
  • 网络bowles;Powers;Bowers;Balls
  1. 鲍尔斯先生能够让学生和音乐家都感到快乐。

    Mr Bowles could engender delight in students and musicians alike .

  2. 《真爱》(Precious)的主演斯迪比是红毯上的另类范例,不过她能够驾驭那些非常强烈的色彩,鲍尔斯说。

    Ms. Sidibe , the star of ' Precious , ' is ' an alternate paradigm for the red carpet , but she can carry these very strong colors , ' says Mr. Bowles .

  3. 如果鲍尔斯先生的预计是对的,那么低收益的国债将会失去吸引力同时股价将会反弹

    If Mr Bowers is right , low government-bond yields could lose their appeal and equities could rebound .

  4. 他坚定地支持宗教自由和信仰自由&C·G·鲍尔斯;坚定地对待一切问题。

    He stood foursquare for religious liberty and toleration - C.G.Bowers ; dealt straightforwardly with all issues .

  5. 《王牌大贱谍》(AustinPowers)主角奥斯汀&12539;鲍尔斯的床就能在他的指令下旋转起来,播放巴萨诺瓦音乐。

    Austin Powers 's bed rotates and plays bossa nova at his command .

  6. 布朗将把数位最忠实的盟友提升到关键岗位,其中包括他的密友埃德•鲍尔斯(EdBalls)。

    Mr Brown will promote several of his most loyal allies to key positions , including Ed Balls , his closest confidant .

  7. 零售公司CSTBrands的CEO吉姆o鲍尔斯很少在工作中哭泣。

    Kim Bowers , CEO of retailer CST Brands , only rarely has been pushed to the point of crying at work .

  8. 即使不包括这些因素,绝对战略研究中心(AbsoluteStrategyResearch)的大卫鲍尔斯(DavidBowers)指出,从历史上看,当失业率触底后开始转好时,股市的表现往往明显好于债市。

    Even besides these factors , David Bowers of Absolute Strategy Research points out that historically equities tend to outperform bonds sharply when unemployment has hit bottom and starts to improve .

  9. 鲍尔斯博士在哈佛大学(Harvard)教授可持续技术,她了解到煤烟颗粒和温室气体已严重危害到牧民的健康。

    Dr Powers , who lectures on sustainable technology at Harvard , learned that the sooty particles and greenhouse gases caused appalling health problems among the nomads .

  10. 加州圣安娜鲍尔斯博物馆的地质学家兼主席PeterKeller如是说,该馆目前正在展览这其中的一些宝藏。

    a geologist and president of the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana , California , which is currently hosting an exhibit of some of these treasures .

  11. “此前,新兴市场一直在阻碍资产配置;现在这个障碍已经被移除,”此次调查的顾问之绝对战略研究中心(absolutestrategyresearch)的戴维鲍尔斯(davidbowers)称。

    " Up until now , emerging markets have been the rock of asset allocation ; now that has been taken away , " said David Bowers at absolute strategy research , a consultant on the survey .

  12. 负责时代华纳中心那笔交易的房产经纪是布伦达·S·鲍尔斯(BrendaS.Powers)和伊丽莎白·L·桑普尔(ElizabethL.Sample),她们就住在楼里,代理了许多外国客户。

    The real estate agents on the Time Warner deal included Brenda S. Powers and Elizabeth L. Sample , who represent many foreign clients and who live in the building .

  13. 这正是鲍尔斯-辛普森(Bowles-Simpson)委员会与其它财政调查提出的建议。

    That is what the Bowles-Simpson commission and other fiscal inquiries have suggested .

  14. SolSource在出口方面意外获得成功,对香港公司OneEarthDesigns是福音。2009年,鲍尔斯博士和曾在麻省理工学院(MIT)攻读工程学的弗兰克共同创建了这间公司。

    The unlikely export success is a boon for One Earth Designs , the Hong Kong company that Dr Powers set up in 2009 with Mr Frank , who studied engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology .

  15. 亲爱的诸位,卖方代理人、当时为布朗·哈里斯·史蒂文斯(BrownHarrisStevens)公司经纪人的布伦达·S·鲍尔斯(BrendaS.Powers)在电邮中对参与这桩交易的其他人说。

    Dear All , Brenda S. Powers , then a broker for Brown Harris Stevens , which represented the seller , wrote in an email to others involved in the transaction .

