
jiāo jí wàn fēn
  • 熟语have one's heart in one's boots/mouth
  1. 焦急万分的鲍勃和汉斯把整座房子找了个遍。

    Desperate with anxiety , Bob and Hans searched the whole house

  2. 他焦急万分地对着电话那头的她大喊大叫。

    He had shouted down the phone at her , beside himself with anxiety

  3. 她焦急万分地等待我的答复。

    How anxiously she awaited my answer

  4. 他得知父亲生病的消息时焦急万分。

    He received the news of his father 's sickness with great anxiety .

  5. 我们焦急万分地等候医生做出诊断。

    We waited in great suspense for the doctor 's opinion .

  6. 她因丢失衣箱焦急万分。

    She is all in a stew over her lost suitcase .

  7. 我心中焦急万分,每一瞬间似乎都是无限长。

    I was so anxious that every moment seemed on eternity .

  8. 她在手术室内动手术时,他焦急万分。

    He was sweating blood while she was in the operating room .

  9. 猜猜谁上周焦急万分的出现在狩猎俱乐部。

    Guess who showed up stewed last week at the hunt club .

  10. 他焦急万分不知接着该做些什么。

    Not knowing what to do next , he was much worried .

  11. 焦急万分的鲍勃和汉斯把整座房子找了个遍。极需要的;

    Desperate with anxiety , Bob and Hans searched the whole house .

  12. 她焦急万分,觉也睡不著。

    She bis so stewed up with anxiety that she can not sleep .

  13. 这位参赛选手正在焦急万分地等待她最后的得分。

    The contestant was waiting for her final score on pins and needles .

  14. 他的父母焦急万分,就领着这个小孩到处求医。

    His parents were very anxious and brought this boy everywhere for medication .

  15. 许多人都焦急万分。

    It 's an anxious time for many .

  16. 这时铃声第三次响起来,听起来焦急万分。

    The bell here rang for the third time , with another shriek of anguish .

  17. 父母两人都焦急万分,他们的脸上布满了焦虑。

    My parents were furious and panicky . I saw in their faces multitudes of emotions .

  18. 宠物医生告知她诺曼可能有忧郁症,这点让珍妮弗焦急万分。

    The therapist prescribed medication for the dog , but Jennifer is hoping to nurse her pet back to health herself .

  19. 时至黄昏,猎手还没回家,妻子焦急万分,便出去找他。

    When it was evening and the huntsman did not return home , his wife became frightened . She went out to look for him .

  20. 好,他愿出诊,但他在下午2点后才有空。我们焦急万分地等候医生做出诊断。

    Yes , he makes house calls , but the doctor has an opening only after 2:00 p.m. We waited in great suspense for the doctor 's opinion .

  21. 他几乎想不其他的两个哥哥詹姆斯和安德鲁,只记得两个闷声不响的年轻人,他们时常在深夜来来去去,干一些神秘的勾当,或者一走就是好几个星期,使母亲焦急万分。

    His two oldest brothers , James and andrew , he hardly remembered , save as close-lipped youths who came and went at odd hours of the night on mysterious errands or disappeared for weeks at a time , to their mother 's gnawing anxiety .