
  • 网络variance;ANOVA
  1. 本课程包括统计基本概念、统计资料收集及分析、基本机率分配、估计与检定、变异数分析、线性回归等。

    The elementary statistics include the statistics concept , data collection and analysis , estimation and hypothesis testing , analysis of variance , regression etc.

  2. 运用SPSS软件对调查问卷进行了描述性统计分析与独立样本单因子多变量变异数分析。

    Use SPSS to the questionnaire were described with the independent statistical analysis of single samples of multivariable analysis of variance .

  3. C区淋巴细胞表位变异数越多,α–干扰素疗效可能较差。

    The more mutations happened in the lymphocyte epitopes of Core region , the worse curative effects α - IFN made .

  4. 相对于糯玉米自交系而言,20对SSR引物在普通玉米自交系中检测到的平均等位变异数、基因多样性及PIC均较高。

    The average allele , gene diversity and PIC detected in common maize inbred lines were much higher than those in waxy maize inbred lines . 5 .

  5. 方法:查阅中国期刊数据网,对选取的60篇文章中有关不同疾病患者SCL-90的测量结果进行变异数分析和聚类分析。

    Methods : The China National Knowledge Infrastructure ( CNKI ) was reviewed , ANOVA and cluster analysis were conducted with the sixty selected articles about patients with different diseases on SCL-90 factors .

  6. 毋庸多说,格雷厄姆一多德都市的投资者并不探讨bate、资本资产定价模型、证券投资报酬本的变异数。

    Our Graham & Dodd investors , needless to say , do not discuss beta , the capital asset pricing model , or covariance in returns among securities .

  7. 统计方法包括相关分析、回归分析、单因子独立样本变异数分析。

    The statistical methods include correlation analysis , regression analysis , etc.

  8. 我们模拟随机的周期时间,得到平均值以及变异数。

    We simulate the stochastic cycle time and get its mean and variance .

  9. 结果通过重复量数双因子变异数分析进行比较。

    The results were compared by repeated-measures ANOVA .

  10. 克瓦二氏单因子变异数分析

    Kruskal Wallis one way analysis of variance

  11. 之后运用变异数分析,探讨分析了人口统计学变量与胜任特征以及绩效的关系。

    Then the relationship among demographic variable , competency and performance is researched by applying ANOVA .

  12. 搜集所有实验数据后,进行重复量数二因子变异数分析考验,以验证其差异性。

    After the statistics of the study is obtained , two-way ANOVA repeated measures will be examined .

  13. 本研究采用因素分析、单因子变异数分析及二因子变异数分析进行结果的描述及假设的检定。

    Data were analyzed by factor analysis , one-way analysis of variance , two-way analysis of variance .

  14. 资料分析的方法有描述性统计、单因子变异数分析、因素分析、信度分析及线性结构方程式。

    The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics , one-way ANOVA , factor analysis , reliability analysis and LISREL .

  15. 并使用叙述统计分析、信度分析、变异数分析、相关分析等方法进行假设检定。

    The method of analysis includes descriptive statistics analysis , reliability analysis , ANOVA , correlation analysis , and hypotheses tests .

  16. 所得资料分别以描述统计、单因子变异数分析、积差相关与多元?归进行分析。

    The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistic , one-way ANOVA , pearson product-moment correlation , Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis .

  17. 所得资料以次数分配、平均数、标准差、单因子变异数分析及逐步回归分析等方式进行统计分析。

    Data were then analyzed through frequency , mean , standard deviation , one way analysis of variance , and stepwise multiple regression .

  18. 单因子独立样本变异数分析表明自然环境中海拔高度、部队阅历的长短(军龄)对高原驻防军人心理健康没有影响(P>0.05);

    One-Way ANOVA showed that altitude , military experience and parent occupation did not affect mental health of soldiers ( P > 0.05 ) .

  19. 其中因素负荷系数在0.6以上的有12个人格根源特质,它们可以解释5个公共因素总变异数的79.1%。

    Among the five factors , the load coefficient of twelve traits were above 0.6 and they could interpret 79.1 % variance of them .

  20. 并将测量结果以相依样本t检定、单因子变异数分析与事后比较、皮尔森积差相关、多元逐步回归分析进行统计处理。

    The collection data were analyzed in terms of the paired samplest-test , one-way ANOVA , the Pearson 's correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis .

  21. 在模型中,假设市场揭露了标的风险资产真实价值事前的平均数与变异数,以及公开与私有消息之间的共变量等消息。

    The market possesses prior information about the mean and variance of the value of the risky asset , as well as the crosscorrelation between the public and private information .

  22. 家中藏书量和学习资源对数学及科学学业成就的变异数分析中可得知拥有越多藏书和资源的组别大于拥有较少藏书和资源的组别。

    In analysis of variance , the collection of books and learning resources on academic achievement in mathematics and science indicate that a group has more is higher than the group has fewer .

  23. 中文摘要本文考虑砂轮磨粒运动几何及磨削振动等因素,以统计学之变异数合成之观念,提出一套磨削表面粗度之预测模式。

    The objective of the present work is to design , optimize , and validate an electrolytic in-process dressing ( ELID ) - assisted double side grinding process for finishing advanced ceramic components .

  24. 根据受试者填答的结果,以平均数、t检验、单因子变异数分析、皮尔逊积差相关等统计方法,进行资料分析。

    According to the results of the subjects respondents had to mean , I used average , t test , single-factor analysis of variance , Pearson product-moment correlation and other statistical methods to carry out data analysis .

  25. 普通人和不同等级运动员的多态位点和碱基变异数及变异率存在明显差异(P<0.05),变化趋势为普通人>总体运动员>一级>健将;

    The polymorphism site , the amount and the rate of base mutation were significantly different between non-athletes and swimmers with different athletic levels ( P < 0.05 ), and the trend showed that non-athletes were superior to the swimmers ;

  26. 采用分层抽样法,以各层样本平均数、变异数,考虑成本及使用戴明配置来定各层抽样数目。

    Adopting the method of sampling and dividing data into several layers , we can get sample averages . Does that make variations ? Taking cost into account , we use Dai-Ming method to decide the layers of sampling to dispose data .

  27. 在长期公交车旅行时间预估模式的构建中,应用动态随机性旅行时间模式计算旅行时间的期望值与变异数,再利用快速傅里叶变换有效推估出函数型态,用于求取旅行时间的动态变化;

    In building the long-term sub-model , this paper applies dynamic and stochastic mode of travel time to calculate the expectation and variance of link travel time , and uses Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ) to obtain a reliable function type .

  28. 含Triclosan和sodiummonofluorophosphate新型牙膏对牙菌斑量和唾液中变异链球菌数的影响

    Effect of a Dentifrice Containing Triclosan and Sodium Monofluorophosphate on Dental Plaque and Salivary Mutans streptococci levels

  29. 近年来,从基因组结构变异水平对拷贝数变异(CopyNumberVariations,CNVs)与疾病的关联进行研究逐渐成为热点。

    Recently , the studies focus on the genome-wide study of association between copy number variations ( CNVs ) and diseases at the level of DNA structural variation .

  30. 土壤养分空间变异及合理取样数研究

    Spatial Variability of Soil Nutrient and Reasonable Sampling Number