
hàn rán
  • flagrantly;brazenly;outrageously
悍然 [hàn rán]
  • [outrageously;brazenly] 蛮横

  • 悍然撕毁协议

悍然[hàn rán]
  1. 在朝鲜进行地下核试验,悍然向全世界宣称拥有了原子弹的时候,我正在莫斯科。

    I was in Moscow when North Korea conducted its underground nuclear test , brazenly announcing to the world that it now had the bomb .

  2. 他首先悍然断言,由于存在监管保障措施,[内幕交易]违规行为不可能不被发现,肯定无法天长日久的隐藏。

    He first brazenly asserted that it was impossible for an [ insider trading ] violation to go undetected , certainly not for a considerable period of time because of regulatory safeguards .

  3. 我认为我们悍然无视公众的舆论是愚蠢的。

    I think we 'd be silly to fly in the face of public opinion .

  4. 朝鲜一直悍然挑战国际社会,其方式是萨达姆侯赛因(saddamhussein)至少不会公然采取的,伊朗也没有这么做。

    North Korea has been defiantly challenging the international community in a way that Saddam Hussein was not , at least overtly , and which the Iranians are not quite doing .

  5. 这个悍然的命令就像晶体物质一般。

    The pert injunction was like those crystal substances .

  6. 这是对外国领土悍然的军事进攻。

    It is a military offensive on foreign soil .

  7. 然后他就悍然公开指责他以前的朋友。

    He then so resoundingly denounced his former friend .

  8. 那名歹徒拔出匕首,悍然与警察对抗。

    The outlaw pulled out a dagger and bade defiance to the policemen .

  9. 日本帝国主义悍然发动对华战争,给中国带来了严重的难民问题。

    Japanese imperialism was warring to Chinese which resulted in a serious refugee problem .

  10. 他们的持续监禁被公民自由集团谴责为“悍然不公正”。

    Their continued imprisonment was condemned by civil liberties groups as " blatantly unjust " .

  11. 穆巴拉克说,以色列领导人应当为他们悍然侵犯巴勒斯坦人权的行为承担责任。

    He said Israel 's leaders bear responsibility for their harsh assault on Palestinian human rights .

  12. 可当我到饭店时,我才发现他竟然赫然悍然是我的高中老师!还是个老头!

    When we arrived at the restaurant , I realized he was my old high school teacher .

  13. 我们都敬佩和仰慕这样的人,他们能够悍然面对种种艰巨的困难,能够不问结果而坚持不懈。

    What we all respect and admire is the person who can stand up against overwhelming difficulties and persevere without an answer .

  14. 朗朗乾坤,光天化日,摧毁生态园又悍然抢劫分赃,无法无天。

    As bright as sun and moon , said of peaceful times . , destroy ecological park and flagrant robbery loot , defy laws human and divine .

  15. 1937年7月7日,日本悍然发动了卢沟桥事件,拉开了全面侵华战争的序幕。

    In July 7 , 1937 , Japan launched " Lugou Bridge Incident " outrageously , which raised the curtain for all-out war of aggression against China .

  16. 日本帝国主义为了把中国变成它的独占殖民地,于1931年9月18日悍然发动了侵略我国东北的“九·一八”事变。

    In order to turn China into its colony , the Japanese Imperialism launched the September18th Incident to invade the northeast of China on September18th , 1931 .

  17. 报告称美国在国内外实施大规模监视项目,悍然违反国际法,严重侵犯人权。

    It calls America 's vast surveillance program , both at home and abroad , a blatant violation of international law and it seriously infringes on human rights .

  18. 1931年9月18日,日本帝国主义悍然发动了的九·一八事变,并在迅速侵占整个中国东北,使中国东北成为日本的独占殖民地。

    On September 18 , 1931 the Japanese imperialist launched the September 18 Incident , and seized the whole Northeast China quickly , making it the Japanese colony .

  19. 1998年5月,印度不顾国际社会的强烈反对,悍然进行核试验,挑起南亚核军备竞赛。

    In May 1998 , in defiance of strong opposition by the international community India flagrantly carried out nuclear tests , thus provoking a nuclear arms race in South Asia .

  20. 但是,直到星期一,也就是朝鲜显然爆破核装置后,中国谴责朝鲜悍然违反其国际承诺。

    But it was not until Monday , moments after North Korea apparently exploded a nuclear device , that China accused it of a brazen violation of its international commitments .

  21. 只要这些国家一有投靠西方的举动,觊觎加入西方俱乐部如北约或欧盟,俄国就会悍然采取行动,就像今年年初对格鲁吉亚和摩尔多瓦施加贸易禁运一样。

    Whenever these places seem to look to the west , still more aspire to join such western clubs as NATO or the European union , the Russians have reacted petulantly , as they did earlier this year by imposing trade embargoes on Georgia and moldova .