
  1. 生产一线技术人员的完善技能培训,将高标准的质量控制体系贯彻到每一个生产环节;

    Our perfect art training of front-line manufacture technicians will ensure the high-level quality control system to be carried out to every production procedure .

  2. 为方便生产一线技术人员计算挤压力,在柱坐标系下,采用能量法推导了锥模管材正挤压力理论计算公式。

    For convenience of technicians to calculate the extrusion value in production in the cylinderical coordinate , force of tube extrusion about cone dies had been studied theoretically and the formula was determined by methods on energy equation .

  3. 作者采用理论探讨与实际开发相结合的方法,仔细研究了美国DALLAS公司开发的一线总线技术及其通信协议,深入探讨了温度传感器在各种场合应用时可能面临的传热学问题。

    By means of combining theory discussion and practical development , the author studied the 1 - wire bus technology developed by the Dallas Semiconductor company in USA and communication protocols and deeply explored the heat transferring problems when the temperature sensor is applied .

  4. 希望能对广大一线信息技术教师在教学过程中有所帮助。

    I hope this article can help the extensive frontal information technology teachers .

  5. 本研究为普通学校一线信息技术教师开展机器人教学提供了一定的参考。

    This study provides a certain reference for ordinary school information technology teachers to carry out robot teaching .

  6. 作为一个普及农业实用技术的计算机软件,该系统在高科技服务农业一线的技术手段和具体实现上做出了有益的尝试和探索。

    As a software to disseminate applied agricultural technology , this system tried to use hign-tech means to serve agriculture .

  7. 高等职业教育要培养面向生产、面向基层、面向管理和服务第一线的技术型和应用型工艺师、技术师、管理工程师。

    The higher vocational education is to train applicable technicians , craftsmen , engineers catering to the manufacture , basic level , management and service .

  8. 他们在一线评估技术更改请求,并确定如何对设计进行调整,以最好地处理此类请求。

    They are the front line in assessing technical change requests , and they determine how the design can best be adapted to accommodate such requests .

  9. 高职教育要培养出适应市场需求的、职业技能型、应用型人才,没有懂一线实用技术技能的双师型教师,犹如纸上谈兵。

    Without double qualified teachers who know practical technology of first line , higher vocational education could not train vocational skilled and applied talents who is needed for market .

  10. 在越来越多的企业进入电子商务领域的同时,电子商务人才的需求也日益庞大,特别是从事企业一线的技术型电子商务人才。

    The demands for e-commerce talents especially top-class technology-based e-commerce talents engaging in front-line work in enterprises are increasing as more and more enterprises enter the field of e-commerce .

  11. 作为酒店业中一线专业技术人才和初、中级管理人才的主要来源,中等职业学校酒店专业的毕业生已然成为酒店人力资源管理中重点关注的人群。

    Early as first-line technical personnel and the main source of middle management personnel in the hotel industry , graduates of secondary vocational schools , has become the focus on the crowd in the Hotel Human Resource Management .

  12. 近年来,国家提出大力发展高职教育,作为高等教育的一个类别,高职教育在人才培养目标上有其鲜明的教育特征:培养面向生产和管理一线的技术型人才。

    In recent years , China has provided strong incentives to develop higher vocational education . As a part of higher education , higher vocational education has a distinctive goal , which is to train technical personnel who will be engaged in front-line production and management .

  13. 高职建筑工程管理专业担负着向建筑生产一线输送技术应用性人才的任务,在培养目标上,应抓住素质教育、创新教育、专业教育等核心问题。

    The architectural engineering management specialty in higher vocational education is responsible for the task of cultivating technique application talents for the frontier of architectural production , and the cultivation objectives should grasp the core problems such as quality education , innovation education and specialization education .

  14. 高等职业学校培养的是工作在生产第一线的技术与管理人员。高职学校应特别强调理论联系实际,但是传统的教学模式已无法实现这一目标。

    The personnel who have been brought up by High vacational-school are in charge of engineering and management scope at the product line , therefore High vacational-school should specially emphasize theory aligning with practice , but traditional mode for education has not been able to achieve this goal .

