
jiāo huà chǎnɡ
  • coking plant
  1. 介绍了武钢焦化厂从洗油中提取喹啉的一种简化的化学方法。

    The present paper described a simplified chemical process for extracting leucoline from wash oil at the Coking Plant of WISCO .

  2. 基于某焦化厂塔设备吹脱氨氮废水脱除率低的现状,提出了新型强化传递过程技术&超重力技术。

    A new intensified transferring technique , high gravity technology , was proposed instead of the traditional stripping method with very low rate of ammonia-nitrogen elimination used in some coking plant .

  3. 基于FIX的焦化厂生产调度系统设计

    Design of Production Dispatch System in Coking-Gas Plant Based on FIX

  4. PLC在焦化厂备煤及配煤综合系统中的应用

    Application of PLC to the Combining System for Coking Coal Blending and Coal Preparation

  5. 包钢焦化厂Oracle数据库优化措施

    Measures of Optimizing Oracle Database in Coking Plant of Baotou Steel

  6. 密封法测定焦化厂废水的COD

    Determination of COD in Coking Plant Wastewater by Sealing Method

  7. 密封法测定焦化厂废水COD(Cr)值的研究

    Study on determining value COD_ ( Cr ) of wastewater in coking plants by sealing method

  8. 某焦化厂空气中PAHs的污染现状及健康风险评价

    PAHs Pollution in Air of Coke Plant and Health Risk Assessment

  9. 焦化厂OA系统公文管理模块的应用

    Application Experience of the Document Management Module of the OA System in the Coking Plant

  10. 介绍了用密封法测定焦化厂废水COD的方法,并与回流法进行了比较。

    The sealing method for determining COD in coking plant wastewater is introduced and compared with reflux method .

  11. 生产执行系统(MES)在包钢焦化厂的实施

    Application of Manufacturing Execution System ( MES ) in Coking Plant of Baotou Iron-steel Group

  12. GC-MS法测定焦化厂气溶胶中多环芳烃

    GC-MS Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( pahs ) in aerosols of atmosphere above coking plant

  13. 距离焦化厂越近的区域苯并(a)芘的浓度越高,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    From the coking plant closer regional benzo ( a ) pyrene , the higher the concentration , the difference was statistically significant ( P0.05 ) .

  14. 全面推行5S活动提升焦化厂设备管理水平

    Overall Carrying forward 5S Activities to Promote the Equipment Management Level in the Coking Plant

  15. MACS系统在焦化厂的应用

    Applications of MACS system in a coking plant

  16. 焦化厂的悬浮颗粒物总量可达565.1μg/m~3,厂东门的悬浮颗粒物总量仅达73.0μg/m~3。

    The amount of the suspended PM from coke plant is more than 565.1 u g / m , but it is only 73.0 u g / mjat the east gate .

  17. 本人负责将上述算法编写为PLC程序并最终调试成功,该PLC程序现已在武钢焦化厂的核子秤配料系统中应用,实现了实时辨识对象并对核子秤参数寻优的功能。

    Now the PLC program has been used in the Nuclear-Scale material proportioning system of coking company of Wuhan iron and steel cooperation , and has achieved a good effect .

  18. 焦化厂COG脱硫工序HPF法应用述评

    Application of HPF desulphurizing process in coke plant

  19. 济钢焦化厂高压氨水泵变频调速系统采用变频器和PLC相结合的方式,具有调速精度高、节能等多种功能,保证氨水泵正常工作。

    High pressure ammonia pump in coking factory of Jinan Iron and Steel Group adopts the combinative technique of frequency converter and PLC , has the function of high precision timing , saving electricity .

  20. 介绍了PLC在安钢焦化厂焦炉出焦除尘系统中的应用,并针对焦炉除尘工艺系统组成着重介绍了PLC控制系统硬件配置及软件功能;

    This paper introduce PLC application on the dust exhaust system in Angang coke making plant and gave emphasis on PLC hardware arrangement and software function control system for coke oven dust exhaust process .

  21. 利用模拟实验采集了民用燃煤污染源样品,在现场采集了焦化厂和石油沥青两类污染源样品,用GCMS联用技术测定了样品中13种多环芳烃。

    Samples were collected in lab for civil coal combustion and in field for coke plant and petroleum asphalt , 13 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) were determined by GC / MS.

  22. NetMeeting在焦化厂局域网中的应用

    Application of Netmeeting in Coking Plant

  23. 该OA系统不仅简化了焦化厂办公流程,提高了工作效率,也积极推进了焦化厂信息化办公的进程。

    The OA system not only simplifies the office processes and improves the efficiency in the Coking Plant , but also actively promotes the process of information-based office .

  24. [方法]选择某焦化厂234名焦炉作业工人和130名无多环芳烃(PAHs)及其他毒物暴露者,采集外周静脉血,分离淋巴细胞,使用单细胞凝胶电泳实验评价DNA损伤;

    [ Methods ] 234 coke oven workers and 130 employees who had no exposure history to PAHs and other toxicants were selected as controls . Lymphocytes were separated from their peripheral venous blood .

  25. 本文介绍了上海焦化厂废水经过塔式生物滤池处理后,采用两级上向流填料床AA(AnoxicAerobic)处理系统进行脱氮和处理难降解有机物的试验研究。

    This paper presents a laboratory scale study of two stage ( anoxic aerobic ) biological upflow media bed treatment system for nitrogen and organic compound control of coke plant wastewater .

  26. 本文对烹调源、焦化厂、汽车尾气、民用燃煤以及工业燃煤五类污染源排放的颗粒物中的多环芳烃(PAHs)的组成特征进行了研究。

    Composition characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) on the particulates discharged from five typical pollution sources of cooking , coke plant , vehicles , civil and industrial coal combustion were studied .

  27. GAC-BAF联合工艺处理高浓度含酚废水磷酸铵镁法处理焦化厂高浓度氨氮废水

    Treatment of Highly Concentrated Phenols Wastewater with a GAC-BAF Combined Process

  28. 以安钢焦化厂进厂精煤为研究对象,建立了煤全分析中Y-G回归方程。

    Y & G regression equations of coal total analysis have been established by researching cleaned coal .

  29. 在安阳钢铁集团有限责任公司焦化厂,模拟熄焦过程和焦炭转运过程,采用平面和立体喷洒方式向焦炭喷洒ZBS(焦炭改性剂)溶液。

    The coke was sprayed with the ZBS solution to simulate coke quenching and cooling process at Anyang Iron and Steel Co. , Ltd.

  30. 以某焦化厂焦炉温度控制系统的开发为背景,提出了一种基于遗传算法的CMAC(小脑模型关联控制器)与PID复合控制方法来优化焦炉对象的温度控制。

    Based on the heating control system of coke ovens in a certain coke oven plant , we present a genetic-algorithm-based CMAC ( cerebellar model articulation controller ) and PID compound control method to optimize the heating control of coke ovens .