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  • 网络coke pushing
  1. 邢钢焦炉推焦电流偏大原因的分析

    Analysis about reason of coke pushing current being over large

  2. 介绍了焦炉推焦和装煤操作系统内容。

    This paper introduced the coke pushing and coal loading operating system in coke oven .

  3. PLC在推焦车液压传动系统中的应用

    Application of PLC in hydraulic transmission of pushing machine in coking plant

  4. 推焦车电控系统PLC改造设计

    The PLC design of Push - coke machine

  5. JT-6-19推焦车在推焦杆推焦进退过程中,出现不同程度的震动。

    Coke-thruster JT-6-19 occured vibration during advance and retreat process .

  6. 焦炉推焦操作自动显示记录系统的开发

    Development of Automatic Displaying and Recording System for Coke Oven Pushing

  7. 推焦车液压应急装置的设计

    The Design of the Hydraulic Emergency Device for the Coke Pusher

  8. 动态数据交换在焦炉推焦管理系统中的应用

    Application of Dynamic Data Exchange in Coke Oven Pushing Management System

  9. 焦炉推焦车全自动操作系统的研制及应用

    Research and application of automatic operation system for coke oven coke pusher

  10. 基于IC卡技术的智能推焦管理系统

    The Intelligent Coke-pushing Management System Based on IC Card Technique

  11. 焦炉推焦杆振动分析及共振消除

    Vibration analysis and resonance vibration abatement of pushing coke pole

  12. 焦炉推焦监控系统的应用

    Application of the Pushing Coke Control System for Coke Oven

  13. 煤化工炼焦推焦车自动走行控制系统的研制

    Developing of Auto - control Position System in Push-coke Machine

  14. 推焦系统中的计算机无线通讯及控制

    Application of Computer Radio Communication and Control in Pushing System

  15. 滚动轴承在推焦机辊体上的应用

    Application of Rolling Bearing on Roller of Coke Pusher

  16. 5~、6~焦炉推焦车互换性调整

    Compatibility adjustment of pushing cars used in the 5th and 6th coke ovens

  17. 济钢焦化厂推焦准大循环运行实践

    Running Practice of Pushing Quasi-major-cycle at Jigang Coking Plant

  18. 推焦杆火焰矫正技术的应用

    Application of Flame Correction Technology for Pushing Ram

  19. 装煤推焦二合一焚烧净化系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of the Cineration-cleaning System with Combination of Coal Charge and Coke Push

  20. 捣固推焦分体实施方案

    Separated Implementation Proposal for Stamping and Pushing

  21. 推焦操作数据管理系统

    Data Management System for Pushing Operation

  22. 分析了焦炉推焦管理系统的功能要求和实施方案。

    The functional requirements and implementation plan for the pushing management system for coke oven are analyzed .

  23. 具体介绍了系统的构成、以推焦车为对象的自动定位及连锁控制系统的原理和方法。

    The system structure , design principium and implemented method on pushing car are introduced in detail .

  24. 实践证明,我国首台捣固装煤和推焦分体式焦炉机械的设计是成功的。

    Practice has proved that the mechanical design of the first coke oven with separate stamp coal charging and coke pushing is successful .

  25. 叙述了捣固机械存在的问题以及捣固推焦方案的改进,并对不同的方案进行了比较。

    This paper expounds the problems existing in tamping machines and the improvements of tamping and pushing schemes , and makes comparison of different schemes .

  26. 本课题的实际应用背景是武钢的炉号识别与推焦信息远传系统。

    An engineer case is introduced , which is " The Identification of Coke Oven Sequence Number and Distant Transmission of Pushing Coke Information " .

  27. 焦炉机车是焦化生产的主体设备,主要完成装煤、推焦、导焦、熄焦等工作。

    Coke oven vehicles is the key equipment in coke production . They mostly work on loading coal , pushing coke , transmitting coke and extinguishing coke .

  28. 选用轴编码器与无线传输技术相结合构成自动炉号定位系统来有效监督推焦计划的执行。

    In order to monitor the execution of the plan effectively , the axle coder and wireless transmition technology were applied in the automatic furnace alignment system .

  29. 对推焦车应急装置存在的问题进行改进,增加了液压装置。

    Regarding to the shortcomings existing in the emergency device of the coke pusher and by installing a hydraulic device , the upgrading of which has been performed .

  30. 以焦炉生产中的推焦生产控制为研究对象,介绍了焦炉推焦控制管理系统的功能要求和总体结构。

    Took pushing production control in coke plant as research object , the function requirement and overall structure of pushing control and management system of coke oven were introduced .