
  • 网络Hydrogen in coal;hydrogen content of coal
  1. 煤中氢元素含量的测定和计算

    Determination and Computation of Hydrogen in Coal

  2. 提高温度和加热速度可提高煤中氢的还原作用率和挥发分的利用率。

    Increasing temperature and heating speed , the reduction efficiency of H_2 and volatile utilization efficiency is raised .

  3. 结果表明,构造应力有利于煤中氢发生化学环境转移,使脂肪烃含量相对减少、稳定的芳香烃含量相对增加,促进煤大分子结构缩合度和有序度增加。

    It is shown that tectonic stress is in favor of the chemistry environment transfer of hydrogen in coal , resulting in the decrease of aliphatic hydrocarbon and the increase of aromatic hydrocarbon in content , and accelerating the polycondensation and ordering of large molecules texture of coal .

  4. 这个计划还将支持研究从可更新能源、核能以及煤中产生氢的技术。

    The plan also would support methods to produce hydrogen from renewable energy , nuclear energy and coal .

  5. GB/T15460-1995煤中碳和氢的测定方法电量-重量法

    Determination of carbon and hydrogen in coal & Electric quantity and weighting method

  6. 仪器完成了数字显示煤样中含氢值并打印煤中氢含量。

    This meter can complete the digital display of the hydrogen content and print the value in the coal .

  7. 结合实例论述了用红外吸收法测定煤中碳、氢元素的基本原理,总结了正确应用红外吸收法测碳、氢的几个关键技术。

    Based on living example , the paper discusses the basic principle of carbon-hydrogen measurement by infrared absorption method , summarizes several key technologies of carbon-hydrogen measurement .

  8. 煤中碳、氢、氧、氮、硫等元素,在干馏过程中转变成各种氧、氮、硫的有机和无机化合物。

    The elements such as carbon 、 hydrogen 、 oxygen 、 nitrogen and sulfur in coal were converted into various organic or inorganic compounds in the process of destructive distillation .

  9. 研究结果证实,煤水平衡接触角首先受煤中氢、氧元素含量影响最大,其次与煤的灰分产率有很强的线性相关关系。

    The research results showed that the contact angle of the coal water balance would be highly influenced by the hydrogen and oxygen contents of coal and had a high lining relationship with the ash rate of coal .

  10. 通过对贵州省内10家火电厂汽车煤应用基低位发热量计价的实际运作,讨论煤中全水分、氢值在计价中的作用。

    The effect of total moisture and hydrogen value on valuation was discussed through practice operation of net calorific value as received basis valuation in 10 coal-fired power plants of Guizhou Province .