
  • 网络Caramel;CARAMEL COLOR
  1. 焦糖色的特性和在黄酒中的作用

    Characteristics of caramel color and its application in Chinese rice wine

  2. 甘薯生产焦糖色的工艺研究

    Studies on Production of Caramel from Sweet Potato Starch

  3. 焦糖色对老抽类酱油品质影响的研究

    Study on the Effect of Caramel Coloring on the Quality of Dark Soy Sauce

  4. 这一块一块带着浅浅焦糖色的原糖看起来如此诱人。

    Raw sugar looks so appealing , with its light caramel hue and nuggety shape .

  5. 甘薯在我国分布广,产量高,其淀粉是很好的生产焦糖色的原料。

    The optimal technological conditions of caramel using sweet potato starch as raw material were studied .

  6. 调至中高火煮糖至泛起泡沫变成焦糖色。

    Now turn the heat to medium high so the sugar foams up and begin to caramelize .

  7. 优雅转变成春季的活力时尚,就像克里斯汀·贝尔指尖的焦糖色那样。

    Smooth the transition into spring 's lively fashions like the Kristen Bell with a camel finish for fingertips .

  8. 大豆油,明胶,蔬菜甘油,大豆卵磷脂,黄蜂蜡,焦糖色,二氧化钛着色剂。

    Soybean Oil , Gelatin , Vegetable Glycerin , Soy Lecithin , Yellow Beeswax , Caramel Color , Titanium Dioxide Color .

  9. 有着像墨水的深颜色和麦芽味。没有固定的配方,因此一些中国醋还会添加糖,辣味,或是焦糖色。

    There is no fixed recipe , so some Chinese black vinegars may contain added sugar , spices , or caramel color .

  10. 你们知道,她说她自己是黑人,实际上她是焦糖色,如果你仔细看的话。

    Well you know , she calls herself black -- she 's really more like a caramel color if you look at her .

  11. 优质焦糖色可提高老抽酱油的品质,其中以蔗糖制的焦糖质量最好,红色指数高,染着性好。

    The caramel color made of sucrose has the best quality with the high red color index and the dieing activity on the soy sauce .

  12. 她心形的脸庞,波浪般起伏的柔软的焦糖色的秀发,让我想起了默片时代电影中的纯真少女。

    Something about her heart-shaped face , her billows of soft , caramel-colored hair , reminded me of the ing é nues of the silent-movie era .

  13. 四片瓷砖上,蓝色、白色、翠绿和焦糖色构成变幻无穷的万花筒,组合出光辉夺目的新摩尔风几何图案,让人目不暇接。(每片瓷砖90欧元。)

    A dazzling neo-Moorish geometric pattern explodes in a kaleidoscope of blue , white , emerald and caramel shapes across four tiles ( 90 euros a tile ) .

  14. 食品增香增鲜剂及焦糖色产品,丰富了我们为食品业服务的领域,来为客户提供更加完善的解决方案。

    Our food flavor and taste enhancers as well as caramel color products have diversified our services for clients of food industry by offering them more comprehensive solutions .

  15. 黄酒中含有多种氨基酸、淀粉、糊精、焦糖色、胶体颗粒等,温度变化会使酒出现不稳定状态,如色泽浑浊、沉淀结块。

    Yellow rice wine contained multiple amino acids , amylum , dextrin , caramel color and colloid particle . Temperature change would make wine in unstable state such as color turbidity and precipitate caking .

  16. 通常情况下,任何一道主菜都包括三到五种颜色。从原料的颜色看,就分为浅绿色、深绿色、红色、黄色、白色、黑色或者焦糖色。

    Normally , any one entree will combine three to five colors , selected from ingredients that are light green , dark green , red , yellow , white , black , or caramel colored .

  17. 事实上,杰托斯特芝士严格意义上来说并不是芝士。就像意大利乳清干酪一样,制作杰托斯特芝士不仅要使用凝乳,还要使用乳清——就是那些牛奶凝固后被过滤出来的液体。这样生产出来的就是甜甜粘粘的焦糖色乳糖。

    Actually , brunost is not technically a cheese because , like ricotta , it 's made not only of curds but also of whey , the liquid left over after milk has been curdled and strained .

  18. 另一种包子同样松软而不太奢侈,陈称之为“gwaco”,它是一种刈包,焦糖色五花肉不是包在里面,而是放在未切开的包子顶上,类似玉米粉圆饼的做法。

    The same bread in less voluptuous form is used for what Mr. Cheung calls a " gwaco , " a version of gua bao with caramelized pork belly not tucked in but laid atop an unsliced bun , as if it were a tortilla .

  19. 按该条件合成的焦糖色素色率值高达95132EBC单位,反应时间大大缩短,各项质量指标完全符合GB8817&2001要求。

    The color ratio of caramel pigment synthesized is 95132 EBC and the product quality is in accord with the standard of GB8817 & 2001 .

  20. 焦糖色素的色率及红色指数与pH值关系的研究

    Research of relation between color ratio and red index of caramel color and pH

  21. 焦糖色素的色率与红色指数的关系及应用

    The Relationship and Application of the Color Ratio of the Caramel Pigment and Its Red Index

  22. 研究证明,焦糖色素目前的色率测定方法有误。

    The research demonstrated that the present determination method for chromaticness of caramel was not correct .

  23. 本文就是对采用甘薯淀粉生产焦糖色素的工艺进行研究,用正交实验法确定了在高温液化、低温糖化和硫酸铵氨化的条件下生产出的焦糖色素色率好、收率高。

    The results show that caramel produced by liquefaction of high temperature , saccharification of low temperature and ammoniation of ammonium sulfate has excellent colour rate and high production efficiency .