
  • 网络push cart
  1. 很多领导同志和我们一道推小车。

    Many leading comrades pushed handcarts together with us .

  2. 马车已经来了它似乎是突然从最近那片高地后面出现的,就停在推小车的小伙子旁边。

    It had come - appearing suddenly from behind the forehead of the nearest upland , and stopping beside the boy with the barrow .

  3. 柴王爷推小车,运载着五岳名山,他们行于桥中心,将桥压得摇摇欲坠。

    Chai Wangye pushed a one-wheeled cart , on which there were the five famous mountains in China . When they came to the middle of the bridge , it began to shake and was likely to fall down .

  4. 娃娃也会闭眼睛呢。这时芬就会慢慢的、稳稳的推着小车,以免把她的宝宝们从梦中摇醒。

    The doll would close her eyes , too , and Fern would wheel the carriage very slowly and smoothly9 so as not to wake her infants .

  5. 减速器-绳索牵引推送小车点连式调速系统关于新型提速90t凹底平车牵引点位置的探讨

    Retarder-Cable Propelling Trolley Descrete-Continuous Speed Control System Discussion of the Drawing Points on the New Type Speed Increased 90 t Depressed Center Flat Cars

  6. 你以前推糖果小车在那一带叫卖吗?

    Did you have a little candy tray you walked around with ?

  7. 中密度生产线推板小车与装机联锁提速的改进

    Improvement on Medium Density Plywood Assembly Line

  8. 哈利推着小车走下站台,目光搜索着空位子。

    Harry pushed his cart off down the platform in search of an empty seat .

  9. 一个精神病院的护士,在泥泞的路上,费力地推着小车,她希望找到一条大路,回医院工作。

    A psychiatric nurse is pushing her bike through the mud , hoping to find the main road to the hospital .

  10. 没过多久,不论男女,都是赤着脚推着小车在田埂上奔走如飞。

    Before long , all of us , male and female , could rush about with the carts on the ridge , with bare feet .

  11. 他已经无心欣赏那些云彩的奇幻形状,而想念起数十英里之下的火车来,那里有胖胖的女巫推着小车叫卖冰镇南瓜汁。

    He had stopped noticing the fantastic cloud shapes now and was thinking longingly of the train miles below , where you could buy ice-cold pumpkin juice from a trolley pushed by a plump witch .

  12. 经过长期努力,现已研究成功多种适合国情的自动化驼峰调速系统,它们是减速器打靶的点式系统、减速器打靶加推送小车或减速顶的点连式系统。

    After years of research work , several new systems for automatic hump yard speed control are developed , they are the Retarder Shooting Intermittent Type Speed Control system and the Retarder Shooting-Propelling Trolley or Dowty Unit Intermittent-Continuous Speed Control System .

  13. 这个人在推一辆小车。

    The man was pushing a small cart .

  14. 贝尔太太:我们推一个小车先买蔬菜:菜花、胡萝卜、玉米、黄瓜、茄子。

    Mrs. bell : let 's get a shopping cart . first we 'll get our vegetables : cauliflower , carrots , corn , cucumbers and eggplant .

  15. 厄尼推着一辆小车从拐角处慢慢地走了过来,车上装满供应品。

    Ernie comes slowly around the corner , rolling a steel mop cart loaded with supplies .