
  1. 我杀了他才逃出来

    I had to kill him to get out of there .

  2. 我杀了他,并且把他扔进了神秘河。

    I killed him , and I threw him in the mystic .

  3. 他是对的,你却让我杀了他。

    Didrt you order me to kill him because he was right .

  4. 不,如果我杀了他会很难受的。

    No.i 'd be too sad if I killed him .

  5. 如果你说的是真的如果我杀了他

    If it were true , if I killed him ,

  6. 哈姆雷特!勇敢点替我杀了他。

    Hamlet ! Be brave and kill him for me .

  7. 但我杀了他,他已经死了。

    But I killed him . he 's dead .

  8. 你是想要我杀了他,对吧?

    And you 'd Iike me to kill him , wouldn 't you ?

  9. 你曾经有一个爱人,我杀了他。

    You had a lover . I killed him .

  10. 帮我杀了他

    I want you to kill him for me .

  11. 给我杀了他!给我杀了他!

    Kill him ! I want him dead !

  12. 陪审团说我杀了他。

    And a jury said that Ikilled him .

  13. 他杀了人,因此我杀了他。

    He killed , therefore I killed him .

  14. 是我杀了他,人们会认为我和我爸爸一样。

    I killed him and they 'll think I 'm just like my dad .

  15. 你很高兴我杀了他。

    You 're glad I killed him .

  16. 我杀了他妻子才算公平。

    Only fair I kill his .

  17. 你觉得是我杀了他

    You think I did this ?

  18. 毕竟,是我杀了他深爱着的妻子,他美丽的公主,不是吗?

    After all , I " had " killed his beloved wife , his beautiful princess , hadn 't I ?

  19. 勇敢点替我杀了他,但是绝不要杀害或伤害我的妻子,因为他是你的母亲。

    Hamlet ! Be brave and kill him for me . But never kill or hurt my wife , for she is your mother .

  20. 是的,你说的完全属实。是我杀了他!我做了一个泥像,然后把它打碎,一星期后他就死了。我杀了他是因为我恨他。”

    Well , you told the truth . I killed him ! I made a clay picture , and then I broke it , and a week later he died . I killed him because I hated him . '

  21. 告诉理查德,一旦抓住他,我要杀了他。

    Tell Richard I 'm going to kill him when I get hold of him .

  22. 我会杀了他证明你是错的是吗

    I 'll kill him to prove you wrong . Really ?

  23. 他在哪里?我要杀了他。

    Where is he ? I 'm gonna kill him .

  24. 我会杀了他,毫不犹豫。

    I would kill him , I wouldn 't hesitate .

  25. 这个月我已经杀了他两次了。

    I 've had to kill them twice this month .

  26. 我得杀了他不你不能这么做

    I have to kill him.No . You can 't do that .

  27. 那个女孩的下落以前我就会杀了他。

    Before he tells us where the girl is .

  28. 我将会杀了他?

    I 'm supposed to try and kill him ?

  29. 而不是去法律复习。我会杀了他。

    Instead of going to law review , I 'm gonna kill him .

  30. 放她走,我要杀了他!

    Let her go or I 'll kill him !