
  1. 知性逻辑与理性逻辑

    Logic of understanding and logic of reason

  2. 在“知性逻辑”(verstandeslogik)里,概念常被认作思维的一个单纯的形式,甚或认作一种普通的表象。

    In the logic of understanding , the notion is generally reckoned a mere form of thought , and treated as a general conception .

  3. 客体一般讲来与思想的客观性之间的关系究竟怎样?对于这些问题,知性逻辑却不能进一步给予任何解答。

    Where these objects come from and how it stands with the thought of objectivity are questions about which the logic of the understanding gives no information .

  4. 在知性逻辑这里,思维被认为是一种单纯主观的和形式的活动,而客观的东西则和思维相反,被认为是固定的和独立自存的东西。

    In that logic thinking is taken to be a merely subjective and formal activity , and the objective world that confronts thinking counts as something fixed and present in its own right .

  5. 这样,我们当然就必须把概念理解为另一较高的意义,异于知性逻辑所理解那样,把概念仅看成我们主观思维中的、本身没有内容的一种形式。

    That necessitates a higher estimate of the notion , however , than is found in formal conceptualist Logic , where the notion is a mere form of our subjective thought , with no original content of its own .

  6. 知性Cord逻辑:验证adhoc网络匿名路由协议

    Epistemic Cord logic : verifying anonymous routing protocols in Ad Hoc network

  7. 人类还需要找到超知性的逻辑思维方式及更真实的物质状态。

    Human still needs to find out hyperintellectual logic thinking method and the real matter state .

  8. 试论康德对知性本性的逻辑分析

    On Kant ′ s Logical Analysis of the Nature of Understanding

  9. 因此,必须在根本上改变基本的解释原则,对颠倒的关系进行倒置,确立感性实践活动优先于逻辑和知性、并构成逻辑和知性基础的本体论地位。

    It was therefore necessary to put a radical end to the existing interpretative principles , to reverse again what had been reversed , and establish the ontological position of perceptual practical activity that takes precedence over and forms the basis for logic and understanding .