
  • 网络Heavenly Father;Our Father;pater noster;PADRE NUESTRO - Martinete
  1. 我们的天父,我要转向你。

    Our Father in heaven , I turn to you .

  2. 我们的天父,你在妇女中受赞颂。

    Our father , Blessed art thou among women .

  3. 从上帝我们的天父那里,一个祝福天使降临了。

    From God our heavenly Father a blessed angel came .

  4. 神是我们的天父,我们是他的儿女。

    God is our heavenly Father , and we are His children .

  5. 我们的天父仍然在做着搬开石头的工作。

    Our Heavenly Father is still in the business of rolling away stones .

  6. 我们的天父也是让他的爱子去到那又黑又冷的世界。

    Our Father also allowed His Son to go out into a cold and dark world .

  7. 我们的天父,谢谢您的慈悲赐给我们这些食物。

    Our heavenly father , thank you for your mercy in providing us with this food .

  8. 神是我们的天父。

    God is our heavenly Father .

  9. 他是我们的天父,他更期待着你在天国与他永远在一块儿。

    Our pure and holy God longs to have you become a part of His forever family in Heaven !

  10. 愿恩惠、平安从我们的天父和主耶稣基督归于你们!

    Grace be unto you , and peace , from God our Father , and from the Lord Jesus Christ .

  11. 如果它是使用权的一种形式,即我们的天父,为什麽其他人也没有?

    If it be right to use one form , that of the Our Father , why not others also ?

  12. 我们的天父也会管教祂的儿女,但只为了一个确切的目标:使我们长成祂儿子耶稣基督的模样。

    Our Heavenly Father does discipline His children but with a definite purpose in mind-to make us more like His Son , Jesus Christ .

  13. 上帝我们的天父,我们感谢你,为我们的家庭,为我们分享的爱,为我们婚姻的喜悦。

    God our Father , we thank you for our families ; for the love that we share and for the joy of our marriage .

  14. 我祈求我们的天父减轻您丧失亲人的悲痛,使您只怀有对于已故亲人的美好回忆。

    I pray that our heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement , and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost .

  15. 我们颂扬我们的天父,祝福他赐予我们的自由和永恒生命的礼物。

    and we praise our heavenly Father for blessings of freedom and the gift of eternal life .

  16. 愿赐给我们日用饮食的天父在榆林得荣耀。榆林曾一度是陕西北部长城附近繁荣的贸易中心和军事重镇。

    Pray for the Father who gives us our daily bread to be glorified in YULIN , a once-thriving trading center and military post on the Great Wall in north Shaanxi .

  17. 例如,我们一起说我们的天父,节奏仍在。

    For example , we would say the our father together , and the rhythm would be there .

  18. 我们周围的世界就是我们的天父的智慧的见证。

    The world all around us is witness to the wisdom of our Father .

  19. 我们知道,当我们祷告我们的天父会听到并为我们做最好的事。

    May we know that when we pray our Heavenly Father hears us and will do what is best .

  20. 当我们信靠基督,神便成为我们的天父,我们也就成了他的儿女,其他的信徒就成为我们的弟兄姊妹,教会就成为我们属灵的家。

    When we place our faith in Christ , God becomes our father , we become his children , other believers become our brothers and sisters , and the church becomes our spiritual family .

  21. 最大的祝福在于我们可以真真实实地知道这位神是我们的天父,且与他建立关系。

    The primary blessing is that we get to personally know God as our Father and have a relationship with Him .

  22. 我们纵然仍要面对种种苦难、试炼、困难,但我们的天父却一直在看顾我们,保守我们在祂手中,直到祂带我们回天家。

    We may still suffer hardship , testing , problems , but our heavenly Father is watching over us and will keep us in His hand until He is ready to take us home .

  23. 但我们必须紧记,神的每个行动都是出于对我们的爱。在天父心中,每个儿女都同样宝贵。我们应该为此而感恩。

    But remember His every action is motivated by love and we ought to be very thankful that He is our loving Father to whom every child is exceptionally precious .

  24. 若我们满怀怒气、苦毒、愤恨,我们又如何能期望跟随我们圣洁的天父呢?

    If we are harboring anger , bitterness , or hate for others , how can we expect to fellowship with our heavenly Father ?

  25. 我们祷告的时候,即使是祈求神供应我们所需,也必须怀着赤诚、感恩之心向我们的天父祷告。

    Our prayers should be the grateful opening of our hearts to our heavenly Father , even if we are asking Him to supply our needs .

  26. 尽管如此,我们还是知道,因为神的恩赐,通过耶稣基督,我们的罪能够得到赦免,我们还是能够进入我们慈爱的天父为我们预备的国当中。

    Yet we also know that through Christ we can , by the grace of God , receive forgiveness of our sins and still inherit the Kingdom which hasbeen provided for us by our loving heavenly Father .