
bái yī tiān shǐ
  • angel in white;nurses;angels in white -- hospital nurses
白衣天使 [bái yī tiān shǐ]
  • [nurses] 指护士

白衣天使[bái yī tiān shǐ]
  1. 护士的形体是白衣天使的外在形象,是护士整体素质的一部分。

    The outside image is a part of a nurses overall quality .

  2. 但给我印象的是中国的白衣天使。

    But I am most impressed by the Chinese doctors .

  3. 然这位白衣天使却义无反顾地选择了大爱。

    Ran the angels in white but not hesitate to choose love .

  4. 美丽的白衣天使,祝福你!

    Best blessing to you ! My dearest dad !

  5. 我是一名白衣天使,我现在在一家医院工作!

    I am an angel in white , I am working in a hospital now .

  6. 白衣天使,在那一刻,变成了白衣魔鬼。

    All of a sudden , a while angel turned out to be a white devil .

  7. 曾几何时,医生是人们眼中的“白衣天使”,救死扶伤是他们的天职。

    Once upon a time , doctors are seen as " angels in white ", life-saving is their bounden duty .

  8. 我们愿以此项白衣天使奖来表彰格林女士对我院作出的巨大贡献

    We would like to acknowledge Ms. Green 's enormous contribution to our hospital with this award of " angel in white "

  9. 电影《通天塔》中的和谐与冲突主题构建和谐医患关系重塑白衣天使形象

    Harmony and Confusion in the movie Babel Constructing the Harmonious Relationship between Doctors and Patients and Remodeling the Character of Medical Staff

  10. 构建和谐医患关系重塑白衣天使形象刍议基层医疗卫生机构医疗纠纷的防范

    Constructing the Harmonious Relationship between Doctors and Patients and Remodeling the Character of Medical Staff Prevention of Medical Dissension in the Basic Medical Institutions

  11. 白衣天使们日以继夜,不眠不休,顶着疲劳与饥渴,分秒必争,只为了挽救更多的生灵。

    The Angles in white are also bearing the frazzle , hunger and thirsty to save every second and as more lives as possible all the time .

  12. “白衣天使”的形象早已荡然无存,医疗部门在一些人的心目中已成了丑恶聚集地的代名词。

    The image of the nurse as " angel in white " has long gone ; to some people , the health sector is a synonym of corruption .

  13. 医疗事业自是圣神的行业,医疗从业人员也被誉为白衣天使,但在现代社会中层出不穷的医疗事故,使医患关系变得十分敏感。

    Needless to say the Holy Spirit , the medical cause of industry , medical practitioners are also known as " angels ", but in modern society the endless stream of medical malpractice , the physician-patient relationship has become very sensitive .

  14. 见有两位穿白衣的天使,坐在安放过耶稣遗体的地方:一位在头部,一位在脚部。

    And saw two angels in white sitting there , one at the head and one at the feet where the body of Jesus had been .