
  1. 船舶制造业属于劳动密集型、资金密集型、技术密集型产业。

    Shipbuilding industry is a labor-intensive , capital-intensive and also technology-intensive industry .

  2. 电力工业是国民经济重要的基础产业,又是资金密集型、技术密集型和网络性行业,是社会公用事业的重要组成部分。

    Power industry is an important foundational industry of national economy . Concentrated by fund , network and technology , it is an important part of society public facilities .

  3. 电力产业是国家经济发展的重要基础性产业,电力产业具有资金密集型、技术密集型等特点,由于电力产业独有的这些特点,使得电力产业的风险管理显得尤为重要。

    The electric power industry is one of the basic industries of the national economic development . It has the characters of capital-intensive and technology-intensive . Because of these special features , risk management in power industry is particularly important .

  4. 通信企业作为资金密集型和技术密集型的企业,所实施的许多项目都是复杂、艰巨的系统工程,涉及到计划、范围、进度、质量、投资和采购等多方面的管理工作。

    As a fund concentrated and technique concentrated enterprise , many projects carried out by communication enterprise are complex and arduous system engineering , including several facets management such as plan , range , schedule , quality , investment and stock .

  5. 在八五时期、九五时期是资金密集型,技术进步贡献率很低,表明综合经济效益水平下降。

    During the periods of " eighth five years plan " and " ninth five years plan ", most of the enterprises were funds-intensive , therefore , the contribute rate of technology investment was pretty low , which indicates that comprehensive economic benefit was decreasing .

  6. 船舶制造业是集劳动密集型、资金密集型和技术密集型三种生产方式合一的综合性加工装配行业,通过与上下游产业的横向联系,对我国国民经济飞速发展具有一定促进作用。

    Ship manufacturing is the collection labor-intensive , capital-intensive industries and technology-intensive three kinds of production methods of processing and assembling trade union , through comprehensive with upstream and downstream industry lateral ties and fast development of national economy of our country has a role in promoting .

  7. 讨论了如何处理劳动密集型、资金密集型、技术密集型产业之间的关系;发展装备制造业与产业结构优化升级的关系以及经济全球化与发展民族工业的关系。

    The relations to be settled among the labour intensive , capital intensive and technology intensive industries , the relation of development of the equipment manufacturing industry and the industrial structure optimization and upgrading and the relation between the economic globalization and the development of national industry are also discussed .

  8. 尤其对于知识、技术及资金密集型的高新技术企业而言,R&D投入对其经营业绩的价值贡献作用越来越明显。

    Especially for high-tech companies with knowledge and capital intensive , the effect to its operating performance by R & D is more and more obvious .

  9. 笔者认为装备制造业作为资金密集型产业和技术密集型产业,要想做大做强,只能立足于产业技术创新,技术创新是为企业注入青春活力和提高其产业核心竞争力的核心因素。

    As capital-intensive industry and technology-intensive industry , the author think , only be based on the industry and technological innovation can the equipment manufacturing industry be bigger and stronger .

  10. 这类企业的性质特点是资金密集型,产品技术附加值高,但对于加工业来说,增值的主要途径是人工劳动。

    The features of this kind of enterprises are of capital-intensified and high value of product technology added . But as a machining enterprise , the main way of value adding is labor .

  11. 因此,中小企业必须尽快提高自己二次创业的能力,不断提升资源和要素禀赋,从劳动密集型到资金密集型再到技术密集型、信息和知识密集型转型。

    Therefore , the SMEs have to improve their ability to start a secondary undertaking and promote their resources and elements to perform the transition from labor-intensive to capital - and technology-intensive , then information - and knowledge-intensive .

  12. 医疗器械行业是我国医药行业的子行业,涉及到医药、机械、电子、塑料等众多行业,属于一个多学科交叉、知识密集、资金密集型的高技术产业。

    China medical device is a sub-industry of the pharmaceutical industry . It is a multi crossed discipline , knowledge intensive and capital intensive high technique industry , which involves pharmaceuticals , machinery , electronics , plastics and many other industries .

  13. 在十五前四年,技术进步贡献率有很大提高,我国汽车工业由资金密集型转为技术密集型,经济增长方式实现了由粗放型向集约型的转变。

    During the first four years of " tenth five years plan ", the contribute rate of technology investment was increasing a lot . Our automotive industry turned from fund-intensive to technology intensive . Extensive economic growth turned into intensive economic growth .

  14. 本文运用面板数据分析法,对1995&2004十年间,我国制造业三类产业(即劳动密集型产业、资金密集型产业和技术密集型产业)的国际竞争力驱动因素进行了研究。

    The paper analyzed the driving factors of industry international competitiveness in three types of industry ( i.e. labor intensive industry , capital intensive industry and technology intensive industry ) during ten years from 1995 to 2004 by the tool of panel data analysis .

  15. 加快资金技术密集型的高新技术产业、耗能低污染的都市型工业和劳动密集型产业的发展。

    The development of the capital-and-technology-intensive high-tech industry , the urban industries featuring low energy consumption and low pollution , the labour-intensive industry should be quickened .