
méi xiāng
  • coal facies;coaly facies
  1. 文中通过对煤相、煤岩类型、煤岩成分的分析,论述了煤中内生裂隙的影响因素。

    According to the analysis to the coaly facies , the coal lithotypes , the coal rock composition , the text discusses the influence factor of coal endogenic crack .

  2. 平顶山矿区二1煤层煤相分析

    Coal facies analysis in the coal b_1 Pingdingshan Mining area , Henan

  3. 煤层成因和煤相研究历史回顾及其研究现状

    Status Quo and Retrace of Coal Seam Genetic , Coal Facies Studies

  4. 同时,评价了不同煤相的生烃潜力。

    Meanwhile , we have evaluated the hydrocarbon-generating potential in different coal facies .

  5. 山西朔县矿区4号煤层煤相分析

    The anthracography of seam No. 4 in the Suxian coal district , shanxi

  6. 新疆煤相变机理的研究

    Research on Phase Transition Mechanism of Xinjiang Coal

  7. 吐哈盆地侏罗系煤相与生烃潜力研究

    Comparison Research between the Jurassic Coal Facies and the Hydrocarbon-Generating Potential in Turpan-Hami Basin

  8. 抚顺煤的有机地球化学特征及煤相浅析

    The organic geochemistry characteristics and coal facies analysis of different coal lithotypes in Fushun Coal Field

  9. 山东兖州矿区太原组16号煤层煤相研究

    Coal facies analysis upon No. 16 coal seam in Yanzhou coal mining area of Shangdong Province

  10. 在开发替代石油基燃料中,更多的是与煤相结合进行开发。

    On the research of replacing fuel of petroleum-based , combining with coal is used more often .

  11. 论沉煤环境成煤类型煤质特征概略成因模型Ⅰ.环境与煤相

    Discussion on the " Sedimentary Environment-Type of Coal-forming-Characteristic of Coal Quality " Rough Genetic Model I. Environment and Coal Facies

  12. 岩石的物性参数之间具有很好的相关性,但碎屑岩与煤相应物性参数关系式的系数有很大差别;

    Those physic parameters of rocks show close relationship , while coefficients of regression equations for clastic rocks and coal are different .

  13. 作者对所划分出的三种四类煤型的煤质特征进行了深入研究,论述了由不同煤相决定的不同煤型制约着不同煤质的观点。

    Author discussed on the viewpoint of the different type of coal-forming which decided by the different coal facies , influenced the coal quality .

  14. 研究了吐哈盆地侏罗纪煤层煤相的划分标志及四种煤相(即干旱森林沼泽相、潮湿森林林沼泽相、流水沼泽相及开阔水体沼泽相)的基本特征;

    This paper has studied the dividing symbols of Jurassic coal facies in Turpan-Hami basin and the basic characteristics of its coal facies ( such as dry-forest swamp , wet-forest swamp , flowing-water swamp and open-water swamp etc. ) .

  15. 结合典型煤相的分析,采用直接液化模拟实验等方法,分析比较了液化产物的化学结构特征和有害微量元素分布,探讨了其地质-地球化学机理。

    With the direct coal liquefaction test on typical sub-samples of various coal facies , deleterious trace elements group compositions and chemical structure of different solvent extracts from liquefying coal have been test and analyzed , the geological-geochemical mechanism has been explored .

  16. 在此基础上,将层序地层学的方法引入到煤相研究中,认为煤相类型在纵向上演化特征的研究是进行煤质研究和煤成油、气田预测的一条可行和有效的途径。

    Finally , it is suggested that the methods of sequence stratigraphy should be developed in the coal facies research and the evolution characteristics of types of coal facies in vertical extent are of great advantage to the prediction of coal quality and coal generated oil and gas field .