
cū běn
  • crude benzene
粗苯[cū běn]
  1. Cr-Mo-Al2O3催化剂用于焦化粗苯加氢精制的研究

    Cr-mo-al_2o_3 catalyst for hydrofining of coke oven crude benzene

  2. 阻聚剂HK-17A在焦化粗苯加氢中的应用洗脱苯工序改造技术

    Application of Polymerization Inhibitor HK-17A in Coking Crude Benzene Hydro-refining Process

  3. DCS控制系统在粗苯蒸馏工艺中的应用

    The Application of DCS in Crude Benzol Distillation Process

  4. K法粗苯加氢精制应作为我国焦化企业的首选方法。

    K process for benzol hydrorefining should be taken as the preferred process for benzol hydrorefining in the coking enterprises in our country .

  5. 粗苯设备腐蚀物质是洗油中的呲啶碱和煤气中的NH3、H2S、HCl、HCN等。

    The corrosion substance of crude benzol equipment is pyridine alkalies in washing oil , NH3 , H2S , HCL , HCN and so on in coke oven gas .

  6. 宝钢Litol法与K.K法粗苯加氢的对比

    Contrast of Litol Process with K.K Process for Benzol Hydrorefining in Bao Steel

  7. 乙烯装置TS-212粗苯反应换热器腐蚀失效分析与防护措施

    Corrosion Failure Analysis and Protective Measures of Ethylene Unit TS-212 Crude Benzol Reaction Heat Exchanger

  8. 目前更趋向于采用K-K法粗苯加氢技术,旨在获得优质的苯类产品与避免废酸的污染。

    Due to obtaining benzene of good quality and avoiding contaminant of waste acid the hydrodesulfurization of crude benzol refining is approaching to apply the K. K method nowadays .

  9. 在粗苯加氢装置的原料蒸发工艺中应用了国产HK-17A阻聚剂,有效地减缓了预蒸发器和多段蒸发器的结焦,生产实践证明了此种阻聚剂对于焦化粗苯效果十分明显。

    Polymerization Inhibitor HK-17A , which was applied in the raw material evaporation process of crude benzene hydro-refining equipment , reduced the slag in the pre-evaporator and excessive evaporator effectively . Practice proves that the effect of this polymerization inhibitor to coking crude is obvious .

  10. 粗苯管式炉改烧高炉煤气的应用

    Application of Raw Benzol Pipe Heater Combusted with Blast Furnace Gas

  11. 粗苯生产的工艺改进粗苯生产微机监控系统的设计

    Design of microcomputer monitor and control system for rough benzene process

  12. 预处理氧化法处理粗苯精制废酸

    Treatment of Waste Acid from Crude Benzene Refining by Pretreatment-oxidation Method

  13. 降低粗苯洗油消耗的途径

    Ways to Cutting down the Consumption of Crude Benzol Washing Oil

  14. 粗苯精制废酸的净化研究

    The research on treating the waste acid of crude benzol refining

  15. 粗苯催化氯化精制新工艺的研究

    Study on New Process of Crude Benzol Refining with Catalytic Chlorination

  16. 粗苯回收过程操作故障诊断专家系统

    Expert System for Operating Trouble Diagnosis for Crude Benzol Recovery Process

  17. 焦化粗苯加氢精制前进一步预处理的探讨

    Discussion about the pretreatment of coking crude benzol before hydrogen-adding refining

  18. 低压氢气下粗苯的脱硫精制第二报

    Hydrofining of crude benzole under low hydrogen pressure part II

  19. 用气相色谱法测定粗苯馏程

    The determination of the distillation process of crude benzene by gas chromatography

  20. 酚油清洗粗苯换热器技术的研究

    Research on Technology for Heat Exchanger Crude Benzol Washing with Phenol Oil

  21. 导热油在粗苯加氢精制工艺中的应用

    Application of Heat Transfer Oil in Crude Benzol Hydro-refining Process

  22. 提高粗苯回收率及稳定洗油耗量的改进措施

    Measures for Increasing Crude Benzene Recovery Rate and Reducing Wash Oil Consumption

  23. 加氢粗苯烷烃分离的汽液平衡研究

    Study on Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for separating the alkane from the hydrorefining crude benzol

  24. 粗苯加氢反应系统异常原因分析及改进措施间苯氧基苯甲酸催化加氢合成间苯氧基苯甲醛

    Crude Benzene Hydrogenation Reaction System Abnormalities Analysis and Improvement

  25. 5万t/a粗苯低温加氢装置简介

    Brief Introduction to Low Temperature hydrogenation unit of 50000t / a Crude Benzol

  26. 提高粗苯洗涤效率的措施

    Measures to enhance the scrubbing efficiency of raw benzole

  27. 粗苯管式炉富油管道碳渣的清洗

    Cleaning of Carbon Sediment in Saturated Oil Tube of Crude Benzene Tubular Furnace

  28. 测定粗苯重量比,有色谱法和蒸馏法两种方法,其中蒸馏法为仲裁方法。

    There are two method to measure the weight ratio of crude benzene .

  29. 分析了目前武钢粗苯回收工艺存在的问题。

    The present problems existed in crude benzol recovery process of WISCO is analyzed .

  30. 国内焦化粗苯加工发展趋势

    Development Tendency on Domestic Coking Crude Benzol Processing