
jì gōng
  • mechanic;technician;skilled worker;operator;engineer;artisan;craftsman
技工 [jì gōng]
  • [skilled worker;craftsman;mechanic] 指有专长的技术工人

技工[jì gōng]
  1. 据统计,2002年,武汉技工人数缺口为6000人,今年达到1万人。

    The statistics show , in 2002 , the breach of the skilled worker of Wuhan is 6000 people , and the number of shortage reaches 10,000 people this year .

  2. 对于工厂来说,也就是有经验的技工。

    Skilled worker is the key to the sustainable development of factory .

  3. 一位优秀的技工是不可多得的。

    A good mechanic is worth his weight in gold .

  4. 修理需要熟练技工,人工费会很昂贵。

    Repairs involve skilled labour , which can be expensive .

  5. 技工预计这艘船到9月底才能修好。

    The operator expects the ship to be out of commission until the end of September .

  6. 他是一个兼营买卖汽车的技工。

    He is a mechanic who buys and sells cars on the side .

  7. 经测试排课子系统运行良好,并通过Web系统整合成功集成到了重庆市五一高级技工学校校园数字化项目中,项目已顺利上线,投入正常使用且运行良好。

    With the help of web system , it is integrated into Campus Digitization Project of Wuyi School successfully . The project is online now , and runs well .

  8. FLASH动画设计作为技工学校计算机专业的一门必修课程,越来越受关注。

    FLASH animation design to take a Technical school computer specialized compulsory course , receives more and more pays attention .

  9. 笨手笨脚的技工;笨手笨脚的表演;政府笨拙的干涉;那些穷人笨手笨脚的,几乎不能将煤斗中的灰弄干净玛丽h弗斯。

    A bumbling mechanic ; a bungling performance ; ham-handed governmental interference ; could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes , so handless was the poor creature-mary h.vorse .

  10. 《可编程序控制器(PLC)》是技工学校机电类专业基础课程中较难掌握的一门课。

    " the Programmable Controller ( PLC )" is a class which in the Technical school mechanical and electrical kind of specialty core curriculum is difficult to grasp .

  11. 目前,美国已经有三个州要求技工所至少要有一个CDT。

    Currently , three states require at least one CDT be employed by a laboratory .

  12. 第三部分,介绍并评价了XT公司高级技工的培训开发方案。

    The third part : Analyzing and evaluating the training program for high-class mechanics in XT Company .

  13. n.技工;精于一门工艺的匠人要盖一间房子,你必须请木工,泥水匠,水管工人,电工、还有许多其他专门的技工。

    craftsmen To build a house , you need the services of carpenters , bricklayers , plumbers , electricians , and several other craftsmen .

  14. 系统可实现16种基本花形,还可以通过PC串口下载升级最新的花形程序,大大提高了缝纫固定花形的效率,降低了对技工的技术要求。

    System can achieve basic types of 16 sewing track , system also downloading the latest procedures from PC , Greatly improving the efficiency of fixed sewing track , Reduces the technical requirements for craftsmen .

  15. 同时,以秦皇岛市高级技工学校为个案,对技工学校引入ISO9000质量管理体系的具体方法及运行效果进行了实证分析。

    Selecting Qinhuangdao Senior Technical School as a case , it discusses detailed steps and effects of introducing ISO9000 Quality Management System . 5 .

  16. 警察将雷蒙德•克拉克(RaymondClarkIII)认定为“引起警方关注的人”。根据耶鲁大学网上通信录的显示,克拉克是动物研究实验室的一名技工。

    Raymond Clark III , identified by police as a ' person of interest , ' is listed in Yale 's online directory as an animal-lab technician .

  17. 他们后来一共生下8个孩子。Kenneth在铁路公司做技工,之后又成为了邮递员。

    The two went on to have eight children with Kenneth working for a railroad company and as a mechanic before becoming a mail carrier .

  18. 例如,罗伯特霍纳迪(roberthornaday)在1990年曾提出把企业家简单划分为“技工”、“推销员”和“职业经理人”。

    For example , in 1990 Robert Hornaday proposed a simple division between " craftsmen " , " promoters " and " professional managers " .

  19. 与非肺部表现起病的其他病例比较,除典型DM皮疹外,其余肺外临床特征如炎性肌病、多关节炎/关节痛、发热、技工手、雷诺现象等均无统计学差异;

    Compared with the cases not began with pulmonary abnormities , the clinical features of extra-pulmonary , such as inflammatory myopathies , polyarthritis / polyarthralgia , fever , mechanician hands , Raynaud ′ s phenomenon , showed insignificant statistical difference , except typical DM rash .

  20. 公司通过ISO9001:2008、TS16949质量体系认证,拥有先进的生产设备、雄厚的研发实力、专业熟练的生产技工、完善的质量保证体系及严格的检测实验室。

    Our company has passed the ISO9001:2008 , TS16949 Quality System Certification with advanced equipments , strong R & D strength , professional skill , perfect quality guarantee system and strict test .

  21. 采用卡特尔编制的16pf问卷作为测量工具,对技工学校学生和普通中学学生进行调查,结果表明:在聪慧性、有恒性和自律性等人格特征上,技工学校学生明显高于普通中学学生;

    By taking cattell16pf questionnaire to test students in technical schools and general senior schools , the author finds that students in technical schools have dramatically higher features of personality , like intelligence , perseverance and self-control , than students in general senior schools .

  22. 最近,澳大利亚廉价航空公司jetstar透露正计划从英国、美国和南非雇用超过75名飞行员,以求解决全国各地许多雇主正面临的难题:技工严重短缺。

    But when Jetstar , a low-cost carrier , revealed recently that it was planning to hire more than 75 pilots from Britain , America and South Africa , it was seeking a solution to a problem facing many employers across the country : a severe shortage of skilled labour .

  23. 没有一个技工不碰到这样的问题。

    There is not a who hasn 't had this problem .

  24. 高级技工诊断生产活动的认知策略的汇编栅格法研究

    A repertory grid method study on cognitive tactics of senior technicians

  25. 试论技工学校职业指导工作的重要性

    Discuss on Importance of Occupation Guide Work for Technical School Graduate

  26. 我知道,可是我找不到一个好的修理技工。

    Yes , but I can 't find a good mechanic .

  27. 棉花厂主还需要20个技工。

    The cotton mill owner has occasion for twenty additional operatives .

  28. 全国技工用工缺口促使此类工作薪资不菲。

    Technicians are well paid due to a national employment gap .

  29. 技工学校经济管理类课程教学改革

    The Reform of Technicians School 's Economy Management 's Teaching Method

  30. 广东省高级技工学校第二教学楼设计

    Design of No. 2 Teaching Building of Guangdong Senior Vestibule school