
  • 网络Coal material;coal charge
  1. 并对影响成型的五个主要因素(煤料的成型特性,成型压力,煤料的水分,粒度及组成,粘结剂用量)进行了总结与探讨。

    Summarized and discussed are five main influential factors : characteristics of coal charge , molding pressure , moisture content of the charge , particle size distribution , and dosage of binder .

  2. 总配比相同的煤料,以住友配型煤工艺制取的焦炭强度优于新日铁法制得的焦炭。

    Under the condition of coal charge with the same ratio of blending , the coke strength out of the sumitomo process is superior to that from NSC 's.

  3. 煤料热压成型过程中挤压设备改进途径的探讨

    Study of the way to improve squeezer for hot briquetting process

  4. 炼焦煤料的风选试验装置及试验研究

    Pneumatic Concentration Test Device of coal and Test Research

  5. 煤料混烧液态排渣此举多得水煤浆用喷嘴磨损机理研究

    Study the Mechanism of Abrasion of the Nozzle Used by Coal - Liquid Mixture

  6. 结果表明,配入石油改质沥青能显著提高煤料的粘结性。

    The results suggest that blend-in of asphalt will greatly increase the adhesion of coking charge .

  7. 配添加物和煤料压实法炼焦对焦炭质量的影响

    The influence of coking process combining A. D. A and C. B. C. technique on the coke quality

  8. 对煤料的热压成型过程进行了分析,提出了改进挤压设备的途径。

    This paper analyses the process of coal hot briquetting and points out the way to improve squeeer .

  9. 雨水应从这些中和槽被引导至存放结构体,在煤料和石灰石场再利用。

    From these tanks the water shall be directed to storage structures to be reused later in the coal and limestone yards .

  10. 选择石油改质沥青作炼焦煤料的添加剂,分别以新日铁和住友配型煤炼焦工艺进行了炼焦试验。

    Asphalt is selected as coking charge additive in the coking tests carried out respectively as per NSC and Sumitomo briquette coal blending processes .

  11. 系统必须具有较高的自动化程度,以保证可靠地供应煤料、改善劳动条件和降低生产成本。

    The system must be of higher roboticized grade , in order to assure supply-coal reliability 、 improving of work-environment and lowing of produce-cost .

  12. 辐射炉生产能力高,每平方米的加热面积约可处理煤料100公斤/时。

    For every M ~ 2 of heating surface , 100 kg of coal particles may be treated per one hour in this type of oven .

  13. 承包商应依照煤料和石灰石场的设计和计划、以及相应的场地正确管理操作手册来进行场地布置。

    The CONTRACTOR shall furnish with the coal and limestone yards designs and plans , the corresponding operation manuals for the proper management of these yards .

  14. 煤料和石灰石场应有一个屋面遮盖区,用以遮盖漏斗区以及通过传送带输送至粉碎机的材料堆。

    The coal and limestone yards shall have a roofed covered area corresponding to the hopper zone and a portion of the materials pile to be transported by conveyor belts to the pulverizer .

  15. 研究了生物质配入量、肥煤配入量、成型压力、煤料筛分组成、炭化加热速度对型焦抗压强度的影响。

    The effect of additive amount of biomass and fat coal , briquetting pressure , coal sizes distribution , heating velocity of the carbonization process on the strength of formed coke were examined .

  16. 指出如何从理论和实践方面掌握捣固炼焦技术的精髓,分别介绍影响煤料的捣性因素,及捣固炼焦对结焦过程和焦炭质量的影响。

    The paper points out how to grasp the distillation of tamping coking technique from theoretical side and practical side , and introduces the influence of tamping and coking on coking process and coke quality .

  17. 传热模型用于研究焦炉炭化室内煤料通过炉墙的导热过程,模型用有限差分法由电子计算机进行数值解。

    The heat transfer mode described in this paper is used to research the heat conduction process of coal in coke oven chamber through the heating wall . The numerical solution of the model uses finite difference method by electronic computer .

  18. 对成型压力、无烟煤、瘦煤和焦粉的配合比、改性焦油洗油残渣用量和煤料粒度等主要影响因素进行了探讨,确定了最佳工艺条件。

    A research discussion was made on the briquetting pressure , ratio of anthracite coal , lean coal and coke powder , quantity of residuum of modified coal tar oil , coal particle size and other main influenced factors . The paper set up the optimized technique conditions .

  19. 利用BP神经元网络,建立了磨煤机料位与振声信号的关系模型,从而实现磨煤机料位的自动识别。

    The relationship model between coal level in ball mill and relevant envelope of acoustic signal due to vibration is therefore developed to recognize automatically the coal level .

  20. 钢球磨煤机料位超声检测的试验研究

    Test Study on ultrasonic detection of material level in ball mills

  21. 窑内风、煤、料的合理匹配

    Rational Match of Air , Coal and Material in Kiln

  22. 电子称重式给煤(料)机精度校验仪

    Precision Checking Instrument for Feeders with Electronic Weighing

  23. 基于神经网络的磨煤机料位监测系统

    Application of Neural Network of Monitoring and Measuring in Tube Mill 's Material Level

  24. 噪音-功率联合控制系统在RKD420/650磨煤机料位控制中的应用

    Application of combined noise-power control system in material level control for rkd 420 / 650 coal pulverizer

  25. 火电厂钢球磨煤机料位超声检测的实验研究基于球磨机电声功率谱料位检测系统的研究

    Experimental Analysis of Ultrasonic Testing for Level of Material in Tubular Ball Mill of Fossil-fuel Power Plant ; Research of Ball Mill ′ s Material Level Measurement System on Sound-electronic Measurement

  26. 本课题是PLC技术应用于电液动煤塔放料装置的一次成功尝试。

    This topic is a successful attempt , which is the application of PLC technology for the electric hydraulic coal feeding device .

  27. 利用六西格玛管理提供的工具,对铸管公司1350m3高炉的生铁含硅量进行了系统分析,找出了影响生铁含硅量的根本原因是煤比、料批、炉顶压力、焦炭灰分及料制。

    350 m3 blast furnace is analyzed systemically by using six sigma management tools . The essential reasons of influencing pig iron silica content are found out . They are coal ratio , material charge , furnace top pressure , coke ash and charging system .

  28. 利用煤矸石混合料修筑公路基层的分析

    Analysis on constructing base of road with gangue mixture

  29. 筒式钢球磨煤机进出料口椭圆设计

    Ellipse Devise of Material in-and-out Mouths of Cylinder Steel Ball Coal Mill Machine

  30. 直吹式双进双出钢球磨煤机仿真料位自动的研究

    Research on simulation material level automation of direct-blow double inlet and outlet tube mill