
  • 网络global symmetry
  1. 通过对所得结果的分析,我们发现,由于整体对称性破缺,轨道进动效应将增强,但由场源的电荷引起的轨道进动效应削弱了由场源的质量引起的相应效应。

    Analyzing the results , we obtain that the orbital precession effect increases on account of the global symmetry breaking , but the orbital precession effect aroused by the electric charge of the field source reduces the orbital precession effect aroused by the mass of the field source .

  2. 高阶微商规范不变系统的整体对称性和量子守恒律

    Global Symmetry and Quantal Conservation Laws for a Gauge-Invariant System With a Higher-Order Lagrangian

  3. HCMU度量是黎曼曲面上极值度量的一个退化情形,具有整体旋转对称性。

    HCMU metric is a special kind of extremal metric on Riemannian surface with global rotational symmetric .

  4. 方法:视头颅为一整体,根据镜像对称性原理,制成由面弓、滑动定位尺、轨限、耳杆和额托等附件构成的颧骨复合体骨折定量复位校正仪。

    Methods : According to the mirror imaging symmetry principle , we assumed the skull as an entirety and design the localizer to measure the projections of zygoma and zygomatic arch .