
  1. 集装箱公路运输企业规模经济水平研究

    The Study on Scale-Economic Level for Container Road - Transportation Enterprises

  2. 论公路运输企业在竞争面前的对策

    On the Strategy of the Highway Transportation Enterprises Facing the Competition

  3. 公路运输企业前沿面生产函数的估计及应用

    Estimation and Application of Frontier Production Function for Highway Transport Enterprises

  4. 公路运输企业技术创新的基本途径及未来趋势

    Basic Approaches and Future Trends of Technology Innovation on Road Transportation Enterprise

  5. 提高对客户的服务水平是公路运输企业竞争的主要策略

    Improvement of Service : a Major Measure for Transport Operator in Competition

  6. 科技兴交是公路运输企业发展的总体战略

    Science and Technology Vitalizing Traffic Is General Strategy of Highway Transportation Enterprise Development

  7. 公路运输企业发展现代物流的分析及对策

    From road transport enterprises to modern logistics enterprises : an analysis and solutions

  8. 公路运输企业科技进步评价指标体系研究

    Research on Evaluation Quota System of Science and Technology Progress of Road Transportation Enterprises

  9. 公路运输企业的现状与专业保障队伍建设的思路和对策

    Situation of Highway Transportation Enterprises and Thinking and Countermeasure of Professional Guarantee Contingent Construction

  10. 厦门磐达物流有限公司,是一家面向全国各地的公路运输企业。

    Ltd. , Xiamen , is one for the road transport enterprises throughout the country .

  11. 国有公路运输企业改革创效的现实选择

    Innovation in state owned road transportation enterprises

  12. 传统中小型公路运输企业转型的商业模式研究

    The Business Model Research on the Transition of Traditional Small and Medium-sized Road Transport Enterprises

  13. 因此,公路运输企业和其他行业的企业一样也走上了多元化经营的道路。

    So the road transport enterprises took the diversification strategy like other enterprises in other industries .

  14. 文中还给出了应用该方法进行公路运输企业生产状态评价的实例。

    Also , examples that the procedure is used to assess highway transport enterprise performance are presented .

  15. 成本的增加势必要求公路运输企业积极应对,控制成本。

    Increased costs will require that the road transportation industry , positive response , and control costs .

  16. 通过对函数曲线的分析,提出了公路运输企业的若干市场对策。

    With analysis of the cost function curves , some marketing countermeasures for highway freight transportation enterprises are put forward .

  17. 自去年1月起,外国物流公司也能拥有中国公路运输企业的全部股份了。

    Foreign logistics companies have also been able since January last year to own all the shares in trucking operators in China .

  18. 介绍了国有运输企业探索和建立适应运输企业特点的企业管理模式;分析了公路运输企业的改革现状;

    The paper introduced the management model established by state transportation enterprise with transportation enterprise characteristics , analyzed the current situation of its reform etc.

  19. 本文提出一整套适合行业特点的公路运输企业科技进步评价的指标体系。

    The paper gives a complete set of evaluation quota system of science and technology progress of road transportation enterprises which fits business characteristic .

  20. 通过技术创新来提高自身的市场竞争力,从而实现可持续发展,是我国公路运输企业面临的迫切问题。

    The pressing problem which road transportation enterprises in China are facing is to improve their market competitiveness through technological innovation to achieve sustainable development .

  21. 本文用多元回归分析和修正的数学规划方法估计公路运输企业前沿面生产函数的参数。

    In this paper , the parameters of the frontier production function for highway transport enterprises are estimated with the regression analysis and revised mathematical programming methods .

  22. 应用模糊数学理论和灰色系统方法对液态化学品公路运输企业安全管理进行了动态综合分析。

    Hazing applied the fuzzy mathematics theory and the gray system method to carry on the dynamic generalized analysis to the highway transportation enterprise safety control of liquid chemicals .

  23. 振兴湖南公路运输企业既是湖南改革开放的迫切需要、更是湖南公路交通事业发展的客观要求。

    To rejuvenate Hunan road transport business is both an urgent need of the reform and open policy and an objective request of the development of road transportation in Hunan .

  24. 本文分析了公路运输企业与专业保障队伍的现状,并针对存在的问题,从制度、合同、激励、扶持、人为、管理等方面提出了思路和对策。

    The paper analyses its situation of highway transportation enterprises and professional guarantee contingent . For existing problems , it also puts forward thinking and countermeasure form system , contract and management etc.

  25. 针对这些问题,本文重点研究在当前的社会和市场环境下,中小型公路运输企业如何依托自身优势,积极快速地实现向第三方物流的真正转型。

    Aiming at these problems , this paper emphatically investigates how to transform fleetly and authentically to TPL for small and medium-sized highway transportation enterprises , by relying on its predominance , under the environment of present society and market .

  26. 以企业经营资质等级评定促进运力及经营结构的调整,全面提升内蒙古自治区公路运输企业整体素质,以便更好地适应市场经济竞争的需要。

    Promote adjustment of both transportation capability and operational structure , and the overall qualities of road transportation enterprises in Inner Mongolia so as to meet better the competitive need of market economy based on the grading of operational qualification of enterprises .

  27. 本文结合近几年实际事例论述了公路运输企业在当今和今后的发展中必须狠抓科技管理,依靠技术进步实现管理现代化、科学化、自动化,从而推进公路运输企业的腾飞。

    In this paper , combined with practical cases in recent years , it discusses that transportation enterprises must master science and technology administration , realize its modernization , scientism and automation by technical development to promote soar of highway transportation enterprises .

  28. 本文根据我国交通系统集装箱公路运输企业的实际情况,分析和研究了集装箱公路运输企业规模经济水平和规模经济结构,提出了优化企业规模及其结构的对策。

    According to the situation of container road transportation enterprises in China , the level of scale-economic and the economic structure in container road-transportation enterprises is analyzed in this paper , with a way to optimize enterprise 's scale and structure put forward .

  29. 其间,公路运输企业经历了单车承包、货车转租个体等痛苦的抉择,化整为零以应付来自个体运输车辆的市场冲击。

    In this period , the corporations of road transportation went through the suffering stages such as the single vehicle contracted and cargo vehicles repeatedly rent , and " broke up the whole into parts " to deal with the market lash from the private transportation vehicles .

  30. 公路货物运输企业集约化经营与发展的研究

    Study on Intensive Management and Development of Cargo Carrying Company