
  • 网络rational method
  1. FRDL所描述的逻辑表达方法以及规则推理公式为建立在模糊目标信息系统之上的决策支持系统、推理机提供了形式化的表示和推理方法。

    The logic and reasoning rules described in FRDL provide decision support systems and inference machines , which are constructed by fuzzy objective information systems , with formal representation and reasoning method .

  2. 运用传统的类比推理公式,在分析比喻时有所创新和发展。

    2 , it uses traditional analogy inference formula to analyze metaphor which achieves creativity and development .

  3. 乌鲁木齐地区小流域设计山洪推理公式的参数规律

    Study on the Parameter Laws of Rational Formula for Design Flash Flood Calculation of Small Basins in Urumchi Region

  4. 证明了可拓数据挖掘两个定理和可拓推理公式。

    This thesis also attested two theorems of the extension data mining and the formula of the extension reasoning .

  5. 将浙江省推理公式与分段暴雨公式耦合处理,改进了原有迭代求解的计算方法。

    An approach that coupling Zhejiang rational formula and step-shaped formula of rainstorm improves the traditional interative solution method .

  6. 50年一遇设计洪水的结果与湖北省改进的推理公式法及实测成果比较,本文的结果更符合实际。

    It is found that the results of the modified method agree well with the field data measured in some places in Hubei Province .

  7. 结合经验性参数趋势线、暴雨参数空间分布图与推理公式法确定无资料流域设计条件下最大清水洪峰流量和最大山洪洪峰流量。

    According to the trend line formula of empirical and the chart of the spacial interpolation of hard rain parameter , maximum discharge of ungaged basins are confirm .

  8. 应用广东推理公式法和单位线计算广州抽水蓄能电站水库坝址处设计洪水,并对两方法计算的结果进行分析比较。

    The rational formula method and the unit hydrograph method are used and compared in the calculation of the design flood for the Guangzhou pumped storage station in this paper .

  9. 与前几个版本相比,其重点是经济背后的推理公式,同时引导学生的数学,这将使他们能够谋求进一步阅读。

    As with previous editions , the emphasis is on the economic reasoning behind the formulae while introducing students to the mathematics that will enable them to pursue further reading .

  10. 推导了相关的推理合成运算公式。

    The related sets of mathematical formulas of inference compositional operations are derived .

  11. 推理树概率逻辑公式集有效赋值列数计算

    Calculation the Number of Valid Assignments of the Formula Set in Probabilistic Logic

  12. 利用MATLAB进行合成模糊推理推导了相关的推理合成运算公式。

    Study on Compose Fuzzy Reasoning with MATLAB The related sets of mathematical formulas of inference compositional operations are derived .