
  1. 小额的资金构成了农户资金现实需求的主体;

    Small capital is the principal part of farmers ' demand ;

  2. 企业的资本结构由企业通过两种融资方式(债权融资和股权融资)所融集资金构成。

    The enterprise 's capital structure is composed of the funds raised through two financing methods .

  3. 资金构成与合作社的异化&基于20世纪三四十年代中国乡村社会变迁的考察金融扶贫创新:农户资金互助合作社初探

    Abnormal Capital Structure and the " Alienation " of Cooperation : The Country Cooperation in China in the 1930 's-1940 's Research on Mutually Financial Cooperation among Farmers

  4. 挪用资金罪构成要件若干问题研析

    The Research on Compose Important Condition of Divert Fund Crime

  5. 二三十年代农村合作社借贷资金的构成及其来源&20世纪前期中国乡村社会变迁研究

    The Origin and Structure of the Loan Capital of Rural Cooperatives in China in the 1920-1930 's

  6. 物业服务资金的构成包括物业服务支出和物业管理企业的酬金。

    Property services including the composition of capital expenditure and property management enterprise property services of the contract .

  7. 企业各种长期资金的构成及其比例关系,即企业最佳资本结构是当前企业筹资的关键问题。

    At present , the crucial matter is the composition of various long-term funds and its proportional relationship in the enterprises .

  8. 对于多数穷国来说,“快速启动”资金仅构成它们所要求援助的一小部分。

    For most poor countries , the " fast start " financing is only a minor part of the assistance they have been demanding .

  9. 自1999年证券公司及基金管理公司获得银行间同业拆借市场准入权后,同业拆借资金就构成证券市场重要的资金来源。

    Since securities corporations ' access of China interbank offered market in 1999 , China interbank offered capital has become an important capital source of securities market .

  10. 估计中国70%的外汇储备都以美元证券形式持有,但外管局控制资金的构成和管理情况均被视为国家机密。

    An estimated 70 per cent of China 's reserves are held in dollar securities , but the composition and management of the funds controlled by Safe are regarded as state secrets .

  11. 金融,就是以货币形式表示之资本,换句话说,就是通常为了资本目之通过金融市场或金融机构已借贷资金形式构成之资本。

    The word " finance " signifies capital in monetary form , that is in the form of funds lent or borrowed , normally for capital purposes , through financial markets or financial institutions .

  12. 但是,从外国援助预算、多边银行贷款以及其他资金来源构成的复杂资金网中判断哪些资金应该被算作气候融资,已经证实是极为困难的。

    But figuring out what should and should not be counted as climate funding from the complex web of foreign aid budgets , multilateral bank lending and other sources of money has proved extremely difficult .

  13. 要从合理的资金来源构成和科学的资金运用来加强政策性银行的资金风险管理,建立科学的政策性银行内部控制系统。

    It is necessary to strengthen risk management of the capital in policy-related banks and construct a scientific system of internal control in policy-related banks through the reasonable source structure of capital and the scientific application of capital .

  14. 优步的快速扩张及其雄厚的资金实力所构成的威胁,让从中国、印度到东南亚等市场的本土竞争对手不得不加大赌注。

    The threat posed by Uber 's rapid expansion and its well-funded war chest has raised the stakes for local competitors in markets ranging from China to India and Southeast Asia .

  15. 从我国铁路建设资金的基本构成出发,通过对铁路现行筹资方式的比较分析后认为,股本融资应成为我国铁路建设的主要筹资方式。

    This article explains the structure of construction funds for China 's railways and analyzes several channels of raising funds for railway construction , then a conclusion is drawn that stock financing should become the main channel of raising funds for China 's railway construction .

  16. 科学、合理、优化的商业银行资本结构,不仅可以提高银行的经营绩效,而且有助于防范金融风险,从而提高公司治理效应。经济学中的资本结构是指公司各种资金来源的构成及其比例关系。

    So Chinese commercial banks must constantly optimize capital structure , and perfect the corporate governance structure to improve operating performance , and their own competitiveness . Economically , the capital structure refers to all kinds of the source of funds components and the relationship of scale .

  17. 企业的融资结构是指企业融通资金不同方式的构成及其融资数量之间的比例关系。

    Financing structure is the ratio relationship among different financing methods and respective financing quantity of the enterprise .

  18. 资本结构是指企业各种长期资金筹集来源的构成和比例关系。

    The capital structure of enterprises refers to the composition and proportion relationship among various sources of financing in a long time .

  19. 第三,基于资金回笼后,构成了企业资金的来源,故将资金的回笼归到资金来源中写。

    Third , based on that the enterprises funds will be withdrawn from circulation of funds , so they owned to the sources of funds .

  20. 而会计的决策机制、利益驱动机制、责任约束机制、权利制衡机制和资金营运机制则构成了现代企业会计机制。

    But the accounting decision mechanism , benefit drive mechanism , obligation restriction mechanism , power balancing mechanism and capital operation mechanism together constitute the modern enterprise accounting mechanism .

  21. 这是第一次,我们将目光聚焦这些资金如何-这构成了欧盟的预算的三分之一-都花在和公布的项目和受益人的细节。

    For the first time , we would shed light on how these funds – which make up a third of the EU 's budget – are spent and publish details of projects and beneficiaries .

  22. 资本结构指企业各种长期资金筹集来源的构成和比例关系,它不仅影响企业的资本成本和市场价值,而且影响企业的治理结构,还会影响一个国家和地区的总体经济和稳定。

    The paper is focused on the factors influencing capital structure of listed company , which not only affects the capital cost , market price and governing structure of enterprise but also the stability and prosperity of national economy .

  23. 接着,明确了政府资金在风险资本构成中的定位,阐述了培育真正的风险投资家的意义所在,进而分析了筹资治理中货币资本与智力资本相结合的博弈关系。

    Secondly , the role of state-owned capital in all the sources of venture capital is orientated , and the significance to cultivate talented venture capitalist is emphasized , then the game relationship between liquidity capital and intellectuality capital is analyzed .

  24. 基于保险资金运用的一般定义、保险资金构成来源、保险资金性质以及保险资金运用理念等几个方面对保险资金运用进行概述。

    Based on a general definition of the use of insurance funds , insurance funds constitution , the nature of insurance funds and the concept of use of insurance funds , an overview of the use of insurance funds .

  25. 新农合资金、政府财政补助资金、农村居民自费资金共同构成了村卫生室的经济补偿来源。

    The fund of the new rural cooperative medical system , the fund of financial subsidy and the outofpocket expense of rural residents make up the economic compensation of village clinics together .