
  • 网络rank
  1. 不同煤阶煤表面改性的FTIR谱研究

    Study on Surface Modification of Different Rank Coals by Using FTIR

  2. 煤阶的升高使焦产率上升,热解气产率降低。

    The increasing coal rank decreased the gas yields and increased the char yields .

  3. 不同煤阶煤的CS2-NMP萃取率及与煤性质的关联

    Extraction yield of different rank coals in cs_2-nmp and their relation with coals property

  4. 文中针对沁水盆地高煤阶、低渗透的特点,进行注CO2提高采收率模拟研究,研究结果表明多分支水平井注入CO2能够明显提高煤层气采收率。

    Aiming at the high rank coal , low permeability characteristics of Qinshui Basin , this paper carried out CO2 injection enhanced oil recovery simulation , the results show that injecting CO2 can significantly increase the CBM recovery rate of multi-lateral horizontal wells .

  5. 热解过程中半焦的H/C和O/C变化关系与VanKrevelen图上典型煤阶的H/C和O/C关系类似。

    The relationship of change of H / C and O / C during pyrolysis is similar with van Krevelen diagram of H / C and O / C of typical coal rank .

  6. 煤层储气能力是制约含气量大小的主要因素,它随着煤阶的增高和埋深的增加而增高,在埋深小于800m时最明显。

    The gas reserve capacity is the essential factor controlling the gas-bearing amount in coal measures , which increases with the growth of coal ranks and burial depths ( the most distinct example is when the burial depth is less than800m ) .

  7. 对五种不同煤阶的煤样在25℃的条件下以苯和四氯化碳的混合液为重液进行重介离心浮沉分选,每个煤样从1.320g/cm3到1.459g/cm3分为五个密度级。

    Coals with different ranks were separated respectively into five density grades ranging from 1.320g/cm3 to 1.459g/cm3 in heavy media ( C6H6-CCl4 ) at 25 ° C using centrifugal float-sink separation technique . The separation efficiency of each coal differed significantly .

  8. 海拉尔盆地具有多煤阶煤分布。

    The coals with different coal ranks occurrence in Hailaer basin .

  9. 世界低煤阶煤资源及其分类

    Resources of low rank coal in the world and its classification

  10. 我国高低煤阶煤层气成藏的差异性

    Forming differences between high and low coal rank coalbed methane reservoirs

  11. 浅层低煤阶煤层气成藏条件分析

    Analysis of the forming conditions of shallow low-rank coalbed gas pool

  12. 浅议我国低煤阶地区的煤层气勘探思路

    Discussion on finding coalbed methane in low rank coal in China

  13. 煤炭切削力学模型的研究不同煤阶煤岩力学参数测试

    Mechanical model of coal cutting testing study on mechanical parameters of coal

  14. 低煤阶煤热解煤气性质研究

    Study on the pyrolysis gas properties from low rank coals

  15. 岩相及煤阶对煤的燃烧特性的影响

    Influences of maceral and rank on combustion characteristic of coal

  16. 煤阶对煤吸附能力影响的微观机理研究

    Microscopic Mechanism Study on the Influence of Coal Rank on Adsorption Capacity

  17. 低煤阶煤层气藏水动力条件的物理模拟实验

    Experimental Study on Physical Modeling of Hydrodynamic Condition in Low-Rank Coalbed Methane Reservoir

  18. 高煤阶煤的阶跃性演化机理研究

    Study on the step evolution mechanism of high-rank coal

  19. 焦炭氮向NO的转化率随着煤阶程度的增高而增高。

    The conversion rate increased with increasing coal rank .

  20. 煤阶对无烟煤型焦质量的影响

    Effect of coal ranks on quality of formed coke

  21. 06%~0.9%煤阶范围内。

    Ranges from 0.6 % to 0 '9 % .

  22. 煤阶对煤的吸附能力的影响

    Influence of coal rank on coal adsorption capacity

  23. 高煤阶无烟煤热爆机理研究

    Study on thermal cracking of high rank anthracite

  24. 不同煤阶煤成焦过程中密度及挥发分的变化

    Variation of true relative density and volatile during coking process of different rank coals

  25. 中国高煤阶地区的煤层气勘探理论与实践

    Coalbed methane exploration theory and practice in the high coal rank areas of China

  26. 煤粉产出对高煤阶煤层气井产能的影响及其控制

    Destructive influences and effectively treatments of coal powder to high rank coalbed methane production

  27. 烃源岩有机质成熟度/煤阶研究方法

    The review of study of thermal maturity of organic matter in hydrocarbon source rocks

  28. GB/T2566-1995低煤阶煤的透光率测定方法

    Determination of transmittance for low rank coal

  29. 本文介绍了世界低煤阶煤炭资源及其分类。

    The resources of low rank coal in the world have introduced in this paper .

  30. 浅议我国低煤阶地区煤层气的成藏特点&从甲烷风化带的角度

    Discussion on low rank coalbed methane between China and U.S.A. from the methane oxidation zone