
gōng lǐ huà
  • axiomatization;axiomatize
公理化[gōng lǐ huà]
  1. 阐述了这两种逻辑能在Rough集公理化基础上被统一起来,并且随着不同性质的关系R,能得到与模态逻辑相平行的各种Rough逻辑模型。

    It describes the uniformity of two logic on the basis of rough set axiomatization . And we have various similar deductive models of rough logic to modal logic according to different properties of relation R.

  2. 另外还简单介绍了向量的公理化过程。

    The process of axiomatization of vector theory is also studied .

  3. Fuzzy真凸集的公理化定义

    The Axiomatic Definition of Fuzzy Real Convex Set

  4. XML相关技术在基于公理化设计的概念设计产品模型中的研究

    Research of Product Model Based on Axiomatic Design in Conceptual Design with XML-related Techniques

  5. 提出了基于公理化的产品CAD模型验证方法及实现技术,建立了基于公理化的产品CAD模型验证过程模型。

    The verification method and implementing technology of product CAD model based on Axiomatic Design are put forward .

  6. 2002年,刘宝碇建立了信赖性理论(TrustTheory),信赖性理论是以公理化方法研究粗糙变量性质及其应用的理论。

    In 2002 , Trust theory was built by Baoding Liu . Trust theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the behavior of rough events .

  7. 其创新点主要有:1.提出了基于CAD软件的产品公理化设计理论框架及其实现技术。

    The innovations are following aspects : 1 . The product design system framework and implementing technology based on Axiomatic Design are put forward .

  8. 在公理化设计(Axiomaticdesign)理论的基础上,研究了机械产品概念设计方案生成的几个关键技术。

    On the basis of Axiomatic design ( AD ) theory , several key techniques for generating conceptual design schemes of mechanical products are studied .

  9. 本文证明了q-阶Shannon模糊熵满足模糊熵的四个公理化条件并且它是一个σ-熵。

    Proved q - order Shannon fuzzy entropy satisfied four axiom conditions of entropy .

  10. 为了描述2个粒集的接近程度,通过对传统Fuzzy集贴近度的公理化定义进行重新定义,提出了基于粒计算的格贴近度的定义,并给出了相关的基本性质。

    In order to measure the similarity between the granules , we define lattice close-degree of granular computing which is based on the conventional Fuzzy set close-degree , and offer the related properties .

  11. Liu提出的模糊熵、距离测度、相似测度的公理化定义,我们给出了一类新的相似测度及由相似测度、距离测度引导的模糊熵。

    Liu ~ [ 4 ] , we offer some new similarity measure and fuzzy entropy caused by distance measure , similarity measure .

  12. 本文从公理化定义出发。提出了(m,n)&行列式的新概念,进而建立了它的基本理论。

    In this paper , we put forward the new concept of ( m , n ) - determinant by means of axiom method , and establish its foundational theory .

  13. 基于PDE的图像复原分为变分和公理化方法,本文改进了其中的三种常用框架,并研究其扩散系数问题。

    PDE-based image restoration methods were divided two kinds : axiomatic approach and variational Approach .

  14. 该模型由VonNeumannandMorgenstern(1947)等人,继承18世纪数学家Bernoulli对圣.彼得堡悖论(St.Petersburgparadox)的解答并进行严格的公理化阐述而形成。

    It is proposed by Von Neumann and Morgenstern ( 1947 ) who succeed Bernoulli to answer the St. Petersburg paradox .

  15. 在对产品从公理化角度进行定义和分析的基础上,通过确定产品公理化设计模块及软件设计流程,建立了基于CAD软件的车床公理化设计系统框架。

    On the basis of definition and analysis to product design from Axiomatic Design viewpoint , by determining product design module and software design flowchart , the rapid design system framework of product Axiomatic Design based on CAD software is achieved . 2 .

  16. 建立了基于公理化的产品CAD模型,将产品设计知识融合于产品的三维快速建模中,建立了知识驱动的产品控制结构。

    Product CAD model based on Axiomatic Design is established . Product design knowledge is fused in the process of product three dimensional modeling by knowledge fusion , and then the control structure of a product based on the design knowledge is bulit .

  17. 在情态演算中,可以对行动进行公理化,可以描述行动的时间性、并发性及agent的信念和知识,可用Prolog实现在开放世界中带有感知行动的规划。

    In the situation calculus , actions , the concurrency and time of actions , belief and knowledge of the agent are formally characterized and the plans with sensing actions are implemented by Prolog in an open world .

  18. 本文以VandeWalle等人的模糊偏好结构的定义为基础,研究公理化定义的一个特殊情形,即特例三。

    Therefore , in this research , we choose Van de Walle 's definition and study one special case of the axiomatic definition , i.e. the third case .

  19. 本文利用非光滑分析理论,采用公理化方法研究了非光滑情形下的动态协商对策问题,给出其Nash协商解的必要条件,并给予了严格的数学证明。

    In this paper , dynamic nonsmooth bargaining problem is considered through an axiomatic approach in detail . Necessary condition for its Nash bargaining solution is established by the theory of nonsmooth analysis , and the strict mathematical proof is given .

  20. 所以基于这两点合理的改进需求,本文提出了两个新的公理化真理论TKF系统和LKF系统。

    So based on these two reasonable improvement requirements this dissertation puts forward two new axiomatic theories of truth TKF system and LKF system .

  21. 基础评价理论的公理化分析与构建研究

    Research on Axiomatic Analysis and Construction of Foundational Theory of Evaluation

  22. 基于公理化设计理论的大批量定制设计过程分析

    Analysis of design process for mass customization based on axiomatic design

  23. 状态变权的公理化体系和均衡函数的构造

    Axiomatic System of State Variable Weights and Construction of Balance Functions

  24. 基于公理化和知识的机械产品快速设计研究

    Research on Mechanical Product Rapid Design Based on Axiomatic and Knowledge

  25. 确定环境质量指数公理化体系的研究

    A Research on Determining the Axiomatic System of Environmental Quality Index

  26. 首先,金融模型应避免过多的公理化。

    First , financial models should avoid too much axiomatisation .

  27. 防结盟相关平衡的一致性公理化(续篇)(英文)

    A Consistency Axiomatization of Coalition-proof Correlated Equilibria ( Continuation )

  28. 自然数集扩充的意义和公理化

    The Meaning and the Truth of the Collected and Expanded Natural Number

  29. 柴油机曲轴的公理化设计

    On Axiomatic Design for the Crankshaft of a Diesel Engine

  30. 论希尔伯特对数理经济学公理化进程的一个贡献

    Hilbert 's contribution to the formulation process of mathematical economics