
  1. 论文所实现了一款功能丰富,调用接口方便的,可以在任意的Android应用软件上集成的广告与游戏推广平台SDK。

    The author have designed and developed a function is rich , calls the interface convenient , can be in any of the Android application software integration " advertising and game " promotion platform SDK .

  2. 优质的推广平台,互动的阅读体验,个性的服务系统。

    Quality promotion platforms , interactive reading experience , personalized service system .

  3. 关于上海现代农业园区推广平台构建的思考

    Platform Construction for Modern Agricultural Garden Extention in Shanghai

  4. 探讨了农业科技成果推广平台建设的关键技术和建设原则。

    Key technologies and principles to the building of the software platform ware presented in the last part .

  5. 本文提出了农业科技成果推广平台建设的指导思想和目标。

    S : The paper gave the idea and the objects of the Soft Platform of National Agricultural Scientific Achievements .

  6. 罗氏家族于2002年购得该演艺中心,从此,罗先生的动作音乐剧便有了完美的推广平台。

    The Law family purchased The Centre in2002.The venue is the perfect launching pad for what Dennis has labeled Action Musicals .

  7. 它的标志也将出现在每场比赛的广告牌、球票、媒体出版物和其他重要的推广平台上。

    Its logo will also appear during every match on pitch advertising boards , tickets , media releases and other key promotional platforms .

  8. 据韩坤讲,小咖秀计划转型成新电视剧的推广平台,甚至是发掘有潜力演员的星探。

    According to Han , Xiaokaxiu is aiming to be a promotional platform for new TV series , or even a talent scout for potential actors .

  9. 开放式农业科技推广E平台建设

    Discussion on Construction of Opening E Platform of Agricultural Technology Demonstration

  10. 赶紧上大家旺中国服装产业网,量身打造企业品牌前期推广的平台、企业博客,让您足不出户即可学到最新最好的企业管理培训经验心得!

    Da Jia Wang , which has created platforms and blogs for early promotion of enterprise brands , enables you to get the latest business management training experience !

  11. 随着物流信息平台的应用和推广,平台在建设运行过程中存在的问题也逐步显现出来,如重复性建设严重、核心竞争优势不明显等。

    Along with the promotion and application of PLIP , the problems of platform in construction and operation process gradually revealed , such as seriously repetitive construction , unobvious core competitive advantages .

  12. 应用网格现有开发工具Globus开发平台,设计并实现科技成果推广信息服务平台的安全体系结构,建立了安全认证系统,并实现在网格环境信息服务平台的安全功能,论证了系统实现设计的可行性。

    It uses the Globus development platform , designs and realizes the safety system of information service platform . It establishes safety certification system and realizes the functional performance of information service , It demonstrates the feasibility of system design .

  13. 因此,本平台是一种很有前途,值得推广的设计平台。

    Therefore , this platform is of great future and is valuable to apply to the various product designs .

  14. 总公司与各分公司之间资源共享,并为模特提供强大、流畅的推广、发展平台。

    The corporation with various subsidiary companies between the resource sharing , and provides , the smooth promotion for the model , to develop the platform formidable .

  15. 计算结果与实测数值具有良好的一致性,可将分析方法推广到原型平台地基的分析计算中。

    It is shown that the calculated results are identified wtih the measured data and this method may be weed in analysis and calculation of prototype gravtiy platform foundation .

  16. 通过探讨农村住宅产业化的开发模式、基本战略及其推进策略,全面搭建促进开放建筑体系在该地区推广的框架平台。

    Through the discussion of the development mode , the basic strategy and the promotion of industrialized way , we could build a overall frame terrace to promote the " open building " theory in this area .

  17. 本文以“玉林师范学院教育在线”为背景,全面阐述了网络教学平台开发的意义、主要开发技术及其在推广网络教学平台的应用中要解决的几个关键问题。

    With the background of " The Education Online of YuLin normal University ", the paper expatiate in detail on the significance of the E-learning platform , the main exploitation technology and several sixty-four-dollar questions that demand to be solved in the popularize of the application of network teaching platform .

  18. 本文将BitTorent文件分发系统应用到嵌入式平台,这对于P2P技术的推广和基于嵌入式平台之上的应用的拓展,都是一个有益的尝试。

    It is a promotion both in P2P technology and the applications on embedded Linux system .

  19. 它们还是各大品牌推广产品的理想平台。

    They have also emerged as an attractive place for brands to push their products .

  20. 作为星载掩星技术的推广,基于飞机平台的无线电掩星技术备受关注。

    As an extended technique of GNSS radio occultation ( RO ), the airborne RO sounding has attracted much wider attention .

  21. 《食品招商代理指南》杂志是一个为更多进口食品代理商提供推广、服务的平台。

    " Journal of Merchants Guide of Food " is a platform to provide extension and services for more imported food agent .

  22. 随着信息技术的进步,信息农业发展方兴未艾,改变了农业发展途径,也为技术推广提供了新型平台,信息农业也因此成为支撑国外先进农业发展的支柱。

    Along with the information technology progress , the information agricultural development changed the agricultural development way and provided the new platform for the technical promotion .

  23. 在大规模作战仿真系统开发中,可推广使用模型测试平台,提高模型可靠性,降低集成成本,缩短集成周期。

    In large-scale combat simulation system development , the promotion of model testing platform can improve the model reliability , reduce the integration costs and shorten the integration period .

  24. 通过结合人种组织研究、访谈和文献研究,本文将结合由Helmig在2008年提出的商业共同推广范式,集中分析中德共同推广品牌平台的目标及其成功因素。

    Through a mix of organisational ethnographic study , interviews and document research , this paper analyses the aims and success factors of the Sino-German co-branding platform and integrates its findings with the framework devised by Helmig et al .

  25. 通过网络平台发布林业科技推广成果信息,建立林业科技推广的服务平台,可以节约经费,从而提高林业科技成果推广的效率[2]。

    Forestry Science and Technology through the network platform , the results published information , the establishment of forestry scientific and technological achievements to promote the service platform , you can save money , to promote scientific and technological achievements to improve the efficiency of forestry [ 2 ] .