
  • 网络coal economy;coal-based economy
  1. 阐述了山西煤炭经济的发展现状及我国加入WTO对其产生的影响,提出了山西省煤炭经济发展的思路与对策。

    This paper expounds the developing situation of Shanxi 's coal economy and the influence of WTO entry of China on Shanxi 's coal economy , and puts forward some ideas and countermeasures of developing Shanxi 's coal economy .

  2. 煤炭经济的主要矛盾及对策思考

    Thinking of Main Contradiction and Countermeasure of Coal Economy

  3. 并进一步通过综合运用层次分析法(AHP)和熵值法,构建煤炭经济运行质量的主客观组合评价模型。

    Thirdly , the subjective and objective combined evaluation model for the economic running quality evaluation was established , which integrated AHP and entropy .

  4. 论述了煤炭经济在国民经济中的重要地位和作用;

    The role of coal industry in national economy was narrated ;

  5. 煤炭经济运行质量评价研究

    The Research on the Economic Running Quantity Evaluation of the Coal Industry

  6. 煤炭经济可采储量的确定方法及评价模型

    Determination Method and Evaluation Model of Economic Recoverable Coal Reserves

  7. 调整产业政策才能防止煤炭经济异常波动

    Industry Policy Readjustment Can Prevent Abnormal Fluctuation of Coal Economics

  8. 2003煤炭经济年中概览

    Survey of Coal Economy in Mid year of 2003

  9. 煤炭经济发展需要环境指标体系的有效约束

    Question on the indexes of environment and economic system for coal economic development

  10. 2002年煤炭经济运行评析

    Coal economy operation in 2002 : an analysis

  11. 浅议煤炭经济可采储量

    Preliminary Discussion on Economic Recoverable Reserves of Coal

  12. 煤炭经济运行:成绩与建议

    Coal economy performance : review and prospects

  13. 煤炭经济形势十五回顾与十一五展望

    " The eleventh five year 's plan " retrospect and prospect of coal economic situation

  14. 2002年煤炭经济形势前瞻

    Prospects of coal economy in 2002

  15. 以此为标志,我国煤炭经济进入理性调整期,2007年煤炭经济运行将在理性调整中取得新成效。

    The year of 2007 will achieve new progress in the economic operation of coal industry .

  16. 在科学发展观指引下谱写山西煤炭经济新篇章

    Under the Direction of Scientific Developing Viewpoint , Composing the New Canto of Shanxi Coal Economy

  17. 加强管理是转变煤炭经济增长方式的重要环节

    Strengthening of management ── key to the change of the mode of the industry 's economic growth

  18. 当前煤炭经济运行态势

    The present coal economy performance

  19. 煤炭经济的这种运行表现有其历史必然性,也有现实原因。

    This kind of coal economic performance had not only its historical inevitability but also realistic reasons .

  20. 煤矿安全生产是煤炭经济可持续发展的基础和保证。

    Coal mine safety production is the basis and guarantee of sustainable development in aspect of coal economy .

  21. 2004年中国煤炭经济将保持高增长但增速有所减缓。

    Therefore , the coal economy in 2004 will keep at highly increase , but at relatively slow speed .

  22. 金融危机一年来的煤炭经济运行与煤炭工业政策走向

    One year after the outbreak of the global financial crisis : China 's coal economy and coal industry policy trends

  23. 短期套利、非产出性投入与长期机制设计:山西煤炭经济可持续发展个案研究

    Myopic Arbitrage , Nonproductive Activities and Long - run Mechanism : A Case Study of Sustainable Development of Shanxi Coal Economy

  24. 预计2001年我国煤炭经济将继续朝着好的方向转变。

    It is estimated that China 's coal economy operation in the year 2001 will surely be better than in the previous year .

  25. 因此要加大环保立法、执法力度,促进煤炭经济与环境协调发展。

    For this reason , the environment legislation must be strengthened and enforced for promotion coordination development of the coal industrial economy and environ-mental control .

  26. 地质产业是煤炭经济安全的重要组成部分,而地质人才安全又是我国地质产业安全的重要构成。

    Geology of the coal industry is an important part of economic security , and geological personnel security is the important industrial safety geological formations .

  27. 在我国能源问题突出的今天,对煤炭经济形势的分析直接关系到国民经济的健康发展。

    Today , with the short of energy resources popping out in China , the analysis of coal economic status can be benefit to Chinese economic development .

  28. 2005年我国煤炭经济仍将高增长,但在煤炭供应、电煤价格、安全生产等方面的矛盾将会更加突出。

    With faster development in China 's coal industry in 2005 , it still be serious problems in supply & demand , price , and producing security .

  29. 提高煤炭经济运行质量,迫切需要一套科学、合理、可操作性强的评价方法。

    Increasing the economic running quality of the coal industry , it is desired for a series of scientific , reasonable and operative method to evaluate the economic running quality .

  30. 2003年中国煤炭经济运行的特点是:持续高增长,总体低质量,煤炭市场供不应求。

    The coal economy in 2003 maintained its operational feature of imbalance . This means that it has high production but low quality , with the inadequacy of coal supply .