
ɡāo jí jiǎnɡ shī
  • senior lecturer
  1. 1982年以前他一直是达勒姆大学生物系的高级讲师。

    Until 1982 he was senior lecturer in botany at Durham University .

  2. 约翰·史蒂文森是谢菲尔德大学的历史学高级讲师。

    John Stevenson is Reader in History at the University of Sheffield .

  3. 本文作者是纽约大学法学院(NewYorkUniversitySchoolofLaw)研究员和高级讲师

    The writer is distinguished research scholar and senior lecturer at New York University School of Law

  4. 这一看法获得了里昂商学院(EMLyonBusinessSchool)高级讲师曼米特•辛格(ManmeetSingh)的赞同,辛格过去13年一直在中国工作。

    It is a message echoed by Manmeet Singh , senior affiliate lecturer at EMLyonBusiness School , who has worked in China for the past 13 years .

  5. 塔胡尼在密歇根州立大学(MichiganStateUniversity)获得了经济学博士学位,在西雅图定居,生了四个孩子,还成了华盛顿大学福斯特商学院(FosterSchoolofBusiness)的高级讲师。

    Tarhouni earned a doctorate in economics from Michigan State University , settled in Seattle , and had four children , becoming a senior lecturer at UW 's Foster School of Business .

  6. 卡迪夫大学商学院(CardiffBusinessSchool)高级讲师乔攠污霍尼(JoeO’Mahoney)表示,格勒诺布尔高等商学院(GrenobleGraduateSchoolofBusiness)和卡迪夫大学商学院等几所欧洲商学院现在都提供咨询业课程模块。

    Joe O'Mahoney , senior lecturer at Cardiff Business School says several European schools , such as Grenoble and Cardiff , now run consulting modules .

  7. 本文作者是伦敦政治经济学院(lse)高级讲师

    The writer is reader in economic history at the London School of Economics

  8. 位于伦敦的威斯敏斯特大学(Westminsteruniversity)高级讲师蕾切尔•奥尔德雷德(RachelAldred)表示,无人驾驶巴士可以造福巴士公司员工和乘客。

    Rachel Aldred , senior lecturer in transport at Westminster university in London , says driverless buses could improve life for staff and passengers .

  9. 英国伦敦帝国理工大学的研究科学系高级讲师MichaelJones说,利用现有的荧光显微镜直接探测一种病原体的存在可能是令人激动的发现。

    Imperial College London , United Kingdom , says that using a fluorescence microscope to directly detect the presence of a pathogen is potentially exciting .

  10. 麻省理工斯隆管理学院高级讲师,组织学习协会(SocietyforOrganizationalLearning)创始人彼得o圣吉鼓吹领导层分权以提高生产率,并把系统理论应用到了组织文化之中。

    Peter Senge , a senior lecturer at MIT 's Sloan School of Management and founder of the Society for Organizational Learning , promotes decentralized leadership for enhancing productivity , and applies systems theory to organizational culture .

  11. 仅仅8个月前,他还在华盛顿大学(theUniversityofWashington)商学院担任高级讲师。革命爆发后,他放弃了这份工作,飞往自己的祖国,投身革命洪流。

    It 's been just eight months since he ditched his job as a senior lecturer at the University of Washington 's business school and flew to his native country to join the revolution .

  12. 佳奇管理学院讲授技术政策的高级讲师威廉纳托尔(WilliamNuttall)表示,今天的核能行业经理人需要有更宽广的视角。

    William Nuttall , senior lecturer in technology policy at Judge , says nuclear managers now need a greater range of perspectives .

  13. 阿伯丁大学(UniversityofAberdeen)的高级讲师泰勒·史蒂芬森(TylerStevenson)博士指出:“真正重要的信息就是季节节律是普遍存在的。”

    Dr Tyler Stevenson , a senior lecturer at the University of Aberdeen , said : " The real take home message is that seasonal rhythms are pervasive .

  14. VikramPatel是一位精神病医生,还是伦敦卫生学与热带医学学院的高级讲师。

    Vikram Patel is a psychiatrist and senior lecturer at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine .

