
  • 网络know-why;Know Why;knowing how;Know why it is
  1. 特别是在新闻标题成功与失败的具体原因分析方面更是透彻、独到,使人知其然且知其所以然。《语海》对于新闻标题制作者来说是“开卷有益”的。

    Especially in the news headlines success and failure analysis is thorough , original , and people know these and know why . " Language sea " for the news headlines for the producers is very useful .

  2. 之前学习的是完整功能和声体系,对于早期和声的形成和发展知之甚少,因而本课题的研究将是本人深入学习和声的又一方式&知其所以然。

    Prior to learning the full-featured sound system , for the early formation and development of sound poorly understood , And therefore the study of this topic I-depth study will be another way harmony - know why .

  3. 而基于传统型构造仿真方法分析手段很抽象,对于繁杂的数学公式和海量的数据,除了建模仿真人员了解其真实情况外,其他人很难知其所以然。

    While the simulation method based on traditional structure is very abstract and analytical , the complex mathematical formulas and vast amounts of data are very hard for people to understand except modeling and simulation personnel .

  4. 传统的和声教学存在着无声音符游戏、枯燥等缺点,往往使学生摸不着头脑,知其然不知其所以然,产生厌烦情绪。

    The traditional teaching of harmony is a note game without sound , which is so boring and the students often get confused .

  5. 这样做的结果,往往使读者对该段历史的发展只形成了一个表面印象,知其然而不知其所以然。

    As a result , tend to make the reader the historical development of the segment formed only a surface impression , knowing but not the why .

  6. 民营企业虽对薪酬问题十分关注,但往往是知其然而不知其所以然,导致民营企业薪酬管理存在诸多问题。

    Non-state owned enterprises follow with interest the issue on compensation , but they have only a one-sided view about it so that there are a good many problems on compensation .

  7. 由于教师所采取的方法比较教条僵化,使得学生们对大多数知识都知其然而不知其所以然,他们只有通过机械记忆的方法来学习。

    For the methods the teachers adopted were relatively dogmatic and rigescent , facing the majority of the knowledge , the students knew its result but not knew its reason , they had to learn by mechanical memory .

  8. 然后,对I-mode模式的成功经验进行分析,找到促使其成功的关键因素,并且,本着知其然,知其所以然的原则,对这些因素之所以能成功的原因进行了分析;

    Then , according to the analysis of successful experiences of I-mode , the key factors are to be found . On this basis , the paper has special analysis the shortage and reason with the mobile value added services business model of our country .

  9. 我很早就明白知其然和知其所以然的区别。

    I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something .

  10. 在大学英语教学中将中西方文化渗透到教学中有助于学生对于英语语言的进一步理解,使他们知其然也知其所以然,同时也使学生建立跨文化交际的能力。

    During the teaching of college English , infiltration of the cultural backgrounds not only helps students to understand the language superficially but also enables them to essentially improve their cross-cultural communication ability .

  11. 从事翻译教学的教师要想达到让学生不但知其然,而且还能知其所以然的理想目的,就要学会从思维的高度和深度去指导学生学习翻译,学会翻译。

    In order to make the students know not only what but also why , the translation teachers should guide the students to learn to translate from the thinking level .