
  • 网络Vacuum polarization
  1. 用热场动力学方法研究了QGP中的反应过程,发现内线的统计效应不能忽略.并具体计算了热真空极化对双轻子产生率的贡献。

    In the framework of thermal field dynamics , the reaction process in QGP is investigated . It is found that the statistical effect of the internal lines cannot be neglected . The contribution of thermal vacuum polarization to the dilepton production rate is also calculated .

  2. 在该书173页上的关于真空极化计算的公式(8,18)。

    The third formula is the formula ( 8,18 ) about vacuum polarization in the book as follows .

  3. 但是,扭曲标量场的真空极化使光子获得虚的拓扑质量以致他们以超光速传播。

    But for the twisted scalar field some photon modes get an imaginary topological mass and travel at a superluminal speed .

  4. 腐蚀法研究掺Er熔融石英玻璃的真空热极化

    Etching Study of Thermally Poled Er-doped Fused-silica Under Vacuum

  5. 第四章主要研究有质量标量场在黑洞外部的衰减,即有质量中性标量场的真空量子极化,在黑洞时空背景中有质量荷电标量场的衰减。

    The decay of the external scalar-field of a black hole is studied in the third chapter , i.e. , the physical mechanism of the decay of neutral scalar-field in the gravitational collapse , and the physical mechanism of the decay of charged massive scalar-field in the gravitational collapse .

  6. 真空本身被极化,变得具有很强的双折射性质,如同方解石一般。

    The vacuum itself is polarized , becoming strongly birefringent , like a calcite crystal .