
méi huà zuò yòng
  • coalification;carbonification
  1. 低煤级煤热解H2生成动力学及其与第一次煤化作用跃变的关系

    Evolution Kinetics of Hydrogen Generation from Low Rank Coal Pyrolysis and Its Relation to the First Coalification Jump

  2. 结合X衍射分析方法研究结果认为,脆性变形不引起煤级的变化,而韧性变形可以促进煤的变质;温度是引起煤级升高的主导因素,定向压力是煤化作用进程的催化剂。

    X-ray diffraction analysis indicates that brittle deformation cannot bring about the change of the coal rank , but ductile deformation can and that temperatures are the main factor for raising the coal rank and the directional pressure acts as the " catalysis " in the process of coalification .

  3. 煤的热谱(DTA、DSC、TG)特征与煤的其他物化特征参数一样,是煤大分子结构特征的反映,可作为研究煤化作用的参考和无烟煤分类的辅助标志。

    The thermal spectra ( DSC , DTA , TG ) of coal , like other physical and chemical parameters of coal , can reflect the macromolecular structure of coal , which can be used as parameters for studying coalification and as supplementary indicators for the classification of anthracite .

  4. 构造应力对煤化作用的影响及其瓦斯灾害性

    The influence of tectonic stress on coalification and its gas disaster

  5. 煤红外光谱的精细解析及其煤化作用机制

    Analysis on infrared spectra characteristic of coal and discussion of coalification mechanism

  6. 随着煤化作用的进行,相应地形成煤岩组分演化的连续系列。

    In the course of coalification , series of macerals are evolved correspondingly .

  7. 塞文煤盆地煤化作用研究

    Coalification studies in Stephanian Cevennes basin , France

  8. 煤化作用与构造-热事件的耦合效应研究&盆地动力学过程的地质记录

    Coupling effect between coalification and tectonic-thermal events & Geological records of geodynamics of sedimentary basin

  9. 油页岩是一种固体可燃矿物,是经长期的腐化、煤化作用而成。

    Oil shale is a kind of solid combustible mineral , it generated by the long-time corruption and coalification .

  10. 滇西腾冲盆地中晚更新世泥炭向软褐煤的转化特征及异常煤化作用

    Characteristics and anomalous coalification of the transformation from the middle and late Pleistocene peat to soft brown coal in Tengchong Basin

  11. 豫西高煤级煤中有机元素及统计结构的演化与煤化作用跃变

    Evolution of the organic elements and the statistical structures and coalification jumps of the high-rank coals from the north-western henan , China

  12. 构造变形对煤化作用进程的影响&以大别造山带北麓地区石炭纪含煤岩系为例

    The Influence of Structural Deformation on Coalification : A Case Study of Carboniferous Coal Measures in the Northern Foothills of the Dabie Orogenic Belt

  13. 坪湖煤矿精煤灰分与高位发热量相关关系煤红外光谱的精细解析及其煤化作用机制

    The correlation of ash and gross calorific value of Penghu clean coal Analysis on infrared spectra characteristic of coal and discussion of coalification mechanism

  14. 在此基础上,探讨了腐泥煤的煤化作用机理,研究了其煤化程度指标,提出了其煤级划分方案。

    On the basis of this , the coalification mechanism of sapropelic coals is discussed , its rank parameters are studies and a rank classification suggested .

  15. 我国煤层气在成煤和煤化作用地质条件与美国有差异,勘探开发有一定特殊性。

    Exploration and development of coal-bed methane in China has its particularity for its geological conditions of coal-forming process and coalification are different from the US .

  16. 细节,脸谱化的油彩&曹操形象塑造艺术论之三煤红外光谱的精细解析及其煤化作用机制

    Details & Colors of Facial Mask-Making_up of Cao Cao s Image ( III ); Analysis on infrared spectra characteristic of coal and discussion of coalification mechanism

  17. 这种变化与煤化作用跃变完全对应,煤化作用控制了煤的孔隙度和表面物理化学性质,进而控制了煤层气的赋存空间和煤的亲甲烷能力。

    The coalification controled the porosity and surface physicochemical property of coal , then controled the occurence space of coalbed methane and the coal 's affinity for methane .

  18. 煤层气(瓦斯)是一种在煤化作用过程中形成的、并赋存于煤层中的以甲烷为主的混合气体。

    Coalbed methane is a kind of mixed gas which formatted in the process of coal formation , stored in the coalbed , and its major component is methane .

  19. 根据鸡西煤田北部条带各区煤变质作用的控制因素和演化特征,结合构造和沉积演化史,对比较典型的煤化作用模式进行了分析。

    Based on the control factors , evolution characteristics of metamorphism in the northern belt by taking into consideration of tectonics and sedimentary history , the typical coalification patterns are discussed .

  20. 本文在对其原理和方法进行介绍的同时,报道了应用该法对我国山西南部上古生界煤层镜质组反射率演化历史或煤化作用过程的数值模拟结果。

    The results of EASY % Ro numerical simulation about coal evolution history and coalification process of Upper Paleozoic in Southem Shanxi have been reported in this paper after introducing it 's theory .

  21. 煤化作用一直是煤地质学、有机地球化学等学科的研究内容之一,尤其是近年来随着煤成烃及煤层气等相关问题的开展,煤化作用机理的研究显得尤为重要。

    Coalification has been one of focuses for coal geology and the organic geochemistry , in recent years , with the development of coal-generated hydrocarbon and coal bed gas , understanding of the mechanism of coalification is especially important .

  22. 割理是广泛存在于煤层中对煤层气的产出具有重要意义的内生裂隙系统,是煤层经过干缩作用、煤化作用、岩化作用和构造压力等各种过程形成的天然裂隙。

    Cleats are the endogenetic fracture systems which are widely distributed in the coal bed and are of great significance for the coal-bed gas to be produced , being the natural fractures formed by desiccation , coalification , lithification and tectonic force .

  23. 通过对吉林舒兰煤矿褐煤进行人工煤化模拟实验,探讨了煤化作用中不同温阶产物组分特征、气态产物甲烷碳同位素特征及煤成油和排油情况。

    Simulation experiment with coalification of lignite in Shulan coal mine , Jilin province was made to examine the component characteristics of product at different temperature stage , carbon isotope characteristics of methane in gaseous products , and coal formed oil and its expulsion during coalification .