
tuī fān
  • overthrow;overturn;reverse;topple;override;repudiate;demolish;cancel;explode;scrap
推翻 [tuī fān]
  • (1) [overthrow;overturn;scrap;topple]

  • (2) 把竖立之物推倒

  • 推翻桌子

  • (3) 用武力打垮原来的政权或社会制度

  • 推翻清朝

  • 推翻殖民主义的统治

  • (4) [demolish;repudiate;cancel;reverse]∶根本否定

  • 合同谁也不能推翻

推翻[tuī fān]
  1. 他们与恐怖分子密谋推翻政府。

    They colluded with terrorists to overthrow the government .

  2. 军事统治政权被推翻以后,接着是一段时期的无政府状态。

    The overthrow of the military regime was followed by a period of anarchy .

  3. 国会议员希望推翻英国退出该条约的决定。

    MPs hoped to reverse Britain 's opt-out from the treaty .

  4. 这条新证据推翻了他对事件经过的说法。

    This new piece of evidence invalidates his version of events .

  5. 反叛者最后总算推翻了政府。

    The rebels finally managed to oust the government from power .

  6. 最近出版的一本书推翻了这种理论。

    A recent book has demolished this theory .

  7. 终于有一家妇女杂志起来推翻瘦即美的神话。

    At last , a women 's magazine to explode the myth that thin equals beautiful .

  8. 他最终被推翻,整个国家则陷入了混乱。

    He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos .

  9. 该国最高法院已推翻了下级法院的判决。

    The nation 's highest court reversed the lower court 's decision

  10. 示威者攻击警察,推翻车辆并将其纵火焚烧。

    Demonstrators turned on police , overturning vehicles and setting fire to them

  11. 我一直在致力于推翻有关意义恒定性的谬谈。

    I have been working on exploding the myth of fixity of meaning

  12. 检方在审判中指称被告密谋推翻政府。

    Prosecutors in the trial allege the defendants plotted to overthrow the government

  13. 把协议推翻在逻辑上站不住脚。

    There would be no logic in upsetting the agreements .

  14. 由于诉讼程序上的一个技术细则,原先的判决被推翻了。

    The earlier verdict was overturned on a legal technicality .

  15. 安全部队揭露了一起推翻政府的阴谋。

    Security forces have uncovered a plot to overthrow the government

  16. 这些情绪有可能促使人们想要推翻现行的体制。

    These feelings are likely to make people attempt to overthrow the system

  17. 他声称被告是被诱骗的,从而推翻了有罪的判决。

    He overturned the conviction , saying the defendant was entrapped

  18. 罗马帝国被日耳曼的野蛮人推翻了。

    The Roman Empire was overrun by Nordic barbarians .

  19. 事先没有听到一点儿风声要彻底推翻这项政策。

    The complete reversal of this policy was unheralded .

  20. 看来推翻这项否决的可能性很小。

    An override of the veto appears unlikely .

  21. 现在有一种推翻公立学校校长权威性的趋势。

    There is a trend for knocking public-school headmasters and headmistresses off their perches .

  22. 古德温想推翻法院作出的裁决。

    Goodwin tried to have the court ruling overturned

  23. 安德鲁现在推翻了那个说法,说那是自己在情绪低落时说的话。

    Andrew now disowns that statement , saying he was depressed when he made it

  24. 原告唯一的证人嗜赌成性,游手好闲,其证词一下子就被推翻了。

    The plaintiff 's sole witness , a gambler and layabout , was easily discredited .

  25. 目前还不清楚星期天发动的企图推翻总统的行动的幕后指使人是谁。

    It is still not clear who was behind Sunday 's attempt to unseat the President

  26. 总统否决了该议案,而参议院以一票之差未能推翻他的否决。

    The president vetoed the bill , and the Senate failed by a single vote to override his veto

  27. 在迈阿密,由多种族人士组成的陪审团裁决洛扎诺犯过失杀人罪,但上诉法庭推翻了该判决。

    A racially mixed jury in Miami convicted Lozano of manslaughter , but an appellate court overturned the convictions .

  28. 他图谋推翻政府。

    He plotted to overthrow the government .

  29. 警方发现他与一些军官同谋企图推翻政府。

    The police discovered his conspiracy to overthrow the government with some army officers .

  30. 武昌起义打响了推翻封建王朝的第一枪。

    The Wuchang Uprising fired the first shot against the feudal imperial regime .