
  1. 在一个命题集中,其中任意一个命题都至少与其它某一个命题有推出关系,就称这个命题集的图式为一个命题系。

    In a set of propositions if an arbitrary proposition at least had a deducing relation with any other one , then this set of propositions was called a proposition system .

  2. 今年四月份上市的社交约会软件Clover,是基于地理位置的约会软件。它的功能与Tinder相似,为用户配对或者预测交友喜好。但与之不同的是,它还将推出潜在关系的回看业务,扩大交友范围。

    Clover , which launched in April , is a location-based dating app similar to Tinder in that users scroll through matches and indicate whether they 're interested - but unlike Tinder , it allows users to revisit potential connections at a later time 。

  3. 此讨论文章讨论部署该解决方案的阶段划分选项,专门用来满足提前推出客户关系管理功能的短期要求。

    This discussion paper addresses the phasing options for deploying that solution , specifically aimed at meeting a short-term requirement for an early release of CRM functionality .

  4. 同时,将计算PGA值与已有的根据其它地区地震记录推出的PGA衰减关系进行了对比分析,认为该结果可供莫高窟抗震防护加固设计时参考。

    The calculated values of PGA are compared with those deduced from other attenuation formulas based on the data of other areas to validate the calculation result . This study has some reference to aseismatic and reinforced design in Mogao grottoes .