  15. 哈佛商学院(Harvardbusinessschool)高级讲师、曾任美国历史最悠久的共同基金公司&MFSInvestmentManagement董事长的罗伯特波曾(RobertPozen)担心,投资者被高利率所吸引,却对其中的风险一无所知。

    Robert Pozen , senior lecturer at Harvard Business School and former chairman of MFS Investment Management , the oldest US mutual fund company , fears investors are being drawn to the high interest rates without any understanding of the risks .

  16. ClareCollins是纽卡斯尔大学的高级讲师,她认为此类计划肯定会失败,除非这些计划能够对整个家庭的生活方式产生影响。

    Clare Collins , a senior lecturer at the University of Newcastle , believes such programs will definitely fail unless they influence the way of life of whole families .

  17. 埃克塞特大学讲授海洋生物和全球变化的一位高级讲师StephenD.Simpson博士向每日邮报指出:“这看上去像是柏氏中喙鲸中的一只有喙的雄鲸。”

    Dr Stephen D. Simpson , a senior lecturer in Marine Biology and Global Change University of Exeter , told Mail Online : ' This looks to be a male beaked whale of the species Mesoplodon densirostris .

  18. 伦敦大学金史密斯学院(Goldsmiths,UniversityofLondon)高级讲师克里斯•布劳尔(ChrisBrauer)负责有关工作场所可穿戴设备的试验,他预计未来经理们将会用仪表盘显示员工睡眠质量等实时生物指标,这些是预示业绩表现的先行指标。

    Chris Brauer , a senior lecturer at Goldsmiths , University of London , who runs experiments with workplace wearables , predicts a future in which managers have dashboards showing real-time employee biometrics such as sleep quality that are leading indicators for performance .

  19. 但是英国朴茨茅斯大学环境工程学高级讲师BrettMartinson说可以更廉价地实现它。

    But it can be done more cheaply , says Brett Martinson , senior lecturer in environmental engineering and sustainable development at the University of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom .

  20. 他对自己被聘任为高级讲师感到十分高兴。

    He was very pleased with his appointment as senior lecturer .

  21. 他们给我伦敦大学高级讲师职位。

    They offered me a readership at the University of london .

  22. 讲师大学教师,尤指职务仅低于高级讲师者。

    A university teacher , especially one ranking next below a reader .

  23. 一张担任高级讲师的提名名单。

    A list of nominations for senior lectureships .

  24. 曼彻斯特大都会大学的语言学高级讲师罗博.德拉蒙德认为,当然不行。

    No , absolutely not , says Rob Drummond , a senior lecturer in linguistics at Manchester Metropolitan University .

  25. 整个排毒净化理念根本就是无稽之谈。加州大学戴维斯分校营养学系高级讲师伊丽莎白艾伯盖特在接受《石板》杂志采访时表示。

    The whole cleansing concept is silly , Elizabeth Applegate , a senior lecturer in the nutrition department at the University of California , Davis , told Slate magazine .

  26. 皇家墨尔本理工大学,医药科学学校的高级讲师D说,贝可就像原子。

    " Becquerels are like atoms ," said Pradip Deb , senior lecturer in medical radiations at the School of Medical Sciences , Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University .

  27. 公立大学的一个高级讲师说他的大多数有前途的硕士生都选择在私营部门寻找一份工作,而不是去读博士。

    One senior lecturer at a public university said that most of his promising Masters students prefer to look for a private sector job rather than pursuing a PhD .

  28. 跨考教育高级讲师王伟(音译)认为,考研人数的下降主要源自于研究生就业前景的暗淡。

    Wang Wei , senior lecturer of Kuakao Education , a training agency , thinks that a major reason for the decline is the dim career prospects for postgraduates .

  29. 正如英国东安格利亚大学影视高级讲师布霄特•米尔斯所言,《老友记》是首部讲述20来岁年轻人所面临的问题的情景剧。

    According to Brett Mills , senior lecturer in film and television studies at the University of East Anglia in the UK , Friends was the first sitcom that directly addressed the problems faced by twenty-somethings .

  30. 赫尔大学社会福利问题高级讲师尼基斯坦利认为,对限定大学职责范围越来越多的要求标志着学生和学校之间关系的转换。

    Nicky stanley , senior lecturer in social work at the University of hull , believes the increasing need to define the extent of a university 's liability marks the shifting relationship between students and universities .