
  1. 文章认为企业价值构成总体由两类资本耗费和两类剩余价值组成,它们的内部关系构成内在的企业价值分配关系,并体现一定的价值创造关系。

    The paper argues that enterprise 's value - composition consists in two kinds of capital expending and two kinds of surplus values as a whole , which embodies the inherent relations between creation and distribution of value .

  2. 自然资源资本的价值的量决定于再生产该资本所耗费的社会必要劳动时间,包括两个方面即自然资源本身的价值和社会对自然资源投入的价值。

    The quantity of value of natural resource capital is decided by the social necessary labor time to reproduce the capital which includes the value of natural resource itself and the value of social inputs .