金箱中。各基金/准备金调剂使用

    The custodian of the fund will cash the replenishment check at the bank and place the cash in the petty cash box . transfer between funds / reserves