
  1. 一般平均照度在测试高度1.2m时≥140lx,0.8m时≥106lx。

    The average illumination at the test height ( 1.2 m ) was ≥ 140 lx , and at the height of 0.8 m ≥ 106 lx .

  2. 婴儿一般平均有多重?

    How much does an average baby weigh ?

  3. 关于凸函数的一般平均不等式

    Inequalities for General Mean of Convex Function

  4. 在以一般平均法得到的稳态方程基础上,给出了电路的小信号模型。

    Small signal model of the circuit is given based on the steady state operation point obtained from general average method . 4 .

  5. 通过对红外水分仪实际采样信号的滤波试验,并与一般平均滤波算法相比较,证明其具有更好的滤波效果。

    Through the filter experiment on the actual sampling signal , and compares with the common average filter algorithm , it proved the wavelet analysis algorithm has better filter effect .

  6. 一般来说平均每个SoC芯片上就拥有数百亿位的测试向量。

    In general average SoC chip has tens of billions of bit of test vectors .

  7. Knudsen数的定义是:宏观的特征长度与微观特征长度(一般为平均自由程)之比。

    The Knudsen number is defined as the ratio of the macroscopic length scale ( hydrodynamic wave-length ) to the microscopic one ( mean free path ) .

  8. 一种轮询系统的一般站平均队列长度

    Mean queue length of a general station in a polling system

  9. 一般人平均需要花上两年的时间才能将它学完。

    It takes on average two years to study .

  10. 从业人员对性病/艾滋病认知状况一般,平均得分为(10.25±4.41)分;

    The mean score of the venereal disease / AIDS knowledge was ( 10.25 ± 4.41 ) .

  11. 不使用时,一般电池平均每年会损耗7~10%的电力。

    The average battery loses as much as 7 to 10 percent of its power a year when not in use .

  12. 采用一般的平均收缩率方法来确定模具型腔的成型尺寸,已难以满足精密注塑成型制品的精度要求。

    Using average shrinkage rates of injection-molded parts to decide the dimension of mold cavity can not satisfy the demand of high precision injection-molded parts .

  13. 在相同面积的样地中,乔木物种的个体数的多寡一般与其平均高度、胸径、冠幅呈负相关。

    In the samples with the same area , the number of trees reduces with the increase of their average height , diameter of tree trunk and crown .

  14. 作为替代政府部门已经告诉国会它在2040年之前需要一个301艘舰艇的舰队,这个力量水平将会有赖于一般来说平均每年159亿美元水平的持续资金筹备。

    Instead the service has told Congress that it wants a301-ship fleet by2040 , a force level that will require a consistent funding level of USD15.9 billion on average per year .

  15. 春季以褐家鼠及小家鼠带病毒鼠指数为高(分别为0.0255、0.0284),秋季以黑线姬鼠带病毒鼠指数较高(0.0302)。5年内一般人群平均抗体阳性率为4.73%。

    The index of Rattus norvegicus and Mus musculus with virus in spring were 0.025 5 and 0.028 4 respectively , while that of Apodemus agrarius with virus in autumn was 0.030 2 . The average human inapparent infection rate was 4.73 % in the five years .

  16. 游客对旅行社服务的整体满意度评价一般,平均得分为3.3385分,其中游客对旅行社服务评价最高的要素为服务态度与能力,得3.661分,评价最低的要素为个性化关怀,仅得3.176分。

    The tourists ' evaluation of travel agencies ' service quality is in the middle level , getting the average score of 3.3385 . And the factor of " service consciousness and skill " gets the highest score of 3.661 while " individual care " gets the lowest of 3.176 .

  17. 结果表明,统计时段对b值产生的影响一般比对年平均发生率的影响要小。

    The studied result states that the influence of statistical time range on the b value is generally smaller than on the annual mean rate .

  18. 一般HPV感染平均持续时间为7.5个月,而致癌的HPV16则长达12个月。

    The average duration of HPV infection was seven and a half months for any HPV and 12 months for the cancer-causing HPV type 16 .

  19. 两者成线性关系.动应力一般不超过平均应力的20%。

    Dynamic stresses generally is less than 20 percent of static stresses .

  20. 一般来说,平均总成本曲线是什么形状?

    In general , what is the shape of the average-total-cost curve ?

  21. 大学生的生活满意感存在显著性的性别、专业和生源差异,大学生一般自尊的平均得分存在显著的生源差异。

    There are significant gender , grade , specialty differences regarding life satisfaction .

  22. 一般公司的平均得分只有10%到15%。

    The average is 10 % to 15 % .

  23. 声压平均一般基于算术平均算法,分析发现:在高频区误差较大。

    Normally the average of the sound pressure is based on arithmetical average .

  24. 风险投资项目平均利润对一般投资项目平均利润增量的倍数。

    Required times of average return on venture investment larger than that on general investing .

  25. 我想知道有关一般市民的平均标准生活费用的情况。

    I need some information about the standard cost of living for an average citizen .

  26. 而路况信息一般用路段平均通过时间和平均速度来表示。

    It is usually expressed by average speed and average travel time of the vehicles on the road .

  27. 资本化率应当根据一般借款加权平均利率计算确定。

    The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted average interest rate of the general borrowing .

  28. 测定季节变动对时间序列的影响,一般按同期平均法(原资料平均法)和趋势剔除法计算季节比率。

    Measuring the seasonal variation in a time series , we generally use two methods to calculate seasonal indexes & average of original data , trend adjustment for average .

  29. 加州的罗玛琳达以其高度集中的基督复临安息日会教友闻名于世,而在那里信仰基督再临的人比一般美国人的平均寿命要长11岁。

    Loma Linda , California , boasts the highest concentration of Seventh-Day Adventists in the world , and the average Adventist man lives 11 years longer than the average American man .

  30. 对于大尺寸系统,这些效应一般可能被平均效应掩盖;对于小尺寸系统,如微纳尺度的磁电阻材料,磁无序导致的磁电阻涨落明显表现出结构相关性。

    For systems of larger size , this effect may be covered after averaging . But for small systems , such as magnetotransport materials at micro-nano scales , the MR ratio shows an obvious structure-dependence of the MR fluctuations due to magnetic disorder .