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  • 网络This theory;body
  1. 结语部分延续本论部分的视角,指出亦舒创作价值之所在。

    Epilogue part of body parts continuation , and points out that will relieve creation value view lies .

  2. 其中本论部分又分为三章。分别就琵琶与古琴在器物、行为、观念三个层面的审美文化展开比较研究。

    And the body part is divided into three chapters , conducting the comparative study of pipa and guqin on the aspects of aesthetic culture in implements , behavior and idea respectively .

  3. 本论文正是基于这样的背景,围绕着ZnO的p型掺杂、缺陷物理与发光等问题,开展了如下工作。

    This thesis is based on the background surrounding the ZnO p-type doping , defect physics and luminescence issues .

  4. 高分辨率SAR成像技术是SAR的一个重要研究方向,本论文力图深入研究高分辨率SAR成像技术和运动补偿技术,给出了能够获得高质量雷达图像的高分辨率成像及运动补偿的算法。

    High resolution microwave imaging technique is an important research direction in the SAR system .

  5. 本论文正是针对这样的应用,构建一个基于IP多播的视频流媒体应用方案。

    This paper aims at such applications and designs a scheme of video stream media application based on IP multicast .

  6. 本论文正是从这几个方面进行了深入研究,提出了若干改进算法,并把这些改进算法应用于自适应均衡算法设计、模糊聚类分析、多Agent联盟形成等领域,取得了很好的效果。

    In this dissertation , some improved DE algorithms are proposed and applied in the fields of fuzzy clustering analysis , agent coalition formation and adaptive equalization .

  7. 本论文正是以DNA纳米结构和纳米材料的设计、制备、组装为研究内容,并研究了其在细胞成像检测方面的应用。

    The thesis focus on DNA nano structure and DNA bio-nano materials design , preparation , assembly and discuss their application in the cell imaging testing .

  8. 本论文正是从这些问题着手,深入研究了RFID系统中的关键问题。

    This paper , by addressing these obstacles , gives a profound meditation on key issues of RFID system .

  9. 本论文正是从这个角度出发,对基于Agent的城市道路区域协调控制及优化及相关联的信息共享和标准化等方面进行了研究。

    This thesis just based on this point , the research is focus on Area-wide Cooperation control based on Agent as well as related information sharing and standardization issues .

  10. 作为中国经济思想史的组成部分,本论文力求客观真实地刻画中国当代通货膨胀(Inflation,以下简称通胀)理论的演变过程,这是第一要务。

    As one part of History of Chinese Economic Thoughts , this dissertation has managed to depict the evolvement of Chinese inflation theories factually and exactly .

  11. 本论文正是围绕着数控加工虚拟仿真系统NC代码编译器技术的研究与实现而展开的。

    This thesis is opened up on the foundation of the research and realization of the NC-code compiler technology of NC machining virtual emulation system .

  12. 本论还研究了配体与Cu离子络合后,对水相中C-N键偶联反应的催化作用。

    Additionally , the complex of the ligand and Cu was used in catalyzing C-N coupling reaction .

  13. 本论还研究了PVC用量及木粉含量对ABS木塑材料力学性能的影响。

    The effects of PVC content and wood-powder content on the properties of Wood-power / ABS mixed material were studied in this experiment .

  14. 本论文力图通过在磷化液中加入纳米Al2O3,利用纳米材料的特殊性质提高磷化膜的耐磨性。

    In this paper , I try to improve wearability of Phosphating film utilize the trait of nanometer through puting n - Al_2O_3 into the Phosphating solution .

  15. 并展示了本论设计设计的一个基于PHP视频点播系统,提供了系统的界面及相关的设计代码。

    And shows the design of the design of a VOD system based on PHP , the system provides the design interface and related code .

  16. 本论文本包括文献综述和糖尿病下肢血管病变(DiabeticLEAD)临床症状两部分。

    The thesis includes two parts : ( 1 ) literature summarization ; ( 2 ) the research on symptomatic characters of diabetic lower - extremity arterial disease , ( Diabetic LEAD ) .

  17. 本论文正是适应显示技术发展的需求,通过高温固相反应的方法制备了Eu~(3+)激活的(Y,Gd)(P,V)O4红色荧光粉。

    In order to meet the requirement of display technology development , we prepared the red phosphor ( Y , Gd )( P , V ) O4 activated with Eu3 + .

  18. 本论文正是以此出发,首先介绍了有关现代企业信息化管理的新思想、新观念,讲述了ERP的概念、渊源与发展;

    At first , this thesis introduce new thought and idea of modern enterprise 's information management , narrate the conception , origin and development of ERP ( Enterprise Resources Planning );

  19. 本论文正是基于这一背景,重点研究LTE系统中信道质量指示(CQI)对系统性能的影响,并基于预测理论提出相应的鲁棒性解决方案。

    Under this background , this thesis focuses on the study of channel quality indicator ( CQI ) .

  20. 本论文本着从制备新型BNT基无铅压电陶瓷材料及展望其器件应用出发,开展了BNT基无铅压电陶瓷的体系筛选、制备及性能研究。

    To prepare new BNT-based lead-free piezoelectric ceramic materials , the system , preparation and properties of the ceramics were studied .

  21. 本论文本着理论和实际相结合、定性和定量相结合的原则,综合运用了问卷调查法、文献研究法和访谈法,将绩效管理的理论运用到XB公司的实践当中。

    Through the integrated use of a questionnaire survey , documentary research and interviews , we intend to put the performance management theory into practice in XB company .

  22. 本论文正是在此基础上,利用OpenGL三维图形库,在VC++5.0平台上,采用完全面向对象设计方法,进行三维实体真实感显示的研究。

    On the right base , This paper is designed to study how to display realistic 3D graphic . All the work is done on the VC + + 5 . O platform and using object-oriented method and OpenGL graphic libraries .

  23. 本论工作得到了国家自然科学基金项目(10802017)和国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助项目(2010CB832704)的资助。

    The current thesis was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China ( 10802017 ) and the National Key Basic Research Special Foundation of China ( 2010CB832704 ) .

  24. 这篇论文的本论部分有很多问题。

    There are many problems in the body of this paper .

  25. 这本论文学的书已印成对开本发行。

    This book on literature has been brought out in folio .

  26. 本论文正是基于上述背景条件下展开的。

    This paper expands just based on the above background .

  27. 本论文正是基于此现状进行经济型数控车床控制系统的研究。

    The paper studies the economic CNC lathe system based on this .

  28. 本论文正是基于以上思想而写的。

    This paper is only written based on above thought .

  29. 而透过对贫困问题的认识,如何削减贫困则是本论中的核心问题。

    Beyond this question , the key is how to reduce poverty .

  30. 《中华人民共和国统计法》修订本论析

    Discussion on the Revised Version of the Law of Statistics