
líng shí
  • zero hour;twelve o'clock midnight
零时 [líng shí]
  • [twelve o'clock midnight] 半夜十二点

零时[líng shí]
  1. 靠“零时工合同”工作的员工也因为没有收入保障而很难获得按揭贷款及其它形式的信用服务。

    With no guaranteed income , employees on zero hours contracts sometimes find it difficult to get mortgages and other forms of credit .

  2. 因无法提供基本的财务保障、很多员工没有获得足够的工时,以及不能享受与传统雇员同等职业权利等问题,“零时工合同”一直饱受诟病。

    The contracts have been criticized for not offering a basic level of financial security , many workers not being given enough hours and not having the same employment rights as those on traditional contracts .

  3. 可以预见的是,使用这一类合同颇具争议性,主要的原因是这类合同无法保证随时有工作,而且还阻止员工寻求其他的就业机会——有些“零时工合同”要求员工在接洽其他工作任务前需获得现任雇主的许可。

    Predictably , the use of such contracts is controversial , not least because they give no guarantee of work , yet often deny the opportunity to seek employment elsewhere – some zero hours contracts oblige workers to seek permission before they can take on other jobs .

  4. 有些“零时工合同”要求员工必须接受雇主提出的工作时间要求,有些会让员工考虑后做决定;不过,大部分“零时工合同”都不包括带薪病假或休假,也没有裁员津贴或养老金。

    Some zero hours contracts make it compulsory for workers to accept the working hours they 're offered , and others allow the employee to decide , but most contracts of this type don 't offer sick or holiday pay , and deny rights such as redundancy payments and pensions .

  5. 当未完成的任务的总数减少到零时,join()就会结束阻塞状态。

    When the count of unfinished tasks drops to zero , join () unblocks .

  6. 当ζc趋于零时,本文的所有结果均退化成通常平板介质波导情形。

    If ζ c → 0 , the results in this paper are all turned into general slab dielectric waveguide ' s.

  7. MN不等于零时水平层状大地直流电阻率测深曲线的计算

    The computation of DC resistivity sounding curves on horizontal layered earth based on Mn unequal to zero

  8. 模拟发现,磁场为零时的RF共振法不论从离子引出时间还是从碰撞损失率看都是几种方法中最好的;其次是改进M型电极法。

    The simulations show that , the RF resonance method without magnetic field is the best among others , then the improved M type electrode method .

  9. 导航卫星一般采用近圆轨道,当卫星轨道偏心率或者轨道倾角接近于零时,利用GPS卫星开普勒轨道根数拟合卫星广播星历会出现一些问题。

    When their orbit eccentricity or inclination are near zero , some problems may occur when the GPS Kepler orbit elements fitting method is applied to fit their broadcast ephemeris parameters .

  10. 第二章应用大偏差理论来分析,当随机扰动趋于零时,带随机扰动的Markov链的次极限行为或中期行为。

    Chapter 2 applies the theory of large deviations to analyze the intermediate or medium run behavior of the perturbed Markov chains , as the perturbation tends to zero .

  11. Ⅳ.每阶段均按无限时域EOQ公式订货,并仅在库存为零时订货。

    ⅳ . To order only according to the formula of infinite time period in every stage .

  12. 仿真结果表明,步长系数为零时,该算法等价于基本的PF算法;

    When the step-length is set zero , the algorithm is equal to PF ; when the step-length is great , the algorithm diffuses ;

  13. EVA为零时,撤销机构、收回贷款权等,可减少当前风险,但使银行失去潜在投资机会。

    When EVA is zero , removing institutions , recalling loan-granting power , etc. can reduce the present risks , but will make bank miss potential investment chances .

  14. 输入大于零时,A1起放大作用,输出经电阻R5连到A2的求和节点。

    For positive inputs , A1 operates as a normal amplifier connected to the A2 summing point through resistor , R5 .

  15. 当等离子体波参考系的加速度为零时,所得结果与Lorentz变换结果一致。

    The results agree with those obtained by the Lorentz transformation when the acceleration of the moving plasma wave frame equals zero .

