
  • 网络The Crooked House;Strange House;crazy house
  1. 可有愚人夜不能寐却怪屋中床?睡不着何必睡那床;

    Are beds prepared for sleepers at night in the houses ? No sleepers must sleep in those beds ;

  2. 科西嘉岛上的怪屋是由一整块巨大的卵石筑成的,其突出部分已经用砖给堵住了。

    The unusual house in Corsica is made out of a large boulder whose overhang has been bricked in .

  3. 我们居然想用感冒药让怪怪屋睡着。

    We tried to put a house to sleep with cold medicine .

  4. 怪怪屋好像不知道我们进来了。

    I don 't think the house knows that we 're in here .