
  1. 真理的含义与类别

    Implication and Category of Truth

  2. 文章讨论了解释学的真理论的两方面内容:真理的含义及在哪里探寻真理。

    There are two aspects in the theory of truth of hermeneutics : the meaning of truth and the extension of truth .

  3. 列宁运用唯物辩证法,科学阐释了绝对真理的含义,绝对真理与相对真理的关系,以及辩证唯物主义真理论与相对主义真理论的区别,实现了对西方传统真理论的超越。

    With the help of materialist dialectics , Lenin stated the meanings of truth , the relation between the absolute truth and the relative truth , the differences between the dialectical materialism and relativism and realized the exceeding of the western traditional theory of truth .

  4. 当然也有这种人,他们心里有很多真理也知道这些真理的含义,正因为如此,才不用把它们付诸于言语。

    And there are those who have the truth within them , and know it , and for that very reason don 't try to put it into words .

  5. 冯契主张真理是具体的,界定了具体真理的含义,指出了把握具体真理的思维形式,阐明了具体真理的形成途径,探讨了具体真理的检验。

    Claiming that the truth is concrete , Feng Qi defines the implications of concrete truth , points out the thinking mode of grasping concrete truth , formulates the formation path of concrete truth , and explores the test of concrete truth .