
zhěng xíng
  • shaping;plastic;reshaping;training;coining;coning
整形 [zhěng xíng]
  • (1) [training]∶整枝

  • (2) [coining]∶粉末冶金中烧结压块的最终压制

  • (3) [plastics]∶用外科手术矫正人体畸形

整形[zhěng xíng]
  1. 系统的硬件组成包括速度脉冲检测与整形电路、逻辑控制电路、STD工业控制机、速度比上下限设定电路、计数器及其控制电路、模拟脉冲发生电路;

    The system is composed of speed pulse test and reshaping circuit , logic control circuit , STD industrial control machine , setting circuit for limit of speed ratio , counter and control circuit , genesis circuit for simulating pulse .

  2. 双包层光纤激光器泵浦源的光束整形及耦合系统

    Beam Reshaping and Coupling System of the Pump Source in DCF Laser

  3. 他做了整形手术以修复其严重受伤的面部。

    He had plastic surgery to help reconstruct his badly damaged face

  4. 整形外科医生可以除去最表层的皮肤。

    A plastic surgeon can remove the top layer of skin .

  5. 她已经做了13次手术,包括一次腹部瘦身整形手术。

    She 'd undergone 13 operations , including a tummy tuck .

  6. 是我第一个提到整形手术这个话题的。

    It was I who first raised the subject of plastic surgery .

  7. 整形外科手术导致他完全毁容了。

    He has been left hideously disfigured by plastic surgery .

  8. 虽然人们一直以为我做过鼻子整形术,其实我从没做过。

    I 've never had plastic surgery , though people always think I 've had a nose job .

  9. 鞍鼻是可以通过整形外科手术治好的。

    A saddled nose can be fixed through plastic surgery .

  10. “整形狂人”指的是总爱做整形手术的人,从头到脚都要做,而且从不满足。

    Surgiholic is a person who seeks plastic surgery , from head to toe , and is never satisfied .

  11. “灰姑娘”手术指为了穿上某双鞋或某种鞋而进行的整形手术。

    Cinderella is a cosmetic surgery procedure to help the feet fit into a particular shoe or shoe style .

  12. 艾丽斯·哈特—戴维斯体验了一把“手部拉皮”。整形医生在她的手部注射填充剂,使手部看起来更年轻。

    Alice Hart-Davis has a treatment called a ' handacial ' which involves injecting fillers into the hands to make them appear younger .

  13. 例如:32岁的Buttram在生育后无法通过锻炼恢复体形,她选择进行了隆胸术和腹部拉皮手术,整形外科医生称之为“妈咪整容术”。

    Unable to regain5 her old shape through exercise , Buttram , 32 , opted6 for breast augmentation and a tummy tuck , popular procedures in what plastic surgeons have dubbed7 “ the mommy makeover . ”

  14. Sevinor医生把一些整形患者称为“整形狂人”,他们“从头到脚都要做整形,而且反复做来做去。不管他们已经做过多少次,都不够。”

    Some are patients Sevinor dubs1 " surgiholics , " who " start at the top , work their way down , and repeat everything . No matter how many procedures they have , it 's not enough . "

  15. “牛油果手”非常普遍。英国整形重塑和美容协会想要提醒人们这一安全风险。一位医生建议说应该给牛油果贴上安全标签。

    It seems that avocado hand is so commonplace , the British Association of Plastic , Reconstructive and Aesthetic3 Surgeons wants to warn people about the safety risk , with one doctor suggesting a safety label to be placed on avocados .

  16. array是一种类型,所以array应用在链表上,就相当于把浮点型应用在整形上。

    Array is a type , so array applied to the list is just like applying float to an int.

  17. 而且,ST输入输出联合改进的使用可以缓解光束整形中不同性能参数间的矛盾。

    Further , the ST-input-output improvement can mitigate the contradiction among the different parameters in beam shaping .

  18. ICF固体激光驱动器前级系统中的脉冲整形

    Pulse Shaping in Front-end System of Solid State Laser Driver for ICF

  19. sigmadelta调制器利用了噪声整形技术,将信号带宽内的噪声搬移到信号带外。

    Sigma Delta modulator using the noise shaping technology , will move noise into the outside of the signal bandwidth .

  20. 用低压KTP普克尔盒和微带传输线进行调Q长脉冲的任意整形

    A System for Arbitrary Shaping of Q switch Laser Pulses Using KTP Pockels Cell and Microstrip Transmission Lines

  21. EI输入整形器的设计方法研究

    The Research and Design of Multi-hump Extra-insensitive Input Shapers

  22. 一种VSP子波整形方法

    A method for VSP wavelet shaping , OGP

  23. 电火花精密整形与ELID精密磨削试验研究

    Experimental Research on ED Precision Truing and ELID Precision Grinding

  24. 输入输出距离变化对BOE整形环强度的影响分析

    Influence of the Distance between Input and Output Plane on the Ring-shaped Intensity Distribution Produced by BOE

  25. 提出了新型的应用于粒子探测器CMOS读出电路中的电荷灵敏放大器和CR-(RC)n半高斯整形器的结构。

    Novel schemes for a charge sensitive amplifier ( CSA ) and a CR - ( RC ) n semi-Gaussian shaper in a fully integrated CMOS readout circuit for particle detectors are presented .

  26. 通过对系统频域特性进行整形,有效地抑制了低频干扰对系统误差传播特性的影响,效果优于Kalman滤波。

    The effect of low frequency disturbance is effectively minimized via an appropriate frequency-dependent weight on the estimation error , and the results show that it is better than Kalman filtering method .

  27. ELID镜面磨削用铸铁超硬砂轮的快速精密整形研究

    Study on the Precision Truing of Cast Iron Bonded Superabrasive Wheel in Short time for ELID Mirror Grinding

  28. 结果整形美容手术患者SAS均分值及阳性率均明显高于普通门诊手术患者(P<0.01);

    Results The average score and positive rate of SAS of patients with orthopedics was higher than those of patients with ordinary outpatient operation ( P < 0.01 ) .

  29. 仿真结果表明,与应用QFT整形法设计的控制器相比,PID控制具有良好的响应特性,而控制结构得到了简化。

    The simulation results show that , compared to the controller designed by QFT loop-shaping , the PID control has good responses and the control structure is reduced .

  30. Sigma-delta模数转换器采用过采样技术、噪声整形技术和数字滤波技术,以速度换取精度,来实现高分辨率。

    Sigma-delta A / D converters can achieve high resolution based on oversampling technology , noise-shaping technology and digital filtering technology .