  16. 这封信的日期是上周日,由过去一直代表美国国际集团(AIG)前首席执行官汉克•格林伯格(HankGreenberg)的律师戴维•鲍尔斯(DavidBoies)签署。

    The letter , dated Sunday , was signed by David Boies , a lawyer who has in the past represented Hank Greenberg , former AIG chief executive .

  17. 那时,英国财政部的部长级官员埃德•鲍尔斯(EdBalls)等人热衷于将伦敦“点到为止”且“基于原则”的监管鼓吹为相对于纽约的竞争优势。

    Back then , people such as Ed Balls , when he was a Treasury minister , were keen to extol London 's light touch , " principles-based " regulation as a competitive advantage versus New York .

  18. 这些非公开讨论表明,许多CEO强烈支持鲍尔斯的想法,尤其是因为欧元区危机令他们恐惧,担心美国国债市场眼下的平静将会被打破。

    These private discussions indicated that many CEOs strongly support Bowles ' ideas , not least because the meltdown in the eurozone has left them scarred – and scared that the current peace in the Treasuries market will not last .

  19. 谢菲尔德大学(universityofsheffield)营养生物化学教授希拉里j鲍尔斯(hilaryjpowers)大体上认为,好的膳食应有丰富的水果和蔬菜,高纤维,低脂肪。

    Professor Hilary J powers , Professor of nutritional biochemistry at the University of Sheffield , believes in general that a good diet is one rich in fruit and vegetables , high in fibre and low in fat .

  20. 今年1月,工程公司西图公司(CH2MHill)宣布来自公司内部的杰奎琳o海曼出任首席执行官,同时汽油零售商CSTBrands公司也宣布金柏莉o鲍尔斯出任首席执行官。

    Engineering company CH2M Hill announced in January that company-insider Jacqueline Himan would be taking over the CEO spot and convenience retailer CST Brands also announced that month Kimberly Bowers would become CEO .

  21. 到了1962年,俄罗斯释放了美国U2飞行员鲍尔斯以换取一名叫做鲁道夫·亚伯被定罪的苏联间谍。

    Fast forward to 1962 when Francis Gary Powers , an American U2 pilot was released by Russia in exchange for a convicted Soviet spy named Rudolph Abel .

  22. 例如,奥巴马设立的鲍尔斯-辛普森(bowles-simpson)委员会提议限制高收入家庭的税收优惠。

    For instance , the bowles-simpson Commission , which Mr Obama established , has proposed limiting tax preference benefits for upper-income households .

  23. 英国内阁大臣埃德•鲍尔斯(EdBalls)称,此次金融危机比上世纪30年代的那次危机更为严重,并高兴地补充称:并且我们都记得那个时代的政治是如何被经济左右的。

    In Britain , Ed Balls , a cabinet minister , argues that the financial crisis is more serious than that of the 1930s , adding cheerfully : And we all remember how the politics of that era were shaped by the economy .

  24. 就像鲍尔斯-辛普森(bowles-simpson)赤字委员会所提议的那样,你应该考虑停止对不同类型的收入给予的特权性对待。

    Instead , you should consider ending privileged treatment of different types of income , as was suggested by the bowles-simpson deficit commission .

  25. 虽然他自称为赤字鹰派人物,但却没有支持辛普森-鲍尔斯(Simpson-Bowles)赤字削减委员会的报告,而他还是该委员会的成员。

    While positioning himself as a deficit hawk , he failed to embrace the report of the Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction commission , on which he sat.

  26. 曾在两家财富500强公司担当高级公关职位的纽约传媒咨询师霍华德•鲍尔斯金(HowardPolskin)说,对于雇主来讲,为某个刚刚招聘进来、曾经短暂供职于其他公司的高管写介绍材料,需要“采用一定的技巧”。

    For employers , writing a corporate biography for a newly hired executive with a brief tenure elsewhere requires a ' a bit of finesse , ' says Howard Polskin , a New York media consultant who has held senior communication roles at two Fortune 500 companies .

  27. 对奥巴马而言,无论什么时候支持鲍尔斯-辛普森提议都不算晚。

    It is never too late for Mr Obama to embrace Bowles-Simpson .

  28. 严格地说,这对鲍尔斯是不公道的。

    This is , strictly speaking , unfair to bowles .

  29. 鲍尔斯表示:信任是一个严重问题。

    Mr Powers said : Trust is a serious concern .

  30. 有时候,沃尔夫也会去鲍尔斯的舞蹈房上课。

    Ms. Wolf sometimes takes Ms. Bowers 's studio classes .