
But , as far as I know the Mandarin Chinese reduplication patterns and tone sandhi have not been systematically discussed in the Optimality Theoretic literature to date .
This thesis is to report the surface tone inventory in Changsha Chinese based on the fieldwork done in 2004 and the phonetic experiments conducted in 2005 ; The surface modification of C.
Studying the pronunciation of Chinese characters can help to reveal some phonetic features of Chinese language : the two forms of tone changes of Chinese characters , i.e. the change of tone types and the change of individual characters ;
This thesis , based on previous studies , attempts to explore the phonological motivation for tone sandhi in Yinchuan dialect , and systematically analyzes sandhi rules in light of Optimality Theory ( OT ) .
Seven of Xinjin if some of the special voice phenomenon , such as : iso read , continuous tone to describe the situation , such as voice .