首页 / 词典 / good

  • strange;odd;queer;peculiar
  • find sth. strange;wonder at;be surprised;blame
  • very;quite;rather
  • monster;demon;devil;evil being
  • 奇异,不平常:~诞(离奇古怪)。~事。~物。~讶。~圈(quān )。~话。~异。奇形~状。

  • 惊奇:大惊小~。~不得。

  • 传说中的妖魔之类:鬼~。妖~。

  • 性情乖僻或行为异样的人:~癖(古怪的癖好)。~僻(古怪)。

  • 很,非常:~好的天气。

  • 怨,责备:不~你。~罪。~怨。


(奇怪) strange; odd; queer; peculiar; eccentric; quaint; monstrous; bewildering; abnormal; unusual:

  • 怪现象

    strange phenomenon; sth. quite unusual;

  • 出怪题

    set queer [odd] questions (in an examination);

  • 一个怪念头

    a quaint notion;

  • 他的样子很怪。

    He is very strange in his manner.


(觉得奇怪) find sth. strange; wonder at; be surprised:

  • 那有什么可怪的?

    Is that anything to be surprised at?

  • 在很多问题上没有共同语言是不足怪的。

    The failure to arrive at a common language on many problems is not to be wondered at.


(责备; 埋怨) blame; rebuke:

  • 拙匠常怪工具差。

    Bad workmen often blame their tools.

  • 我必须说都怪我不好。

    I must say that I am very much to blame.

  • 这不能怪他, 只怪我没有交代清楚。

    This is not his fault. I am to blame for not having made the whole thing clear to him.


[口] (很; 非常) very; quite; rather:

  • 怪不好意思的

    be very embarrassed;

  • 瞧, 这些葡萄怪水灵的。

    Look, how fresh and juicy those grapes are.

  • 她唱的流行歌曲怪好听的。

    The pop songs she sings are very pleasant to the ear.

  • 这箱子怪沉的。

    The suitcase is rather heavy.


(怪物; 妖怪) monster; demon; devil; evil being:

  • 鬼怪

    demons, ghosts and goblins; forces of evil


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 怪义

    Guai Yi

  1. 他的声音在电话里听着挺怪的。

    His voice sounded strange on the phone .

  2. 他有点怪。

    There 's something strange about him .

  3. 观众中有各色人等,显得很怪。

    There was a curious mixture of people in the audience .

  4. 是谁让你产生这种怪念头的?

    Who 's been putting such weird ideas into your head ?

  5. 远处嘎吱嘎吱的声音回响在漆黑的走廊里,怪可怕的。

    Distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along the dark corridors .

  6. 想到楼里只有我一个人,怪害怕的。

    It scared me to think I was alone in the building .

  7. 我根本不同情你——这都怪你自己。

    I have no sympathy ─ you brought it all on yourself .

  8. 发动机发出一种很怪的声音。

    The engine 's making a very funny noise .

  9. 看到自己上了电视感觉怪怪的。

    It 's really weird seeing yourself on television .

  10. 她的头发带有怪怪的黄色。

    Her hair was an improbable shade of yellow .

  11. 她要是准时到这儿那才怪咧!

    If she 's here on time , I 'll eat my hat !

  12. 坦白说,我并不怪你。

    Quite frankly , I don 't blame you .

  13. 近来约翰的行为怪得很。

    John 's been acting very strangely lately .

  14. “你只能怪你自己。”她冷漠地说。

    ' You 've only got yourself to blame , ' she said unsympathetically .

  15. 他生自己的气,怪自己竟让事情搞得如此不可收拾。

    He was furious with himself for letting things get so out of control .

  16. 那个人有点儿怪。

    There 's something odd about that man .

  17. 要我说呀,他这人有那么一点怪。

    There was something , dare I say it , a little unusual about him .

  18. 她总是怪命不好。

    She is always bemoaning her lot .

  19. 他有些怪念头。

    He 's got some weird ideas .

  20. 我总觉得他有点儿怪——如果你明白我这话是什么意思。

    I always found him a little strange , if you know what I mean .

  21. 这音乐有些地方有点怪。

    Some of the music was weird .

  22. 这事儿可能是有点怪。

    It was , like , weird .

  23. 你想给她打电话就打吧,不过要是她生气就别怪我。

    Call her if you like , but don 't blame me if she 's angry .

  24. 她时睡时醒,脑子里做着各种怪梦。

    She slept fitfully , her mind crowded with confusing dreams .

  25. 工作机会少常常会怪到少数民族头上。

    Ethnic minorities are continually scapegoated for the lack of jobs .

  26. 我怎么能怪他呢?那又不是有意的。

    How can I blame him ? It wasn 't intentional .

  27. 我们开始自责起来,怪自己不够小心。

    We begin to reproach ourselves for not having been more careful .

  28. 你那样想,我不怪你。

    I don 't blame you for thinking that way .

  29. 开阔的火山坡让人心生怪异地联想起月球的地貌。

    The vast volcanic slope was eerily reminiscent of a lunar landscape .

  30. 我心头有种怪怪的感觉。

    I had a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach .