
  1. 就像很多缔造自我神话的人、拥有领袖魅力的人与所谓怪人们一样,他仿佛总在出演一部只有他自己能看到的电影。

    Like many self-mythologizers , charismatics and plain old eccentrics , he has always appeared to be performing in a movie only he himself could see .

  2. 文章通过揭示这些人物怪诞的举止背后对爱和理解的渴望,分析乔治·威勒德与怪人们的关系,阐明作者的创作目的&帮助怪人们冲破孤独的樊笼,找到爱和理解。

    By analyzing the relationship between the grotesques and George Willard , this paper intends to illustrate the author 's writing purpose-to help break down the barriers between the grotesques and find love and understanding .

  3. Nowonderpeoplearesofat.怪不得人们变的那么胖,缺乏锻炼。

    Susan : Wow ! No wonder people are so fat . You don 't get enough exercise .

  4. 怪不得人们都喜欢孔雀啊!

    That is the reason why People like peacock so much .

  5. 斯蒂夫:怪不得人们叫你百分之十先生。

    Steve : No wonder people call you ' Mr Ten Percent ' .

  6. 怪不得人们都讨厌律师。

    No wonder why people hate lawyers .

  7. 夏天,你会看见藤蔓上长出一个个小花蕾,开出一朵朵像喇叭一样的花儿,怪不得人们给它起名叫喇叭花呢。

    In the summer , you will see the vines grow a small bud , opening out like a horn like a blossoming flower , no wonder people give it the name morning glory from it .

  8. 也许英语看上去很复杂;和你习惯的食物比起来,现在的食物也许有点怪;人们办事的方式也许不太寻常——但长远来说,学习这些东西能让生活更轻松。

    English may seem 25 ) complicated , the food may seem strange compared to what you 're used to , and the way things are done may seem unusual , but learning these things makes life easier in the long run .

  9. 自1933年吸引全世界目光之后,尼斯湖水怪便一直是人们感兴趣的话题和争论焦点。科学家普遍认为,尼斯湖水怪不过是一些人痴心妄想的产物。

    The Loch Ness Monster has been a subject of mass intrigue and debate since it came to the world ` s attention in 1933 . Scientists have widely written off the idea as a modern-day myth and continued sightings as set ups and wishful thinking .