首页 / 词典 / good

  • ancient wine vessel
  • 古代盛酒的器皿:~言(卮不灌酒就空仰着,灌满酒就倾斜,没有一成不变的常态,如同说话没有主见或定见。后常用为对自己著作的谦辞,如《诸子~~》)

  • 古同“栀”,栀子。

  1. 为国家财政利益考虑,力主严禁鸦片,以塞漏卮;

    Forbid opium business to the benefit of the state finance ;

  2. 既然此楼梯间卮雒黑暗,我们必须感觉闩逶小心地。

    Since this staircase is rather dark , we must feel our way carefully .

  3. 第二次鸦片战争后,海关漏卮引起晚清士人对“商战”的讨论。

    After the second Opium War , the loss in customs caused discussion about " trade war " .

  4. 《庄子》之文诗意表达是寓言、卮言、重言三位一体。这种三位一体,不同于概念思维规定性之所指的表达,而是作为寓旨性之能指的表达。

    The book Zhuang Zi shows the trinity of fable , randomness and tautology , which is different from the signified of conceptual thinking but is the signifier with implied meanings .

  5. 玉卮是一种器形较大的玉质容器,用一块玉料雕琢成的玉卮,制作工艺复杂,造型优雅,纹饰精美,无论出土物或传世品都比较少见。

    It is rare for either the unearthed jade vessel or the handed-down one to be cut and polished from one piece of jade with complicated making craft , elegant shape and beautiful line decoration .