
  1. Cam我很爱你,但我讨厌你今天待我的方式。

    Look , Cam , I love you very much , but I resent the way you 're treating me today .

  2. 我很爱你,让我牵你的手好吗?

    I love you so much , give me your hand ?

  3. 有没有人曾告诉你我很爱你。

    Did anyone tell you that I loved you so much ?

  4. 我很爱你,不想失去你。

    One who loves you and will not lose you .

  5. 那时我很爱你,就像所有孩子一样。

    And I loved you then , just like all them kids did .

  6. 对你说,我很爱你,所以要离开你。

    Say to you , I love you , so want to leave you .

  7. 我很爱你,但我需要做好我的工作。

    I do love you , but I need to get the job done .

  8. 你得了解,我很爱你父亲。她总结道。

    And you have to understand how much I love your father , she concluded .

  9. 你真走运我很爱你。

    You 're lucky I love you .

  10. 尽管我很爱你,但我不同意你所做的。

    Much as I love you , I don 't agree what you 've done .

  11. 现在,我们都有同样的梦想:我很爱你,你也是。

    Now , I have common dream : I really love you and so do you !

  12. 因为我很爱你,当时你躺在那里哭泣,我十分难过。

    Because I loved you so , and you laid there moaning and I was so sorry .

  13. 我很爱你,玛格丽特,但这是我自己的人生,我决定该怎么做。

    I love you , Margaret , but this is my life . I 'll decide what to do with it .

  14. 宝贝,我很爱你,但我们时间不多,我没时间听你多说小蛋糕了。

    Honey , I love you very much , but we 're almost out of time , and I can 't talk anymore about cupcakes .

  15. 艾蜜莉,虽然我很爱你,但是我不能丢下班去伦敦

    All right , Emily . As much as I love you ...... I 'm sorry , I can 't move to London without Ben .

  16. 这几年在学校真的多亏了有你,直到现在我都很爱你。

    I just want to let you know how much you mean to me .

  17. 其实我还很爱你,但是不敢说出口!

    Really , I still love you very much , but I dare not to speak !

  18. “我当然很爱你!”樵夫说。“你若一定要多吃点东西的话,这种伤天害理的事我就再做一次。”

    " I love you very much ," says the woodcutter . " If you must eat more food , I will do this terrible thing again . "

  19. 可我一直都很爱你,我…

    But I 've always loved you so much . I. ..

  20. ‘一定要明白我很爱很爱你!’

    " For god 's sake know that I love you so !"

  21. 看来我真得很爱你。

    It seems that I love you very true .

  22. 我真的很爱你母亲她是个好女孩

    I really love your mother . She 's such a good girl .

  23. 我因为这个很爱你的妈妈。

    I love your mama too much for that .

  24. 亲爱的,我真的很爱你。

    Sweetheart , I love you so much .

  25. 我真的很爱你,我希望你不会离开我,直至永远。

    I really love you , I hope you don 't leave me , until forever .

  26. 我真地很爱你!

    I love thee true !

  27. 李梅桂,我真的很爱你,我知道你也爱我,那为什么就不能在一起呢?

    Li Mei Gui , I really love you , I know that you love me , then why not together ?

  28. 只要说,我真的很爱你的球员和很感激你们在我的整个职业生涯的支持。

    Just want to say that I really love you guys and can 't thank you enough for the support throughout my entire career .

  29. 医生:我相信你一定很爱你的弟弟。

    Doctor : I firmly believe that you love your brother very much .

  30. 鬼才爱过你,你以为,我以前真的很爱你吗?

    Guicai loved you , you think , before I really love you ?