- zero hour;twelve o'clock midnight

[twelve o'clock midnight] 半夜十二点
With no guaranteed income , employees on zero hours contracts sometimes find it difficult to get mortgages and other forms of credit .
The contracts have been criticized for not offering a basic level of financial security , many workers not being given enough hours and not having the same employment rights as those on traditional contracts .
Predictably , the use of such contracts is controversial , not least because they give no guarantee of work , yet often deny the opportunity to seek employment elsewhere – some zero hours contracts oblige workers to seek permission before they can take on other jobs .
Some zero hours contracts make it compulsory for workers to accept the working hours they 're offered , and others allow the employee to decide , but most contracts of this type don 't offer sick or holiday pay , and deny rights such as redundancy payments and pensions .
When the count of unfinished tasks drops to zero , join () unblocks .
If ζ c → 0 , the results in this paper are all turned into general slab dielectric waveguide ' s.
The computation of DC resistivity sounding curves on horizontal layered earth based on Mn unequal to zero
The simulations show that , the RF resonance method without magnetic field is the best among others , then the improved M type electrode method .
When their orbit eccentricity or inclination are near zero , some problems may occur when the GPS Kepler orbit elements fitting method is applied to fit their broadcast ephemeris parameters .
Chapter 2 applies the theory of large deviations to analyze the intermediate or medium run behavior of the perturbed Markov chains , as the perturbation tends to zero .
ⅳ . To order only according to the formula of infinite time period in every stage .
When the step-length is set zero , the algorithm is equal to PF ; when the step-length is great , the algorithm diffuses ;
When EVA is zero , removing institutions , recalling loan-granting power , etc. can reduce the present risks , but will make bank miss potential investment chances .
For positive inputs , A1 operates as a normal amplifier connected to the A2 summing point through resistor , R5 .
The results agree with those obtained by the Lorentz transformation when the acceleration of the moving plasma wave frame equals zero .
AC control is a normal application for triacs and SCRs because the turnoff time is decreased when the device is switched off during a zero-crossing .
Study of Making Zero Sequence Current in Distribution Networks with Two Phases Current Transformers ; When the galvanometer reads zero the circuit is in the null-balance position .
The Simulation when lookahead is Zero
When the flow velocity is equal to zero , the results in this paper degenerate to the Stokes waves which have already been obtained in rest water .
When the inner hole of domain is contracted to zero , the limiting function is the solution for boundary value problem of Poisson 's equation without condition of integral forms .
When the residual renal function was absent , dialysate volume increased with dietary protein intake in the same body weight .
The theoretical and experimental results of a nonreciprocal H plane dielectric-loaded H plane ferrite phase shifter are presented , including the approximate formula of differential phase shift and the transcendental equation of differential phase shift frequency response with zero slope .
Based on filter algorithm to calculate apparent resistivity of tri-electrode arrangement when MN is close to zero , this paper presents a numerical integral method of computing DC resistivity as MN is not equal to zero .
As expected , it reduces to Dyson 's result on putting the masses to be zero .
These characteristic or frequency equations can analytically reduce to the classical forms of Euler-Bernoulli beams if the gradient index disappears .
Utilizing the elliptic V-cone antenna ( EVA ) as a universal model , when k → 0 , the elliptic V-cone antenna retrogresses to a triangular V-plate antenna . The input impedance of the TVA can be derived through the EVA related formulas .
When the count reaches zero , the state of the semaphore object becomes non-signaled .
It is well known that the NCP-functions can be used to reformulate a nonlinear complementarity problem ( NCP ) as a nonsmooth system of equations .
That CLQ is below zero showed that the principal characteristic of the subject 's cognitive feature tends to language cognition .
In addition , the inertial force on veins is abnormal , when initial setting angle is not equal to zero . The reason is that the x and y component of the force are appended a variable dependant on the direction of motion , respectively .