  16. 由于器件在过零时被关断会降低关断时间,所以双向晶闸管和SCR通常用于交流控制。

    AC control is a normal application for triacs and SCRs because the turnoff time is decreased when the device is switched off during a zero-crossing .

  17. 两相TA配电网零序电流构造方法研究当检流计的读数为零时,电路处于零平衡位置。

    Study of Making Zero Sequence Current in Distribution Networks with Two Phases Current Transformers ; When the galvanometer reads zero the circuit is in the null-balance position .

  18. Lookahead为零时的仿真

    The Simulation when lookahead is Zero

  19. 当流速为零时,本文的结果就退化为已有的在静水中的stokes波。

    When the flow velocity is equal to zero , the results in this paper degenerate to the Stokes waves which have already been obtained in rest water .

  20. 当区域的内孔收缩为零时,该极限函数就是不带积分形式边界条件的Poisson方程边值问题的解。

    When the inner hole of domain is contracted to zero , the limiting function is the solution for boundary value problem of Poisson 's equation without condition of integral forms .

  21. 当残肾功能为零时,相同体重患者随着每天蛋白质摄入量(DPI)增加,其透析剂量也相应的增加;

    When the residual renal function was absent , dialysate volume increased with dietary protein intake in the same body weight .

  22. 本文报告了H面铁氧体非互易移相器的H面介质加载的研究结果;推导了该器件的差相移近似表达式及差相移频率特性斜率为零时的超越方程。

    The theoretical and experimental results of a nonreciprocal H plane dielectric-loaded H plane ferrite phase shifter are presented , including the approximate formula of differential phase shift and the transcendental equation of differential phase shift frequency response with zero slope .

  23. 在MN趋于零时滤波计算三极装置直流电测深视电阻率的基础上,采用数值积分方法,导出了MN不趋于零时的三极(对称四极)装置直流电阻率测深曲线的计算方法。

    Based on filter algorithm to calculate apparent resistivity of tri-electrode arrangement when MN is close to zero , this paper presents a numerical integral method of computing DC resistivity as MN is not equal to zero .

  24. 在最低质量取为零时,它化为Dyson的结果。

    As expected , it reduces to Dyson 's result on putting the masses to be zero .

  25. 当梯度指数为零时,这些特征方程或频率方程能退化为Euler-Bernoulli梁的经典形式。

    These characteristic or frequency equations can analytically reduce to the classical forms of Euler-Bernoulli beams if the gradient index disappears .

  26. 运用具有普遍性的椭圆V-锥天线做模型,当椭圆锥的k值趋于零时,椭圆V-锥天线退化为三角板天线,根据椭圆V-锥天线的有关公式求出了三角板天线的输入阻抗。

    Utilizing the elliptic V-cone antenna ( EVA ) as a universal model , when k → 0 , the elliptic V-cone antenna retrogresses to a triangular V-plate antenna . The input impedance of the TVA can be derived through the EVA related formulas .

  27. 当计数值成为零时,信号对象的状态成为non-signaled。

    When the count reaches zero , the state of the semaphore object becomes non-signaled .

  28. 其次将一种类NCP函数用于互补问题,当类NCP函数的参数趋于零时我们就可以得到互补问题的解。

    It is well known that the NCP-functions can be used to reformulate a nonlinear complementarity problem ( NCP ) as a nonsmooth system of equations .

  29. 当CLQ小于零时,表明被试的认知功能特点倾向于以言语认知为主要特征;

    That CLQ is below zero showed that the principal characteristic of the subject 's cognitive feature tends to language cognition .

  30. 除此之外,在初始安装角不为零时翅脉受的惯性力出现了异常,其原因在于惯性力的x和y方向分量均在最后附加了与翅脉运动方向相关的一项。

    In addition , the inertial force on veins is abnormal , when initial setting angle is not equal to zero . The reason is that the x and y component of the force are appended a variable dependant on the direction of motion , respectively .