
  1. 职业准入制度是国际上通行的一种对技术技能人才的资格认证制度。

    Profession permitting system is an international system to authenticate the qualification of technicians .

  2. WTO与高素质职业技术和技能人才的培养

    WTO and Training of High-quality Technical and Skilled Talents

  3. 包装技术高级技能人才培养探讨

    Discussion on Trainning Highly Skillful Packaging Talent

  4. 语言技能与专业技术技能在人才流通中已经逐渐统一为一个整体,缺一不可。

    In the flux of talents exchange , language skills and occupational skills have been gradually integrated into a complete entirety and each one is an integral part of it .

  5. 传统的教学方法已被证明越来越不适应社会、企业发展的要求,特别是难以培养岗位需求的技术技能型人才。

    It 's proved that traditional teaching method is increasingly maladaptive to the demand of social and enterprise development , especially to cultivate technical talents who can meet the demand of particular post .

  6. 高职院校的人才培养目标是培养高素质技术技能型人才,而实践教学是高素质技术技能型人才培养的重要途径。

    The aim of the education in vocational higher education institutions is to cultivate high-quality technical and skilled talents , and practical teaching is an important way to train high-quality technical and skilled people .

  7. 高等职业教育是培养高等技术技能型人才的教育,它在促进区域经济发展,推动社会全面进步中占有重要地位。

    Higher vocational education is a kind of higher education that trains talents who have high skill , and it has very important position to promote regional economy development and push social progress in an all-around way .

  8. 现代教育技术与高技能人才培养

    Modern education technology and cultivation of talents with high technical ability

  9. 数控技术应用技能型人才培养模块的构建

    The Construction of Practice Teaching Module towards the Personnel Training of NC Technical Application

  10. 高职数控技术技能专业紧缺人才的培养计算机专业技能型紧缺人才分层教学阶段总结

    Training the Urgent-needed Talents in Digital Control Technology in Vocational Colleges ; Summary on Phasic Stratified Teaching of Urgently-needed Skilled Personnel in Computer Science

  11. 阐述了为振兴辽宁老工业基地提供技术、技能型人才的支撑,2001年以来辽宁省职业教育的改革措施与制度创新。

    The paper expounds vocational education reform measure and system innovation in Liaoning province to develop vigorously old industrial base to provide technology and skilled talents .

  12. 而技术技能型专门人才的劳动力素质与现实需求的缺位必将成为经济发展方式转变的阻碍因素。

    However , the gap between the qualities of technical and skilled personnel and the demand of society has become obstructive factor for the transition of economic development mode .

  13. 目前,我国掌握系统的物流知识和实践能力的高级管理和高级技术、技能型人才十分缺乏。

    At present , there is a great shortage of the qualified persons with high managing and technical skills who have systematic logistics knowledge and practice ability in our country .

  14. 高职院校对技术人才和技能人才开展继续教育是应对危机和迅速恢复并发展生产力的有效手段。

    Therefore , it is an effective method for higher vocational and technical colleges ( hereafter as HVTCs ) to further educate technical and skilled personal in order to cope with the crisis and rapidly renew and develop productivity .

  15. 战略性新兴产业的发展需要多方面、多层次的人才,特别是战略性管理人才、创新型科技专家、技术骨干及高级技能人才。

    The development of strategic emerging industries need various and multi-level talent , especially strat_egic management talents , innovation experts of science and technology , technical backbone and Advanced skil_ls talents .

  16. 从油田改革、发展、稳定的实际出发,建设高素质的经营管理人才、专业技术人才、技能操作人才队伍,是油田贯彻落实中央人才工作会议精神的具体体现。

    To build high quality managerial talent team , professional technician team and skill and operation talent team from the reality of oilfield reform , development and stability , is the concrete embodiment that oilfield implements the spirit of talent working conference of the central government .

  17. 从类型上将海洋人才划分为海洋管理人才、海洋研究人才、海洋技术人才、海洋技能人才、海洋教育人才、海洋体力劳动人才;从层次上划分为海洋帅才、海洋将才、海洋战士。

    It can be compartmentalized into marine administration talents , ocean research talents , ocean technology talents , ocean craftsmanship talents , ocean education talents and ocean physical force talents by types . It is compartmentalized into oceanic chief talents , oceanic generalship talents and oceanic champion talents by levels .

  18. 随着产业结构调整、技术不断创新和企业不断的技术进步,高技能人才在企业越来越受到重视。

    With the adjustment of the industrial structure , technological innovation and enterprises ' technological progress , high skill talents in enterprises has been paid more and more attention .

  19. 现代制造技术飞跃发展,技工学校为现代制造技术大量的高技能人才;

    The rapid development of modern manufacturing technology , technical schools , a large number of modern manufacturing technology of high skilled personnel ;

  20. 从现代教育技术的概念入手,分析了现代教育技术对培养高技能人才的教学内容、教学手段、教学方法和教学模式等方面的促进作用。

    From the concept of modern education technology , an analysis is made about the promoting effect of modern education technology on the content of courses , teaching method and teaching mode .