  15. 之后,我们在可驱使的Autonomy中融入氢燃料驱动一线传操控技术。去年的这个研讨会上曾展出过氢燃料驱动一线传操控技术。

    We then had Autonomy drivable with Hy-Wire , and we showed Hy-Wire here at this conference last year .

  16. 高等职业教育(HigherVocationEducation)是指在高中阶段教育的基础上,为生产建设、管理、服务第一线培养高级技术应用型人才的专门教育。

    HVE ( Higher Vocation Education ) refers to a special education to foster advanced and applied talents of technology for production and construction , management , forefront in service trade on the basis of high-school education .

  17. 因此高职院校的双师型专职教师培养应以选聘产业一线出类拔萃的技术精英为主。

    So training of double-certificate teachers at colleges should be based on outstanding technical elites at the production line .

  18. 高职学院重在培养在生产第一线的高级技术、管理、服务人才。

    Higher vocational college features training the senior technique , management , service people for profession to front line of production .

  19. 高等职业技术教育的根本目的是培养生产第一线的高级技术应用型专门人才。

    The aim of higher vocational and technical education is to develop senior applied talents who are in front line of production .

  20. 黑龙江工程学院职业技术学院自2001年经黑龙江省教育厅批准成立以来,坚持以生为本的办学理念,培养社会所需的工程、管理等一线应用型技术人才。

    Heilongjiang institute of technology and profession has established since 2001 . The department adheres to the school in the view of students .

  21. 由于高职教育培养的是生产第一线的高级技术应用型人才,高职学生的健康状况直接影响经济建设的进度。

    The students graduating from higher vocational college are senior technical talents , so their health state will directly affect the economic developing progress .

  22. 基于一线总线的技术与理论,开发出了新一代的智能监测系统。

    Based on1-wire bus technology and the theory , the new generation of intelligence temperature monitoring and control system for ground freezing has been developed .

  23. 采用此方法,基本上解决了筛网易磨损,筛网易堵塞以及筛选的焦碳颗粒达到了生产一线需要的技术问题。

    By adopting the method , basically solved the following technical problems , screen tends to rub , screen tends to block up , and so on .

  24. 积极鼓励一部分科研教学人员,深入农村第一线,推广技术,培训农民。

    Some people engaged in scientific research and education will be encouraged in an active way to go deep into the countryside to spread technology and train farmers .

  25. 进入新世纪以来,高职教育在培养目标上已切实转为培养面向生产和服务第一线的高级技术应用型人才。

    Since the beginning of the new century , the objective of higher vocational education has been directed to train hi-tech practical talents for the production and service frontiers .

  26. 人才是西部大开发的关键因素,处在生产、经营、管理、服务一线的专业技术人员是西部大开发的主力军。

    Talent person is the key factor of the western part development they are also the principal force who serve on the forefront of production , management , administration .

  27. 高职教育要以市场为导向,以社会需要为准则,培养面向生产、建设、管理和服务一线的高等技术应用性专门人才。

    Higher vocational education must focus on market and social requirement to train higher technology applied talents for working at first line of production , construction , management and service .

  28. 培养生产、建设、管理、服务第一线的高等技术应用性专门人才,是高职院校的根本任务。

    It is the primary task of higher vocational schools to educate professionals , who are to serve in the areas , such as manufacturing , building , management and services .

  29. 在工作中,编目工作者必须表现出对读者的关怀,为此,编目工作者就必须强化服务意识,提高编目工作质量,加强与读者、一线工作者、技术人员的沟通。

    Therefore , the catalogue workers must improve the sense of service , and the work quality of catalogue , and strengthen the communication with readers , other workers and technicians .

  30. 高等职业教育以能力为本位,培养面向生产、建设、管理及服务一线的高级技术型应用人才。

    Higher vocational education aims at cultivating the students ' ability . It trains the applicable higher technicians , who will be engaged in the production , construction , management and services .