
  1. 第一百条公民享有肖像权,

    Article 100 Citizens shall enjoy the right of portrait .

  2. 你不能用一百条性命来救我这一条命!

    You can 't take one hundred lives to save my one life !

  3. 对《刑法》第一百条规定之探析

    Study on Article 100 of Criminal Law

  4. 这位妇女的头发将会用她祖先当代秘鲁印加人的方式编成一百条带子般细的辫子。

    When finished , she 'll wear a hundred ribbon-thin braids in the style of her ancestors , contemporaries of Peru 's Inca .

  5. 我国现行刑法第一百条的规定一般被学界称为“前科报告制度”。学者们对该法条在刑法中的设定有着不同的认识。

    The100th provision in our current criminal law is usually called " criminal record reporting system " by academic circles , over which scholars share quite different opinions .

  6. 第一百条依法受过刑事处罚的人,在入伍、就业的时候,应当如实向有关单位报告自己曾受过刑事处罚,不得隐瞒。

    Article 100 Anyone who has been subjected to criminal punishment shall , before being recruited in the army or employed , report to the unit concerned about the fact ; he may not conceal it .